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9 Copywriting Tricks Every Business Owner Should Know

Not everybody is a writer, but everybody can write. If there is one thing that is a known factor, when it comes to creating copy for your business, you only get better at writing when you write. So write all the time—every chance you get, regardless of topic or genre.

Writing for your business isn’t always easy. Even the best writers have days when nothing is left in the proverbial word tank. You’re tired, living through perpetual brain fog, or don’t know what you should write to support your business that will bring in the customers.

Or, maybe you have the words, but you’re just unsure how to create copy that drives consumers to a specific product or your business altogether. We know that feeling and the rest of it, and we have put together a list of 9 copywriting tricks every business owner should know.

1. Be Careful with Hemingway and Grammarly

This isn’t an argument against Hemingway, Grammarly, or any other editor. On the contrary, they are beneficial, and Grammarly is used for all posts on this site. But, if you want to get the most out of your writing, either of these tools can be distracting. For example, you almost can’t help stopping every five seconds to go back and correct that screaming red line that indicates a typo.

You can tackle this by coming back when it’s time to edit. The second is to turn them off. The Hemingway Editor isn’t like Grammarly unless you use the app, so you don’t have to worry about it on a computer.

2. Sound Professional but Write Personal

There is a fine line to walk with these two. You must convey to your audience that you know what you are talking about. At the same time, you don’t need to write archaic terms or find ways to make a run-on sentence that barely passes what is considered grammatically correct.

Being an expert in your field and writing at a 6th-grade reading level is much more complicated than it sounds. But, you have to realize that most of your readers don’t want to feel like they’re reading a legal document, nor will they bother to skim through densely packed paragraphs.

3. Focus on the Pros

All of your products should have bullet points of highly-focused pros. Give the reader a solid idea of what you are selling. Bullet points to list the features or pros of your products gives potential customers something to skim.

Readers are far more likely to pay attention to your bullet points. Those block paragraphs are going to be ignored. If all you have is extensive paragraph descriptions of your product, potential customers will not likely bother reading it unless they are already sold on it.

4. Speak to Your Audience

Don’t sound like one of those outrageously loud TV adverts claiming you will die if you don’t buy their product. Instead, you’ve seen the commercials where a series of people act as if they belong in a zoo rather than handle anything more sophisticated than a rock.

Then they tell you that you’re so dumb that you need this new product. It’s never a good idea to speak to your audience that way. It’s condescending. Speak directly to your audience as if they are intelligent, have a problem, and you have the solution.

5. Write Better Headlines

It doesn’t get any more important than this. Your headline is what is going to draw potential customers in, after all. What good are all those paragraphs packed with essential information if everybody breezes right by your headline without a second look?

There are four types of headlines that you should focus on:

  • Specific Headlines
  • Threat-Based Headlines
  • Beneficial Headlines
  • Blind Headlines

These problems call out consumer problems and indicate you have the answer.

6. Offer Exclusive Deals

People love coupons and sales. It’s not always about the bottom line since more customers equal more revenue down the line. Maybe that comes with membership, or perhaps it’s an exclusive deal for returning customers.

If you have the software that tracks shopping carts, perhaps offer deals and incentives to get your customers to take that final step. For example, run limited sales or develop a specialized line of products with a limited duration.

7. Personalize your Website

We’re not talking about adding a ton of information here, but you do need to make your website more attractive to customers, and that means providing them with a sense that they are in a comfortable store and the owner is friendly and down-to-earth.

You should have an excellent “About Me” page with brief business history. Show some of your backgrounds. Relate to your customers. Create a great “Contact Me” page and provide people with a way to appreciate your business and relate to it.

8. Don’t Forget to Take Notes

When you see great adverts, take notes on them. There is nothing wrong with replicating something that someone else has created, so long as you make it your own. If you come across a striking and attractive headline, take notes on how you can change it to make it your own.

Visit other business websites or the competition’s websites. Take notes on what they are doing and how well it works.

9. Write A Lot

Repetition makes you better. This cannot be stressed enough. If you want to become a better writer, you have to spend a lot of time writing. Of course, reading is also essential, but the act of writing automatically creates improvement.

It doesn’t matter what you write about. Get creative and write your own short stories. Write a series of potential email marketing templates—whatever floats your boat. Just be sure to write and write often.

10. Test Everything

There is nothing wrong with putting your final writing product through the wringer. That means A/B Testing with two different versions, Grammarly, the Hemingway Editor, and even a family member or friend to read over your copy and give you their impressions.

Don’t be afraid to test, test some more, and retest your work to ensure that the final product is the best you can produce.

Final Thoughts

There you have it—9 copywriting tricks that every business owner should know. Of course, there are more tricks out there. Still, you owe it to yourself and your business to follow the above and continuously research new and innovative copywriting ideas to accelerate your business.

The post 9 Copywriting Tricks Every Business Owner Should Know appeared first on StreetWise Journal.

This post first appeared on StreetWise Journal, please read the originial post: here

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9 Copywriting Tricks Every Business Owner Should Know


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