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RBI imposes Rs.1.8 crore penalty on Punjab National Bank | Economy News

New Delhi: The Reserve Financial institution of India (RBI) on Wednesday imposed Rs.1.8 crore financial penalty on Punjab Nationwide Financial institution (PNB) for ‘deficiencies in regulatory compliance’.

“The Reserve Financial institution of India (RBI) has, by an order dated December 15, 2021, imposed a financial penalty of Rs.1.80 crore on Punjab Nationwide Financial institution (the financial institution) for contravention of sub-section (2) of part 19 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (the Act), the RBI stated in an announcement. 

“This motion is predicated on the deficiencies in regulatory compliance and isn’t supposed to pronounce upon the validity of any transaction or settlement entered into by the financial institution with its clients,” it added. 

The Statutory Inspection for Supervisory Analysis (ISE) of Punjab Nationwide Financial institution was carried out by RBI as regards to its monetary place as on March 31, 2019 and the examination of the Danger Evaluation Report, the Annual Assessment of implementation of Publicity Administration Measures for Monetary 12 months 2019-20 carried out by RBI throughout July 2020 and all associated correspondence pertaining to the identical, revealed, inter-alia, contravention of sub-section (2) of part 19 of the Act to the extent the financial institution held shares in borrower firms, as pledgee, of an quantity exceeding thirty per cent of paid-up share capital of these firms. 

In furtherance to the identical, a discover was issued to the financial institution advising it to point out trigger as to why penalty shouldn’t be imposed on it for contravention of the aforesaid provisions of the Act, as acknowledged therein. Additionally Learn: Massive jolt to SBI clients! Financial institution pronounces revision in mortgage rates of interest

After contemplating the financial institution’s reply to the discover, oral submissions made in the course of the private listening to, and extra submissions made by the financial institution, RBI got here to the conclusion that the cost of contravention of the aforesaid provisions of the Act was substantiated and warranted imposition of financial penalty on the financial institution, to the extent of contravention of the aforesaid provisions of the Act, the central financial institution stated. Additionally Learn: Amazon’s AWS faces one other outage; Netflix, Slack, different third-party providers affected

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RBI imposes Rs.1.8 crore penalty on Punjab National Bank | Economy News


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