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Prepare for Currency Movements; Will Putin be Gone Within a Year?

Prepare For Currency Movements; Will Putin Be Gone Within A Year?


Ex-MI6 Spy Warns the West to Prepare for a 'Terrifying Replacement' 

Former MI6 spy Christopher Steele has issued an ominous warning: within the next year, the 20-year era of Vladimir Putin's authoritarian rule will come to a crashing halt. In light of this prediction, experts have begun analyzing the potential consequences and possible succession scenarios that could arise after his ousting.

Certainly, our currency investments will be affected greatly if any of the scenarios listed here were to occur. 

The once ironclad grasp that Putin had on Russia is faltering – and fast. The Wagner rebellion and his catastrophic launch of the Ukraine war are only two of the many contributing factors to his rapid decline in influence. His days are numbered, and Steele urges the West to be ready for a "post-Putin era".

Steele paints a bleak scenario, warning of the disastrous consequences that could come about should Putin be violently overthrown. Bloodshed and chaos would inevitably ensue, unleashing a wave of terror across Russia and beyond. Tensions between countries would skyrocket as "all bets would be off."

The former spy alerts us to the fact that Putin's powerful inner circle is already eyeing his seat — particularly FSB director Alexander Bortnikov, who has consolidated enough power to become a "state within the state." As Steele reveals, rumors have been circulating for some time that
Putin's health is in decline, further fanning the flames of succession. All signs point to a potential coup in the near future, with catastrophic results.

This post first appeared on Iraqi Dinar US Rates News, please read the originial post: here

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Prepare for Currency Movements; Will Putin be Gone Within a Year?
