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If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you’re probably no stranger to flares. If you take steps to address symptoms early and find ways to minimize triggers, you can… Read More
There are many traditional fitness modalities from Asia that aim to cultivate the body and spirit together. Let's look at yoga Read More
Are NSAIDs Safe For You?
NSAIDs can help relieve the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, but you should know the potential risks the drugs pose before taking them Read More
WebMD shares facts on 9 childhood illnesses you may not know about: RSV, fifth disease, croup, scarlet fever, impetigo, Kawasaki disease, Reye's syndrome, whooping cough, and hand, foot, and… Read More
Could you actually be addicted to your smartphone? If not, why is it so hard to turn it off? Here are tips on reclaiming your time and concentration Read More

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"5 Reasons Being A Sports Fan Is Good For Your Hea
