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18 Best Side Hustles for Actors (Ultimate 2022 Guide)

If you're an actor or actress, there's a good chance you might be looking for a side hustle to increase your income.

With the average actor earning around $44,000 annually – a little extra cash could certainly be helpful.

Many actors will rely on a “survival job” to keep their bills paid in addition to their passion for acting before getting their big break. 

In this post, I'll explore some of the best side hustles for actors, how much money you can make, and much more. Let's get started!

Best Side Jobs and Side Hustles for Actors

Below are some of the best side jobs and side hustles for actors to consider. Whether you want to make an extra $250 a day or $3000 a month – there's sure to be something for everyone. Some of these classic survival jobs can help keep your bills paid while you advance your acting career.

Work as a Model

Many actors and actresses are gifted with good looks, which is why working as a model can be an excellent side hustle.

Modeling gigs can range from photo shoots to runway shows and everything in between. And while you might not get paid a ton of money for each gig, they can add up quickly – especially if you're able to snag a few high-paying jobs.

One of the more popular modeling gig is for commercials for local businesses.

Whenever a business needs a commercial made, they'll almost always hire talent to be on air.

This can be an excellent way to make extra money, as you can often snag a few hundred dollars for just a few hours of work.

Plus, modeling is a great way to build your portfolio and get your name out there to advance your acting career at the same time.

Do Voice Over Work

Some actors are blessed with amazing voices that can be worth a lot of money.

Voice-over work is one of the best paying side hustles for actors and others in the entertainment industry.

Voice actors are paid to provide their voices for TV shows, movies, video games, and more.

You could make anywhere from $100 to $1000 per hour of work – and sometimes even more!

You can use freelance sites like Fiverr or Upwork to find jobs, or you can work with a local production company or advertising agency.

No matter what route you decide to take, voice-over work can be an excellent way to make money on the side as an actor.

Delivery Driver

Delivery side hustles can be a great option for anyone to make additional cash, including actors and actresses.

There are many different apps that will pay you to drive ranging from food delivery apps like Doordash to grocery delivery with Instacart.

This is a great flexible side job that allows you to set your own hours and work whenever you have some free time.

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Write Screenplays

As an actor or actress, you probably have a good idea of what goes into writing a movie or TV script.

By putting your knowledge and skills into a screenplay of your own, you can sell it to a production company and make some serious money.

It's not easy to get a screenplay sold, but it can be done if you have a great story to tell.

Freelance Writer

Traditionally, actors and actresses have a strong sense of creativity and imagination.

This can be very beneficial when working as a freelance writer.

There are plenty of online publications who are looking for people to write about the entertainment world, and having previous knowledge of the industry can help you stand out and charge a decent amount for your work.

Although, you don't have to write about your industry at all. If you're a strong writer, you could write about other subjects you might be interested in.

When it comes to freelance writing, there are multiple disciplines you can explore.

For example, some people may choose to write long-form content like blog posts. Others may specialize in direct response or ad copywriting. There are many different options depending on your skills and interests.

There are a few benefits when working as a freelance writer like flexible hours, the ability to work from anywhere with an internet connection, and a decent wage.

The amount of money you can make will depend on the type of writing you're doing and how experienced you are.

Some experienced writers can command rates higher than $.50 per word written.

This means a 500-word blog post could pay you $250!

Whatever you choose, there's a good chance you can make some decent money as a freelance writer – especially if you're able to land some high-paying clients.

To find clients, there are several different routes. Some of the best options include:

  • Browsing freelance sites like Upwork and Fiverr
  • Networking with bloggers and online publishers
  • Connecting with other freelance writers who might know someone hiring

Freelance services like writing can be a great side job for actors as it's relatively easy to get started and can be done from anywhere in the world.

Other Freelancing Gigs

If you have some special skills, there are countless other types of freelance gigs you can do to earn money.

Whether you understand video editing, graphic design, or web development – there's a chance you can find work online.

Like with writing, the amount of money you can make will depend on your skills and experience but it's possible to make over $50k a month when you offer freelance services.

Start an Acting Blog

Blogging can be another excellent side hustle for actors to make extra cash.

Blogging can be a great way to supplement the income from your full time job, and you don't need a college degree to get started.

Blogging costs very little to get started, and you can make money through a variety of different methods.

