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Week Ahead: Debt-Ceiling Angst; FOMC Minutes; BOE, ECB and FED Speakers; Preliminary PMIs; U.S. Data; Turkey Returns To The Polls


Key Macro Events

The third summit of the Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC) takes place in Port Moresby, the capital city of Papua New Guinea, under the co-chairmanship of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his PNG counterpart, James Marape – Nikkei

China loan prime rates (22)

May consumer confidence (22)

ECB Governing Council member Boris Vujcic participates in panel in Zagreb on Safeguarding Financial Stability in the Euro Area, organized by Croatian Finance Ministry and European Stability Mechanism – Bloomberg (22)

ECB Vice President Guindos Speaks – Bloomberg (22)

European Central Bank Governing Council member Robert Holzmann speaks at Austrian Central Bank conference in Vienna – Bloomberg (22)

ECB Chief Economist Lane speaks at Austrian Central Bank conference in Vienna – Bloomberg (22)

Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau speaks at conference in Paris – Bloomberg (22)

Pablo Hernández de Cos will speak at the Círculo Financiero La Caixa – Bloomberg (22)

St. Louis Fed President James Bullard speaks in fireside chat at American Gas Association’s Financial Forum – Bloomberg (22)

Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic and Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin discuss technology-enabled disruption during a conference on the subject hosted by the Richmond Fed – Bloomberg (22)

San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly participates in a fireside chat at the National Association of Business Economics/Banque de France International Economic Symposium – Bloomberg (22)

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin pays a two-day official visit to China – Nikkei (23)

May Global Manufacturing & Services PMI (23)

ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos gives keynote address at AFME/OMFIF’s 3rd Annual European Financial Integration Conference in Frankfurt – Bloomberg (23)

ECB Governing Council member Madis Muller speaks at Bank of Estonia/IMF news conference in Tallinn – Bloomberg (23)

ECB Governing Council member Francois Villeroy de Galhau speaks at AFME/OMFIF’s 3rd Annual European Financial Integration Conference in Frankfurt – Bloomberg (23)

Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel participates in panel discussion in Berlin – Bloomberg (23)

Bank of England policymaker Jonathan Haskel speaks as a panelist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond technology-enabled disruption conference on the “Uncertainty and prospects for disruptive investments ‘Market uncertainties and technology investment: The role of intangibles.” – Bloomberg (23)

April New Home Sales (23)

Dallas Fed President Lorie Logan makes welcoming remarks at the start of the second day of a conference on technology-enabled disruption hosted by the Richmond Fed – Bloomberg (23)

RBNZ Meeting (24)

May Ifo Business Climate Index (24)

ECB non-policy meeting in Frankfurt – Bloomberg (24)

Opening remarks by Christine Lagarde at the celebration to mark the 25th anniversary of the ECB in Frankfurt – Bloomberg (24)

April consumer price index (CPI), retail price index (RPI) and producer price index (PPI) inflation rate figures (24)

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey delivers keynote speech at Mansion House Net Zero Delivery Summit – Bloomberg (24)

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey at Wall Street Journal event – Bloomberg (24)

Fed Governor Christopher Waller discusses the economic outlook at an event hosted by the University of California Santa Barbara – Bloomberg (24)

FOMC Minutes (24)

Senior officials from APEC economies commence two days of trade meetings in Detroit – Nikkei (25)

ECB Vice President Luis De Guindos presents the ECB Annual Report for 2022 – Bloomberg (25)

Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel speaks on the future of Europe in Obbürgen, Switzerland – Bloomberg (25)

Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau speaks at ICMA conference in Paris – Bloomberg (25)

ECB’s Centeno, de Cos Speak at Conference in Lisbon – Bloomberg (25)

Bank of England policymaker Jonathan Haskel delivers a speech at Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington – Bloomberg (25)

Boston Fed President Susan Collins participates in a fireside chat at the Community College of Rhode Island – Bloomberg (25)

Turkey’s central bank to hold rate-setting meeting (25)

ECB’s Boris Vujcic Speaks at 29th Dubrovnik Economic Conference in Croatia – Bloomberg (26)

ECB’s Lane Speaks – Bloomberg (26)

Memorial Day travel period begins in US. – Bloomberg (26 Through May 29)

April Durable Goods Orders (26)

April PCE Deflator (26)

Italy, municipal elections second round run-offs – FT (28)

Spain, regional and municipal elections – FT (28)

Turkey, presidential election runoff – FT (28)



Focus on U.S. Economic Calendar

Top 10 Macro/Financial Charts of the Previous Week – w20

What happened in the World Economy last Week – in charts – w20 (Bloomberg)

*Note: Previous reports can be found here

This post first appeared on Christophe-barraud, please read the originial post: here

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Week Ahead: Debt-Ceiling Angst; FOMC Minutes; BOE, ECB and FED Speakers; Preliminary PMIs; U.S. Data; Turkey Returns To The Polls
