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Black Friday Deals Are 3 Weeks Away… How are Consumers Faring?


Black Friday Deals Are 3 Weeks Away… How are Consumers Faring? – VantageScore CEO Silvio Tavares Discusses the Health of the Consumer on CNBC’s “The Exchange”

On Friday, November 3rd, Silvio Tavares, President and CEO of VantageScore, joined CNBC’s “The Exchange” TV show to discuss the state of consumer credit health in the U.S. as we head toward the holiday spending season.

“Overall consumers remain quite credit healthy… but we are looking to see if a low-income consumer recession is developing,” said Tavares.

VantageScore’s CreditGauge provides critical insights, including the U.S. consumer average VantageScore® credit score, as well as key consumer credit metrics that underpin the VantageScore® credit scoring model, such as delinquencies, balance-to-loan ratios, and new account openings.

View the segment here: Consumer’s credit scores have held up despite putting on more debt

The post Black Friday Deals Are 3 Weeks Away… How are Consumers Faring? appeared first on VantageScore.

This post first appeared on 39 Answers To Student Loan Questions, please read the originial post: here

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Black Friday Deals Are 3 Weeks Away… How are Consumers Faring?
