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July 2021 Portfolio update: first negative month in a while

  • My total Net Worth increased to 547843EUR (+1392) – details of its history here
  • My ETF & stock portfolio dropped about 2.5%, the very first time this year that it went down, but after an amazing bull run in July I am not surprised it dropped somewhat
  • I went on holiday to Croatia, and that is why you get this blog update a bit later now

If you are new to my blog then feel free to subscribe and get my monthly update every month!

I also did the triathlon in July. I actually managed to finish it. For those who don’t know this a quarter triathlon is 1.5km swimming, 40km cycling and 10km running. The swimming and the cycling went quite well but when I got to the running I realized that finishing this would be very challenging. I ran slow and finished in the end! This was one of the goals I had set for myself for this year, so I am happy I can check it off!

Now lets find out how my portfolio did this month and what changes I made.

My Portfolio

My Portfolio has increased to 220133 EUR (+3776). This was pretty much all because of extra investments, I actually deposited 5500 EUR in July and I had 500 EUR already on my account that I all invested, so it shows that there was an over 2000 EUR drop in my investments.


The core of my long term strategy is ETF‘s. I currently ow 5 ETFs all having a huge spread worldwide over multiple sectors. ETFs are the easiest way to begin investing or to put large bulks of money into the stock market.


My 5 existing ETFs grew with about 5% this month.

High risk – high reward(?) growth portfolio

My growth portfolio made quite a drop. I decided to sell four stocks in my Growth portfolio: Galapagos Nv, Beam Therapeutics, Lyft and Coinbase. They were quite small in my portfolio, and I was becoming increasingly concerned that my stock Portfolio was becoming to large compared to my ETF portfolio. Additionally I need to admit that my ETFs have vastly outperformed my Stock portfolio. So I decided to bring back the percentage of my ETFs back to 90-95% before I do any additional investments into stocks.

With the income of the stocks I bought additional EQQQ shares, which is an ETF tracking the Nasdaq. Its the only ETF that outperforms the SP500, and its focused on Tech so it is similar to my growth stock portfolio.

I did also made one extra high-risk purchase, namely AST Spacemobile. ASTS Spacemobile is working to bring global 5G coverage to existing phones using satellites as opposed to using Antennas now. Entire countries have already signed agreements with them.

Since they have no revenue for a few more years I expect high volatility for AST.

I also took a very small position in Meat Tech 3D. They also don’t have revenue at the moment so that’s why I kept it quite small.

I only have 7 stocks in my portfolio now, and I will keep it this way.

Always invest for the long term in stocks you absolutely believe in, otherwise you will never be able to keep your cool in volatile markets with serious drops in price

Click on a stock to get more info on the stock:

Agronomics ($ANIC)
Alibaba Group Holding Limited ($BABA)
Lilium ($QELL)
Palantir ($PLTR)
Unity Software ($U)
Volkswagen ($VOW)

Real Estate

I currently owe one apartment that I purchased in 2010 for 136.000. I got it re-estimated in 2020 at it was valued at 185.000 EUR. I did a re-evaluation of my apartment that values it at 199245 EUR. It is both related to a general rise in apartment prices of 6-7% and the value of apartments in my region. This contributed over half to the increase of my Net Worth.

I also have one very small loan left on this apartment (1000 EUR) that will be paid off in September 2021.


My Crypto strategy is to buy Cardano monthly. Additionally I take any free coin I can get on Coinbase as it comes buy. I buy every month but the amount is different, its anywhere from 30-100 EUR, but usually its around 50 EUR.


No updates about my startups this month. No news is often good news. My plan is to slowly lower this portfolio, but of course its very illiquid.

Right now I have 2200 EUR still active in startups.

I am using Spreds to purchase these startups.

Check out this post if you want to know how you can invest in startups.

Peer to Peer

I am left with only 4 peer to peer investments: 1 active peer to peer investment (Crowdestor), and with 100% of the funds in recovery (Mintos) and 1 where I am trying to recover some funds trough legal action.

Nothing new to report for Mintos, I keep withdrawing as money comes in.

I am in several law suits. One with Grupeer where I am being represented by Ellex and part of the Grupeer Armada. Contact them on Telegram here

I am also in a law suit with Kuetzal, where I am represented by Magnusson. Look for the Telegram group “Kuetzaldiscussion” to find the armada there.

Retirement funds

I decided not to update my retirement funds all the time since for most of the funds I get an update just once a year, so I will update it also just once a year. This is from end of 2020. I will update it again in December 2021.


This was last updated on 30-04-2021.

I will just update this once a year, namely in December, as I don’t think its very spectacular to write about my savings here.

Unless something big happens of course, such as a real estate purchase.

The Blog

I remain happy with the traffic of my blog. Views went slightly up in July.

I also had 370(+155) visitors from search engines this month, which is another record! I don’t know why but it seems google is starting to like my blog. It might be related to the combination of google and youtube.


My YouTube channel now has 91 subscribers (+21)

Check out my channel & videos here

Thank you all for your support!

Wins / losses this month

  • 2.5% loss for my stock/ETF portfolio this month

What blogs are coming up next?

  • I will be updating my yearly portfolio next month and I will be including a history of my savings and Net Worth all the way to 2019, perhaps even 2018.

I will also post a savings rate update soon! Subscribe and make sure you don’t miss any of my monthly portfolio updates!

This post first appeared on Roadtrip To Financial Independence, please read the originial post: here

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July 2021 Portfolio update: first negative month in a while
