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How Can You Qualify for Long-Term Disability Benefits?


It is generally accepted that someone works to provide for themselves and their family, but what happens when you cannot do so? You might consider qualifying for long-term disability benefits if you have a specific injury or illness. It can be challenging to figure out what qualifies as a long-term disability and what does not, but this is not something that you need to navigate on your own. According to Camporese Lalande Disability Lawyers, plenty of conditions could qualify for long-term disability. Still, you need to understand some of the basic tests that those deciding your case will use. What do you need to do if you want to qualify for long-term disability benefits?

Are You Still Able To Work?

If you want to qualify for long-term disability benefits, the administration officer overseeing your case will check and see if you can still work. For example, if you are still drawing an income, your case may not be approved, regardless of your severe condition. There is usually an income limit above which you are not able to qualify for disability benefits, but there may be other factors that will play a role in the income you are allowed to draw. If you have questions about how much money you can make and still qualify for disability benefits, contact a professional who can assist you. 

Is Your Condition Severe?

If you want to qualify for long-term disability benefits, your condition also has to qualify as severe. What qualifies as severe? Your condition has to make it nearly impossible for you to do basic activities related to your job. For example, your condition might limit your ability to sit, stand, walk, lift, or remember basic tasks. Your condition must also limit your ability to do these things for at least 12 months or more. If your condition does not interfere with basic work-related activities, you may not qualify for disability benefits. If your condition makes it nearly impossible to do your job, you may have a greater chance of being approved.

Is Your Condition Listed as a Disabling Condition?

Finally, even though the field of medicine is changing quickly, there is a list of severely disabling conditions that you may want to look at. If your condition is on this list, you may have a better chance of being approved. If your condition is not on this list, it does not necessarily mean that your case will not be approved, but you may have to apply to get your condition added to the list. As a result, it may take longer for you to decide. Still, you can expedite the process if you work with a legal professional with experience helping people get their specific conditions added to this essential list. 

Reach Out to an Expert Who Can Help You

Because this process can be confusing, you should contact an expert who can help you. You might think you can file your case independently. Still, if you want to maximize your chances of your case being approved and get your benefits as quickly as possible, you need to work with a legal professional who understands this area. That way, you ensure you receive all the benefits you are entitled to.


What qualifies as a long-term disability?

Long-term disabilities are usually defined as conditions that make it difficult or impossible to do basic work-related activities. The condition must also last for 12 months or longer to qualify.

Do I need legal help to get approved for long-term disability benefits?

It is not necessary to hire an attorney when filing for long-term disability benefits, but it is recommended. An experienced legal professional can help you navigate the process and maximize your approval chances. They can also help you get added to the list of disabling conditions if yours is omitted.

What are some common disabilities that qualify?

Some common disabilities that frequently qualify include physical disabilities such as paralysis, muscular dystrophy, chronic back pain or injury, multiple sclerosis, and amputation; mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder; sensory disabilities such as blindness or deafness; and neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or epilepsy.  Lastly, many other less commonly known conditions can also qualify.  It is best to contact an expert to determine if your specific condition qualifies.

The post How Can You Qualify for Long-Term Disability Benefits? appeared first on StreetWise Journal.

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How Can You Qualify for Long-Term Disability Benefits?
