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Selling Handmade Products on Etsy

Selling Handmade Products On Etsy

Etsy is a popular online marketplace for buying and selling handmade or unique products. Are are an artist, crafter, or maker, selling your handmade products on Etsy can be a great way to reach a wider audience and turn your passion into a profitable business.

However, standing out on Etsy can be challenging, as there are millions of active sellers on the platform. Increase the visibility of your handmade products is to optimize your listings for search engines, also known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Use By using relevant keywords and providing detailed product descriptions, you can help your products show up in search results and attract more potential customers. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to optimize your handmade products for SEO on Etsy.

Why sell handmade products on Etsy?

There are several benefits to selling handmade products on Etsy:

  1. Reach a wider audience: Etsy is a well-known online marketplace with millions of active buyers. By setting up a shop on Etsy, you can reach a much larger audience than you would be able to on your own website or in a brick and mortar store.
  2. Low startup costs: Setting up an Etsy shop is relatively inexpensive, with no upfront costs and only a small listing fee and percentage of each sale. This makes it a low-risk option for those looking to start their own business.
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  3. Easy to use platform: Etsy provides a user-friendly platform for sellers to create and manage their listings, process orders, and communicate with buyers. This makes it easy for even those with little technical experience to start selling handmade products.
  4. Strong support for handmade and unique items: Etsy is known for its focus on handmade, vintage, and unique items, so there is a built-in audience for these types of products on the platform.
  5. Community support: Etsy has a strong sense of community, with forums and resources available for sellers to connect with each other and get support. This can be especially helpful for those just starting out in the world of handmade product sales.

How to set up an Etsy shop for selling handmade products

To set up an Etsy shop for selling handmade products, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Etsy account: Go to and click the “Sign In” button in the top right corner. Follow the prompts to create a new account.
  2. Choose a shop name: Your shop name will be the name that appears on your shop page and on your listings. Choose a name that reflects the handmade products you will be selling and is easy to remember.
  3. Set up your shop: Click the “Sell on Etsy” button in the top right corner of the homepage and follow the prompts to set up your shop. This will include providing information about your location, language, and currency, as well as setting up your payment and shipping options.
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  4. Create listings for your handmade products: To create a listing for a handmade product, click the “Listings” tab on the top menu and then click the “Add a listing” button. Follow the prompts to upload photos of your product, provide a detailed product description, and choose relevant tags and categories.
  5. Set your shop policies: It’s important to have clear and concise policies in place for your shop, including information about payment, shipping, returns, and more. To set your shop policies, click the “Shop Manager” tab on the top menu and then click the “Policies” tab on the left menu.
  6. Promote your shop: Once your shop is set up, start promoting it to attract potential buyers. You can do this through social media, by creating a newsletter or email list, or by participating in Etsy’s online communities and forums.

Tips for taking great product photos for your Etsy listings

Product photos are an important element of your Etsy listings, as they are the first thing potential buyers will see when they come across your products in search results. Here are some tips for taking great product photos for your Etsy listings:

  1. Use natural light: Natural light will help your products look their best and will avoid the harsh shadows and yellow tones that can be created by artificial light.
  2. Use a plain background: A plain, solid-colored background will help your products stand out and will keep the focus on the items themselves.
  3. Avoid using filters: While filters can be tempting, they can often distort the true colors and details of your products. Stick to using natural lighting and adjusting the exposure and contrast as needed.
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  4. Include multiple angles: Show off your products from different angles to give potential buyers a better sense of what they look like.
  5. Use high-resolution images: Blurry or low-resolution images will not do your products justice. Make sure to use clear, high-resolution images to showcase your products in their best light.
  6. Edit as needed: If you need to crop or adjust the colors of your images, use photo editing software to make these changes. Just be sure to keep the edits natural and avoid distorting the appearance of your products.

Keyword research and optimization for handmade products on Etsy

Keywords play an important role in helping your handmade products show up in search results on Etsy. By including relevant keywords in your titles, tags, and product descriptions, you can help your products be discovered by potential buyers. Here are some tips for conducting keyword research and optimizing your handmade products for SEO on Etsy:

  1. Start with your product: Think about the words and phrases that someone might use to search for your product. These could include the type of product, materials used, colors, sizes, and any unique features.
  2. Use Etsy’s keyword tool: Etsy’s keyword tool can help you generate a list of relevant keywords and phrases to use in your listings. To access the tool, go to your Shop Manager and click the “Marketing” tab on the left menu. Then click “Keyword Tool” in the submenu.
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  3. Use long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that are less competitive and can help you attract more targeted traffic. For example, instead of just using the keyword “handmade jewelry,” you might use the long-tail keyword “handmade ceramic bead necklace.”
  4. Use keywords throughout your listing: Don’t just stuff your keywords into the title of your listing. Use them naturally and appropriately throughout your product description and tags to give your listing more context and relevancy.
  5. Review your analytics: Use Etsy’s analytics to see which keywords are driving traffic to your shop and which ones are not performing as well. This can help you fine-tune your keyword strategy and improve your search rankings.

Marketing and promoting your handmade products on Etsy

Marketing and promoting your handmade products on Etsy can help increase their visibility and attract more potential buyers. Here are some tips for marketing and promoting your handmade products on Etsy:

  1. Utilize social media: Share your Etsy listings on your social media accounts, join relevant groups and communities, and use hashtags to reach a wider audience.
  2. Create a newsletter or email list: Stay in touch with your customers and followers by sending out regular newsletters or emails featuring your latest products and promotions.
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  3. Participate in Etsy’s online communities and forums: Etsy has a number of online communities and forums where sellers can connect, share tips, and promote their products.
  4. Collaborate with other sellers: Partner with other sellers on Etsy to cross-promote each other’s products. This can help expose your products to a new audience and provide mutual benefits for both sellers.
  5. Offer promotions and discounts: Consider offering promotions or discounts to help attract new customers and drive sales.
  6. Invest in paid advertising: Etsy offers paid advertising options, including promoted listings and Google Ads, which can help increase the visibility of your products to a targeted audience.


Selling handmade products on Etsy can be a great way to turn your passion into a profitable business. By optimizing your listings for search engines, taking great product photos, conducting keyword research, and effectively marketing and promoting your products.

You can increase the visibility of your handmade products on Etsy and attract more potential buyers. With a little effort and creativity, you can turn your handmade products into a successful and fulfilling business on Etsy.

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Selling Handmade Products on Etsy
