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Engineer Seeking Fire Blog

This blog is focusing on tech careers, personal finance, and my journey towards FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early). The popular personal finance posts include tips on how to increase income, reduce expenses, and invest in index funds. The popular posts on tech careers include interview preparation guides for Software Engineers, Product Managers, and Technical Program Managers, as well as comparison guides for cultures and compensation of the top tech companies.
November 2020 Expense Report
November was a scary month. Initially, we were told that one of my daughter’s classmates had covid. We were certain that we’d be found positive as well. We did the test and i… Read More
October 2020 Expense Report
In October we had to fly to San Francisco for a particular errand. Since we had canceled all our travel plans up to that point, we were a little scared about this trip. We did not know what… Read More
HSA: The Best Retirement Account
Imagine if there was a way to avoid paying income taxes. You would earn money tax-free, invest it in a tax-free account and withdraw it tax-free. Wouldn’t that be amazing? What if I to… Read More
September 2020 Expense Report
September was the month, where we switched from “mostly online groceries” to physically buying everything from the grocery stores. We also picked up food from the local restauran… Read More
August 2020 Expense Report
August is the last month of the summer. It was also the last month of our self-inflicted semi-isolation. After 5 months of staying at home, limiting social gatherings, ordering everything on… Read More
July 2020 Expense Report
Another month with low expenses, as we are still staying at home. Before covid, we had made plans about flying to see our parents. We’d spend a month on vacation, relaxing on the beach… Read More
June 2020 Expense Report
We didn’t have any major changes in our lives since May. We stayed at home and ordered everything online. We only went outside, so that our children could play, always social distancin… Read More
Career Advice For Software Engineers
This post provides career advice for Software Engineers, who are trying to decide the next steps in their careers. It includes advice on how to improve your skills, whether/how to switch to… Read More
May 2020 Expense Report
Our stay-at-home journey continues. We’re still doing all our shopping online and avoiding meeting with other families. However, we started going out to parks so that the children can… Read More
April 2020 Expense Report
April was our stay-at-home month. We tried to isolate and minimize all social aspects. We did all our shopping online (including groceries), minimized all our outdoor activities, and paused… Read More
Is An MBA Worth It?
There are lots of varying opinions about the value of an MBA. They include lots of hype and misconceptions. In this post I want to provide my opinion about whether an MBA is worth it for Sof… Read More

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Engineer Seeking FIRE
