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Is Age a Factor in Your Credit Score?

Is Age A Factor In Your Credit Score?

Ever wonder if your credit score goes up as you age? Check out this USA Today article that dives into that question and more:

“Credit scoring models don’t consider your age as a factor in your credit score, and lenders generally don’t consider age either. However, credit scores do consider the age of the oldest and youngest accounts in your credit report, and the average age of all your accounts.”

“What is the average credit score in the U.S. by age?”, USA Today, September 1, 2023

As the USA Today story indicates, your age is not factored into your VantageScore credit score. The age of your credit accounts is and accounts that are open for longer periods of time which are kept in good standing tend to help your VantageScore credit score.

To see what actually impacts your credit score along with a wealth of other information and credit tips, check out:
VantageScore’s consumer webpage.

The post Is Age a Factor in Your Credit Score? appeared first on VantageScore.

This post first appeared on 39 Answers To Student Loan Questions, please read the originial post: here

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Is Age a Factor in Your Credit Score?