To get started, you'll first need to purchase a domain name. I recommend using Namecheap because they're one of the most affordable domain registrars on the market.

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Then, you'll need to set up web hosting. I recommend using SiteGround because they're one of the fastest and most budget-friendly services available.

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SiteGround is my favorite hosting platform to easily start a blog. They have top-notch customer service and prices starting as low as $7 per month. Sign-up below!
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Once you have your domain name and web hosting, you can install WordPress and start creating content for your blog.

To make money from your blog, you can use a variety of methods including:

  • Display advertising
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling sponsored posts
  • Selling courses or products

Blogging can be extremely profitable if you're capable of producing high-quality content that drives traffic to your site.

The more visitors you can get to your blog, the more money you can make.

It can take some time to build up a following, but once you do, the sky is the limit in terms of earnings potential.

Some blogs can make $100k a year in passive income just from display advertising.

While blogging isn't a get rich quick scheme, it can be a great way to make some extra money on the side over time.

You can check out my post on the best types of blogs that make money for more info!

Work as a Personal Trainer

If you're looking for a side job that involves working with others and helping them better their lives, working as a personal trainer can be a tremendous option.

With this side job, you can help people get in shape, feel better about themselves, and improve their overall health.

What's great about working as a personal trainer is that it's a relatively easy job to get started with.

You don't need any expensive equipment or a college degree, and you can train people in their homes or at a local gym.

Of course, you'll need to be certified as a personal trainer before you can start working – but this can cost less than $1,000 and can be done online.

Once you're certified, the sky is the limit in terms of how much money you can make.

Many personal trainers charge $50-$100 per hour, and some even make over $200 per hour!

To find clients, you can start by asking people you know if they're interested in working with you.

You can also look for personal training gigs on online job boards or contact local gyms and see if they're interested in hiring you.

Pet Sitting & Dog Walking

Are you looking for a fun side hustle?

Pet sitting and dog walking are perfect options if you are an animal lover.

This is one of the best side jobs for actors because it is extremely flexible.

When you use a platform like Rover, you can set your own prices and schedule.

This means you can work as much or as little as you want, making it a perfect side hustle.

Plus, you get to spend your days hanging out with adorable animals!

What's not to love?

Dog walkers can make over $20 per hour in many cities and pet sitters can easily make $50 a day or more.

Working as a dog walker or pet sitter is one of the best passive side hustles anyone should consider to start making money.

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Virtual Assistant

Working as a virtual assistant can be a great way to make extra money online as an actor.

As a virtual assistant, you'll be responsible for a variety of tasks that can be done remotely.

This can include anything from social media management to updating website content, and much more.

Best of all, you don't need any special skills to get started.

Many employers will teach you what you need to know, and there are plenty of resources available online that can help you learn the ropes like Carrie's Virtual Assistant Accelerator course.

To find clients, a great place to start is by browsing freelance sites like Upwork or Fiverr. While these sites might not offer the highest paying jobs – they can be a great starting point.

Over time, you can use your connections to find new work and eventually command a higher hourly rate.

Virtual assistants can make anywhere between $15 and over $30 per hour depending on your skillset.

Those with more advanced skills that require less training can make much more.

If you want a remote side hustle that you can do from anywhere with an internet connection – working as a VA is a great option.

If you're not sure how to get started, I recommend checking out Carrie's Virtual Assistant Accelerator course where you can learn everything you need to know to become a 6-figure VA!

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Disclosure: This link is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Sell Acting Courses

Selling digital products and online courses can be extremely profitable and a great idea for actors and actresses to make money on the side.

This is a great way to make passive income, which basically means you won't have to actively work in order to make money.

When you sell digital products and online courses, you'll just need to create it once and you can sell it over and over again.

Don't get me wrong, creating the course or digital product will take some time and a long of effort, but it's well worth it.

You can create a course or digital product for just about anything.

For example, as an actor – creating a course on how to audition for new roles or how to get started in the industry can be a great idea.

For a digital product, you could create an audition checklist for actors, a list of the best casting directors in each city, or acting tips for beginners in the acting industry.

Before going all-in when creating a course or product, you'll want to think about how you will market and sell it. In other words, how will you get customers?

Some creators will run advertising campaigns for their courses, while others might build and affiliate program for others to promote their course.

