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Economic calendar in Asia Tuesday, 18 July 2023 - RBA July meeting minutes


It's a very light data calendar in the Asia session ahead.

At 0130 GMT, 9.30pm US Eastern time, we get the minute of the RBA meeting earlier this month. The decision was on hold:

  • RBA leaves the cash rate unchanged at 4.10%

The minutes will be eyed for further clues on the potential for a rate hike at next month's meeting (August 1)

Since that meeting, the Australian government announced the decision not to extend the term of current governor Lowe:

  • New RBA Governor announced to replace Lowe: Michele Bullock

And Lowe unveiled how the RBA will change in response to the review that was undertaken:

  • From 2024, the board will meet eight times a year (and more at that link)
  • Even more here: The Reserve Bank Review and Monetary Policy
This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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This post first appeared on Analyticdave, please read the originial post: here

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Economic calendar in Asia Tuesday, 18 July 2023 - RBA July meeting minutes
