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How to Rent an Apartment Without Proof of Income

How To Rent An Apartment Without Proof Of Income

Apartment hunting can be exciting and full of possibilities, but it can also be stressful if you’re trying to rent an apartment without proof of income. 

If you find yourself in this pickle and don’t know where to begin, you’re in the right place! We’ll answer some common questions and discuss how to go about it.

The goal? Educate and prepare to show potential landlords you’re a catch, with or without proof of income.

Do Apartments Require Proof of Income?

Yes, most apartments require proof of income, but exceptions sometimes exist. For instance, some private renters may not ask for it, or you may not need to provide one if you’re acting as a roommate to the primary tenant on the lease.

Good to Know: Some apartments may ask to verify paycheck stubs for additional proof of income. Landlords look at gross income when determining whether you make enough to qualify for a lease. 

How Do I Rent an Apartment Without Proof of Steady Income?

Many landlords understand that just because a tenant can’t produce proof doesn’t mean they don’t have a steady source of income. That’s why finding other ways to prove you’re able to pay your rent on time is key to renting without proof of income:

Show Off Good Credit.

Landlords run credit checks and background checks for new applicants regardless of income. Proof of good credit can go a long way toward convincing a landlord that you can pay your bills regularly and on time!  

Good to Know: Don’t have the best credit score? Getting a credit rebuilder card to boost your score may help.

Provide Bank Statements.

Bank statements will give a landlord an inside view of how much money you have in the bank to pay your rent each month! Be sure to provide them with at least 3-6 months’ statement history.

Consider Offering a Higher Security Deposit.

This acts as a gesture of good faith that you have enough cash on hand to pay the bills. It’ll also put them at ease over concerns that you may terminate the lease prematurely.

Disclose Non-Traditional Income Sources.

Providing proof of additional income deposited regularly in your bank account can go a long way toward securing a lease. 

Non-traditional income sources may include:

  • Pension Distribution Statement
  • Worker’s Compensation Letter
  • Proof of Bonus and Incentive Payments
  • Annuity Statements
  • Court Ordered Awards Letter (ex: child support) 
  • Tax Returns (ex: 1099 forms)
  • Social Security Benefits Statement

Pro Tip: Present your potential landlord with a formal Proof of Income letter to provide verification of your income and employment! 

Is it Possible to Rent an Apartment Without a Job? If so, how do I Rent an Apartment If I’m Unemployed?

It is! Even though landlords prefer proof of steady income from a job, you can also provide proof of other income sources like social security checks or a pension statement. 

Remember, you can use unemployment as proof of income for an apartment. Just keep in mind that it lists a stop payment date. If you run out of unemployment payments before your lease is up, you’ll need a backup source of income. 

What If Your Current Income Level Is Not Good Enough to Pay Rent?

There are ways to secure an apartment if you aren’t currently making enough to cover the rent:

  • Find a Cosigner

If your check stubs don’t reflect the income you need to pay the rent, finding a cosigner to vouch for you helps a lot. 

How can I get an apartment with no credit and no cosigner?

Collect a “renter’s resume” with references and proof that you pay your other bills reliably. You can also employ a lease guaranty company to replace a cosigner; just be aware that services like these usually charge hefty fees.

  • Find a Property for Rent by Owner

Sometimes circumventing apartment complex management and renting directly from a property owner is an excellent way to negotiate proof of income and financial flexibility around paying your rent. 

  • Network for Leads on Apartments

It’s never a bad idea to ask around! A friend of a friend or family member who’s a landlord will be more likely to work with you and be flexible about income issues that others wouldn’t. 

  • Search for Already Occupied Rental Units

Tenants who already have a lease sometimes find themselves in situations where they need to rent an unoccupied room in their flat or find a roommate last minute. In some of these cases, you may be able to get around proof of income by paying them directly instead of dealing with the landlord. 

  • Gather References to Vouch for You

Any credible source who can testify to your trustworthiness helps. Think former landlords, employers, family members, neighbors, associates from any volunteer work you’ve done, etc. 

Renting Without Proof of Income FAQs:

How much savings should I have to rent an apartment?

Before moving in, you’ll need to save enough money for upfront application fees, the security deposit, renters insurance (if applicable), and the first month’s rent.

What is 3x the rent?

This rule-of-thumb guideline for landlords helps determine if you’re financially responsible enough to sign a lease. It simply means your monthly income should be about three times your rent. 

How do I get around 3x rent?

Putting up a larger deposit, pre-paying a few months in advance, finding a cosigner, or employing a guarantor are all ways to negotiate around the 3x rent rule.

Do apartments call previous landlords?

Your potential landlord will likely get in touch with your previous landlord (if applicable) to verify your payment habits and validate you were a good tenant.

Do apartments call your employer? 

Landlords reserve the right to contact employers to verify the employment status of their tenants if they feel the need. It helps to be proactive and secure a letter of endorsement from your employer to give the property manager with your other paperwork.

Can you lie about your income to get an apartment?

Short answer? Sure. But if you’re caught, the best-case scenario is your application will be rejected (if you’ve already moved in, you’ll be evicted and blocked from renting elsewhere). Worst case scenario, you’ll be evicted, blocked, and prosecuted for fraud. 

How can I rent an apartment without references?

An excellent way to offset a lack of references on your rental application is to offer to pay a couple of months upfront or put down a larger deposit. You may also ask if they’ll accept a lease guaranty company in place of personal references.

The Bottom Line: It’s nothing personal.

Submitting a rental application without proof of income may seem like an inquisition, but put yourself in the landlord’s shoes for a minute. 

Often, property managers must follow the rules set forth by a larger rental company that owns the complex. If it’s a privately owned property, your landlord probably relies on the rent for their income and must do what they can to limit the risk of tenants missing payments. 

Just remember, asking for proof of income isn’t a judgment of your character; it’s just business as usual.

So, we strongly suggest you be 100% transparent on your rental application. 

We hope this article helped and you’re not more prepared to start looking for rental options without proof of income.

This article How to Rent an Apartment Without Proof of Income originally appeared on Rick Orford - Invest, Earn More Income & Save Money.

This post first appeared on The Financially Independent Millennial, please read the originial post: here

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How to Rent an Apartment Without Proof of Income