Either way, you'll want to think through your marketing strategy before investing too much time or money into creating your product.

Creating and selling an online course is a great way to make money on autopilot as an actor or actress, and it can be extremely profitable.

So, how much can you make?

Some successful online course creators have made millions of dollars from their offerings – so if you know what you're doing, it can be a lucrative business to start.


Flipping is a great side hustle for anyone, including actors looking for a side gig.

With this side hustle, your goal is to buy low and sell high – whether it's buying items at a garage sale to resell on eBay or picking up a fixer-upper house to renovate and sell for a profit.

I tend to prefer the lower risk and easier flips, like furniture, electronics, and clothes.

However, some people do extremely well with real estate flips.

If you're interested in trying your hand at flipping – I recommend starting small with items you're familiar with.

For example, if you're good at finding great deals on clothes, start there.

You can find items at garage sales or thrift stores and then sell them on eBay for a profit.

Another great resource is Facebook Marketplace.

I've found countless items listed for free that you can easily sell for a quick $100 profit within the same day, so if you want to earn $100 a day – flipping could be for you.

Halloween Haunted House Worker

In the fall months, many people start gearing up for Halloween and one of the most popular activities is visiting a haunted house.

Every year, there are thousands of haunted houses that open up across the country, and many of them are looking for actors to help bring their vision to life.

While some haunted houses will hire professional actors, others are open to hiring amateurs.

So, if you're interested in making some extra money this Halloween – consider applying to work at a local haunted house.

You can expect to make around $10-$20 an hour, and some places will even provide costumes for you to wear.

This is a great gig for anyone who loves Halloween and isn't afraid of scaring others!

Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is a lucrative way to make money online without paying anything in the gig economy.

With this side hustle, you'll promote other people's products or services on your blog or social media channels and earn a commission for every sale you make.

It's worth noting that in order to be successful with this digital side hustle, you'll need to have an audience of some sort.

So if you're knowledgable about social media platforms, email marketing, or SEO – you could use those skills to start building an audience to promote your affiliate links to.


Transcription is an easy freelance job that anyone can do – including actors.

With this job, you'll listen to audio recordings and type out what you hear.

This is a great job for anyone who is a fast typer, has good attention to detail, and is looking for a flexible gig.

There are many places you can find work as a transcriptionist, including online platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and Rev.

You can expect to make $15-$25 per hour on average with this side hustle – which is a decent income for a freelance gig.


Proofreading is another great freelance job for actors – or anyone who is looking for a side hustle that requires little to no experience.

With this job, your task will be to review written content for errors and make corrections as needed.

This is a great job for anyone who has a good eye for detail and is looking for a flexible way to make some extra cash.

There are many places you can find work as a proofreader, including online platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and Rev.

Similar to transcription, you can expect to make $15-$25 per hour on average with this side job.

Pick Up a Part Time Job

Finding a part time job like waiting tables, being a barista, or working in retail is a great way to make some extra cash while you're pursuing your acting career.

By waiting tables, you might even be able to make enough money to keep your bills paid and still have money left over for acting classes or headshots.

Plus, many employers are willing to work around your schedule, which is a huge plus for anyone who is trying to balance a career and a side hustle.

You could also find work through temp agencies or a staffing company to work weekend hours when you aren't working your primary job.

Substitute Teaching

Some actors can also work as substitute teachers when they're not working on set or auditioning for roles.

Substitute teaching is a great way to make some extra cash while also getting some experience working with kids – which could come in handy for future acting roles.

To become a substitute teacher, you'll need to have a bachelor's degree and pass a background check.

If you don't want to work in an office environment and want a fair pay – substitute teaching can one of the best side jobs in addition to your acting job.

Final Thoughts on the Best Side Jobs and Side Hustles for Actors

Actors and actresses have a lot of options when it comes to finding the perfect side hustle.

It's important to find something that you're passionate about and that can also help you make some extra money.

Between working as a freelancer or helping others in their acting career – there are plenty of options to make money on the side.

The post 18 Best Side Hustles for Actors (Ultimate 2022 Guide) appeared first on Don't Work Another Day | Personal Finance & Investing Blog.

This post first appeared on Don't Work Another Day - Personal Finance & Entrepreneurship, please read the originial post: here

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18 Best Side Hustles for Actors (Ultimate 2022 Guide)


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