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A Terror Plot on British Soil is Being Planned by ISIS Says Iraqi Intelligence

A Terror Plot On British Soil Is Being Planned By ISIS Says Iraqi Intelligence

The good news is Iraq has joined the International intelligence world.  The bad news is this extremely dangerous information is deemed creditable and imminent.

A looming terror plot against British soil is set to unfold, according to a startling report from Iraq's most revered counter-terrorism leader General Abdul Wahab el-Saadi. With intelligence of impending attacks, the UK braces for an imminent attack on public grounds.

General Al-Saadi revealed that ISIS have been communicating with extremists in the UK about their malicious plans for a “big attack”. Terrorists were hunted down during recent operations and slain thereafter due to their high ranking positions, as claimed by the General. As dark threats circle around the nation, the tension mounts and a dreadfully imminent assault overshadows the country.

“It could be a car, a knife, a gun, a bomb. The form of the attack that Islamic State wants to launch is unknown, but I can feel its looming presence," he warned.

Baghdad readies itself for battle, devoting all available resources to wiping out terror cells in Iraq.

“We are sacrificing our lives at the frontline of this gruesome battle against Islamic State so Britain and other countries can rest safely,” General Al-Saadi declared.

A special forces unit from the UK will soon arrive in Iraq to provide more troops with vital training to combat the extremists.

The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre sets the UK's threat level as “substantial”, indicating that an attack is imminent.

This post first appeared on Iraqi Dinar US Rates News, please read the originial post: here

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A Terror Plot on British Soil is Being Planned by ISIS Says Iraqi Intelligence
