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How Conventional Scoring Models Currently Exclude 139,000 Creditworthy Dallas Residents


Home to an estimated 4.9 million people, Dallas is one of the most populous cities in Texas and one of America’s great metros. That said, not all Dallas residents currently enjoy equitable access to credit, essentially locking part of their population out of the financial services marketplace.

According to Inclusion360 Powered by VantageScore, an interactive tool that sheds light onto geographic sectors about the potential for financial inclusion, almost 140,000 Dallas residents are ‘credit invisible.’ These 140,000 residents of Dallas currently don’t meet the minimum criteria required to be scoreable according to conventional credit scoring models but can be scored by VantageScore 4.0.

These consumers typically have thin or “dormant” credit files, despite being creditworthy. As the name implies, a thin credit file is one with little information, and a “dormant” credit file typically means a consumer hasn’t had an update on their credit file in the past six months but has had an update more than six months ago. Neither status necessarily reflects said consumer’s creditworthiness, though conventional scoring models may not account for their experiences.

Gaps in credit scoring, such as the ones identified by Inclusion360 in Dallas, represent both an opportunity for lenders to provide access to credit to consumers who have historically been marginalized as well as to expand financial inclusion among populations who need it the most.


  • BROADENING FINANCIAL INCLUSION: Up to 95% of the population is scoreable by VantageScore in Dallas, representing almost a 17% increase in some counties.
  • INCREASING THE LENDABLE POPULATION: Out of a total population size of about 4.9 million people, about 139,000 Dallas consumers have Near Prime or higher scores.
  • REACHING UNDERSERVED COMMUNITIES: Some of the areas that would enjoy expanded credit access with broader VantageScore adoption are predominantly Black, Hispanic, and Asian communities.

By expanding the lendable population in areas of the country such as Dallas, Texas, VantageScore helps create growth opportunities for lenders and financial institutions and simultaneously helps expand access to credit, usually in underserved populations.

VantageScore’s Inclusion360 is a groundbreaking, open-access, and interactive analytics platform that uses comprehensive data sets to uncover previously underserved consumers by geographic market. VantageScore is an industry leader in driving financially inclusive credit outcomes for traditionally underserved groups including Black, Hispanic, and Asian consumers.
To experience the Inclusion360 tool and get specific insights by geography, please visit Inclusion360 Powered by VantageScore.

Explore other Inclusion360 insights on unscored populations throughout the United States in our previous posts:

  • Detroit, MI
  • Miami, Florida

The post How Conventional Scoring Models Currently Exclude 139,000 Creditworthy Dallas Residents appeared first on VantageScore.

This post first appeared on 39 Answers To Student Loan Questions, please read the originial post: here

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How Conventional Scoring Models Currently Exclude 139,000 Creditworthy Dallas Residents
