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Messed Up Movies: 14 Films That Will Make You Feel Very Uncomfortable

Messed Up Movies: 14 Films That Will Make You Feel Very Uncomfortable

Has a movie ever made you feel uncomfortable? Someone in a popular online forum asked for recommendations for those types of films: “Looking for a movie that is messed up in the way that it makes you feel strange.” Here are some suggestions, both from fans and Wealth of Geeks. 

1. Hostel (2005)

Image Credit: Lions Gate Films.

On its surface, Hostel is incredibly gruesome, with depictions of elaborate, slimy violence popping up throughout the flick. And yet, the film's universe itself — the existence of an elaborate, underground network of rich folks who torture and kill unsuspecting victims for cathartic thrills — is even worse. 

2. Nocturnal Animals (2016)

Image Credit: Focus Features.

In this one, Amy Adams' character reads a manuscript for a book written by her estranged ex-husband, and soon enough, it leaves her with all-consuming guilt, and some uncomfortable ideas to confront. 

3. Midsommar (2019)

Image Credit: A24.

One person said, “Midsommar. That whole movie is a slow boil fever dream.” Another agreed, saying, “It still doesn't sit right with me.”

A third movie fan pointed out, “One thing that makes it really creepy is on a rewatch, if you look close you can see they all know what is going on the entire time (the cult, not the main characters). Quick glances, subtle manipulation to guide characters, there are even faces in the trees that don't look human.”

4. Mother (2017)

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Mother! That was such a wild ride. My wife and I went in blind and spent a while afterward dissecting what was what,” one film fan shared.

Another added, “This movie messed me up, I can't watch it again. One of the only movies that has made me feel horrible and stuck with me for so long.” A third said, “I agree. I felt so anxious watching it.”

5. Antichrist (2009)

Image Credit: Nordisk Film Distribution.

One person confessed, “There are many good answers here, but this is the one for me. Absolutely, devastatingly soul-crushing. Terrifying, horrifying, dreadful, and hopeless. And challenging to watch grotesque violence. Antichrist is the best film I'll never recommend.”

Another added, “And with the fade out dedication to Tarkovsky to boot. Just in case I wasn't unsettled enough, Lars von Trier found some salt for the fresh wound. Soul-crushing movie for sure. But Willam Dafoe is amazing.”

6. Gummo (1997)

Image Credit: New Line Cinema.

“I recommend Gummo. Harmony Korine. What a strange mind that guy has,” one movie fan said. “I call Gummo my personal tape from The Ring,” joked another.

A third person stated, “I've never finished it. My skin crawls and I start to feel ill. I'm not sure what it is, but I can't do it. I watch other controversial indie flicks without issue. Welcome to the Dollhouse is a heavily rewatched movie for me. I also love horror. But Gummo and I can't mesh.”

7. The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)

Image Credit: Curzon Artificial Eye.

“Hopefully, this is what you're looking for — The Killing of a Sacred Deer is a fantastic movie. It makes you feel uncomfortable from the very first shot,” a movie buff shared.

They added, “If you like that one, also check out The Lobster. Both are the same director (Yorgos Lanthimos) and star Colin Farrell.” 

8. Martyrs (2008)

Image Credit: Wild Bunch.

Martyrs,” shared one person. “That movie had me feeling really bad for weeks. Every time someone asks for a scary movie, I recommend it. That is, without a doubt, the most horrifying movie I have seen.”

They continued, “Irreversible was also a tough watch. Both of those movies I watched blind without knowing anything about them and I would recommend that you do the same. You WILL feel bad and they will be stuck in your mind long after watching them.”

9. Fearless (1993)

Image Credit: Warner Bros.

One person suggested, “It's not gross or horrific, but the movie Fearless with Jeff Bridges left me feeling disoriented and bemused for days after I watched it. Although it's a great movie, I have no idea why it's been mostly forgotten.”

10. Cube (1997)

Image Credit: Cineplex Odeon Films.

Cube,” one film lover said. “Strangers wake up trapped in a small cube and have to make their way through other similar cubes — only some cubes contain gruesome death traps. It does not go where you think it will, and the ending is surprising and cynical.”

11. Seconds (1966)

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

One person replied, “Seconds. John Frankenheimer directs Rock Hudson in this oddity from 1966. It has a slight David Lynch feel to it, so if you like Lynch movies such as Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway, you might be interested in this.”

12. Significant Other (2022)

Image Credit: Paramount+.

Significant Other,” another said. “It's a creepy sci-fi movie of a young couple going on an innocent hiking trip but does a complete 180 to become a genre-bending cringe-fest. It will leave you feeling super weird but not shocked, depressed, or disturbed like some of the other films listed.”

13. Possessor (2020)

Image Credit: Elevation Pictures.

Possessor,” said one peraon. “It's a movie about someone putting their mind, through technology, not physically, into someone else's body to carry out assassinations.”

“Very, VERY creepy, with disturbing imagery and a few particularly gory scenes (although the gore is not the movie's highlight). The film makes you feel off and weird and somewhat icky. But it's so great. Made by David Cronenberg’s son, Brandon Cronenberg.”

14. Under the Skin (2013)

Image Credit: A24.

One person recommended Under the Skin. “Another movie about something else inhabiting something else's body. Scarlett Johansson plays something (no spoilers), luring people into danger (again, no spoilers). An incredibly eerie, moody, weird, upsetting, somewhat sad, odd, and fantastic movie. If you're looking for something that makes you feel strange, this is the one I recommend above all others.”

Source: Reddit.

This post first appeared on The Financial Pupil, please read the originial post: here

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Messed Up Movies: 14 Films That Will Make You Feel Very Uncomfortable
