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Kiran Foundation School Students Visit BADRI’s Karachi Office

Kiran Foundation School Students Visit BADRI’s Karachi Office

Kiran Foundation School Students Visit BADRI’s Karachi Office

BADRI fosters an environment of collaboration that enables it to build a diverse set of educational communities. By virtue of our efficient Human Resources structure, we have been able to produce some of the exceptional talents among varied functional verticals. These cooperative efforts do not only confine to some of the finest institutions rather also help us partner with Social Educational Bodies. We have recently hosted a students delegation from Kiran Foundation School. The leading resolve of the visit was to explore partnership opportunities among both the institutions plus providing a pragmatic view to students.

Students had the opportunity to visit the office and meet with some of the senior professionals of BADRI. This enabled them to have a holistic view that how different departments operate at BADRI and what are some of the Key Performance Factors.

BADRI will persist to play its part in our talent search by way of different interactive human resources programs like Cooperative Program, Scholarship & Internship Program.

The post Kiran Foundation School Students Visit BADRI’s Karachi Office first appeared on Badri Management Consultancy.

The post Kiran Foundation School Students Visit BADRI’s Karachi Office appeared first on Badri Management Consultancy.

This post first appeared on Badri's Blogs, please read the originial post: here

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Kiran Foundation School Students Visit BADRI’s Karachi Office
