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Stock Price Analysis

Stock Price Analysis

With the prevailing support received by the local steel and pipe industries from US President, we recently checked and analyzed some stock prices from related sector by using XBRLAnalysts:

  • By using “Compare Companies” feature, we wanted to analyze all  stock prices related to “pipe” by searching it on Filter by Sector option and selected all companies for their 2015-FY reports.

  • Then, load from Excel all the metrics for comparison, and choose Style 1 Reporting.

  • The data will be then exported to excel with values returned from live SEC database.

  • Since we wanted to analyze stocks, we created a new financial metric “BookValue+” using “Edit my Definitions” to get each company’s book value per share. “Edit my definition” allows you to create your own formula for financials/metrics not listed in Normalized Financials.

  • Then we compared Book Value per share with current adjusted closing price of stock, using “Shareprice” function.

  • By adding “Graham Number” formula in the report, we can now identify which stock prices are undervalued and overvalued.

  • And lastly, we created Pivot table, filtered top 3 undervalued companies as to ROE, and visualize results thru Column Chart.

  • By using this simple stock analysis, we can easily filter companies for possible investments. You can also add other financial tools or ratios for further analysis. Also, we applied XBRLFact Function to the entire report to easily track other companies by just changing the Tickers.

Save this excel template  and download XBRLAnalyst to apply the Company IDs  of your prospective investments.

If you are interested to try XBRLAnalyst for Excel or iXBRLAnalyst, just register for a test drive. If you need assistance building Excel models that leverage XBRLAnalyst tools, contact us at  [email protected]. For video tutorials, visit our website or Youtube Channel.  To follow our posts and updates, please add our Twitter and Facebook accounts.

This post first appeared on Financial Models In Excel, please read the originial post: here

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Stock Price Analysis
