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Fed Chairman Speaks on Economy, VantageScore CEO Shares Consumer Credit Health Insights on Bloomberg


Yesterday, VantageScore President and CEO Silvio Tavares joined hosts Bailey Lipschultz and Matt Miller on Bloomberg Radio to offer his consumer credit outlook as Q4 draws to a close, segments of the population most challenged by current economic factors, and the shifts he anticipates in the mortgage marketplace in the coming year.

“Basically, 50% of economists were forecasting that we’d be in a recession right now. That didn’t happen, and instead, what we’ve seen is the average VantageScore credit score trending very well at 701. Now that overall consumer credit health masks some concerns underneath, and we’re starting to see at the NearPrime and Subprime level there are some cracks appearing in the edifice. We’re watching that very, very carefully because we’re monitoring to see if what we’re going to see is actually a low-income recession.”

Listen to the full interview here: Consumer Credit Outlook

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Fed Chairman Speaks on Economy, VantageScore CEO Shares Consumer Credit Health Insights on Bloomberg
