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Will Syria's Currency Increase in Value After War Exit?

Will Syria's Currency Increase In Value After War Exit?

Can Syria's Currency Gain Value after the war is over?  Syria is a prime example of a nation that has endured immeasurable suffering in a world marred by conflict and turmoil. But amidst the chaos, there lies a glimmer of hope – the potential for peace. Today, we embark on an intriguing journey to explore how peace could potentially impact Syria's currency value – unearthing its economic implications and offering glimpses into a brighter future for this war-torn nation. Join us as we unravel this complex web of possibilities and envision how stability may pave the way toward financial prosperity in Syria.

Introduction to Syria

Syria is a country located in the Middle East. The Syrian Arab Republic has a population of over 22 million people, and its capital city is Damascus. Syria is bordered by Lebanon to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, and Jordan to the south. Syria also has a coastline along the Mediterranean Sea.

The official language of Syria is Arabic, and the currency is the Syrian pound (SYP). The Syrian economy is based on agriculture, oil, and tourism. However, Syria has been involved in a civil war since 2011, which has negatively impacted the country's economy.

When peace comes to Syria, it could positively impact the country's currency value. A stable government would be good for business and investment, and an end to the fighting would allow Syrians to focus on rebuilding their country. This could lead to an increase in demand for SYP, which would cause its value to rise.

Overview of Syrian Currency

The Syrian currency is the pound, which is divided into 100 qirsh. The pound has been the currency of Syria since 1932, and its value has fluctuated significantly over the years. In early 2011, one U.S. dollar was worth approximately 50 Syrian pounds. By late 2016, one U.S. dollar was worth about 500 Syrian pounds. The devaluation of the Syrian pound has made it difficult for Syrians to purchase imported goods, which has led to inflation and a decrease in purchasing power.

The Syrian central bank has taken measures to stabilize the currency, including raising interest rates and selling foreign currency reserves, but these efforts have not been successful in stopping the decline in the value of the pound. The fall in the currency's value has been caused by several factors, including international sanctions against Syria, the ongoing civil war, and capital flight from Syria.

When peace is achieved in Syria, there is expected to be an influx of foreign aid and investment into the country, which could lead to an increase in demand for the Syrian pound and a corresponding increase in its value. This would be good news for Syrians as it would mean that their currency would be worth more, and they would be able to purchase more imported goods with their pounds. However, it is important to note that any peace agreement would need to be accompanied by other reforms to realize this positive effect on the currency.

Impact of War on the Syrian Economy

The Syrian economy has been devastated by years of war. More than half of the population is now living in poverty, while inflation and unemployment are soaring. The Syrian pound has also lost more than 80% of its value since the start of the conflict.

While there is no easy fix for the Syrian economy, peace could provide a much-needed boost. An end to the fighting would allow businesses to reopen and people to return to their homes and jobs. This could help reduce poverty and unemployment while also increasing consumer confidence and spending.

In addition, a peace deal could lead to international aid and investment flowing into Syria. This could help rebuild infrastructure, create new jobs, and attract foreign businesses. All of this could help increase the value of the Syrian pound and revitalize the economy.

Potential Drivers of Increased Currency Value After Peace is Reached

The Syrian Civil War has been raging for over eight years. However, when a peace agreement is reached, it could significantly impact Syria's currency value. Here are some potential drivers of increased currency value after peace is reached:

1. Increased investment: If peace is reached, there will likely be an influx of investment into Syria. This could help to stabilize the country's economy and increase the value of its currency.

2. Improved trade relations: Syria's trade relations are limited due to the ongoing conflict. However, when peace is achieved, Syria would be able to re-establish trade relations with other countries, which could boost the value of its currency.

3. Greater stability: The Syrian conflict has caused a great deal of instability in the country. When peace is attained, this would improve perceptions of Syria and make it a more attractive destination for investment, increasing the value of its currency.

Benefits of a Stable Currency for Syria

A stable currency is key to Syria's economic development and recovery. A strong currency allows for better trade and investment opportunities and increased access to international markets. A weak currency can lead to inflation, capital flight, and balance of payments problems.

A stable currency will provide Syria with the following benefits:

-Increased trade and investment opportunities: A strong currency makes Syrian exports more competitive in global markets and attracts foreign investment.

-Improved access to international markets: A stable currency makes it easier for Syrian businesses to trade with foreign partners and access international financing.

-Greater economic stability: A strong currency helps protect against inflationary pressures and provides a buffer against external shocks.


In conclusion, when lasting peace is established in Syria, there is potential for the currency value to rise. The collective efforts of policymakers and economic experts will be essential to achieve this goal. Additionally, international aid can assist with providing long-term financial support that could help stabilize the Syrian economy as it transitions to a peaceful state. 

This post first appeared on Iraqi Dinar US Rates News, please read the originial post: here

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Will Syria's Currency Increase in Value After War Exit?
