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Wows, nums and ahhs around the Mosque of Cordoba


Our last night on the road. Mixed feelings in the air. Sad because our adventure was coming to an end, but tremendously excited because we would finally visit the Mosque of Córdoba. It was a warm summer autumn night as we sat in the solarium of our hostel. The beautiful sun setting above the rooftops of the city. It was really peaceful up there. This trip had been so far as wonderful or even better than we had imagined. We had history, views, adventure, fun, sun, amazing food…what else could anyone wish for? Anyway, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, the trip wasn’t even over yet! After a refreshing night, we made our way out into the city in search for something to eat. Bakeries (Panadería/Bollería) are everywhere in Spain so it wasn’t hard to find a place to grab something and get on our way. Where to? Well, of course, to the Mosque of Córdoba! This historic building, also known as Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption (yes, yes, you read that right), is not your typical religious building. Centuries of ins and outs between Catholics and Muslims in the area have seen this temple change several times from mosque […]

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This post first appeared on Wanderwings - Searching For The Small Big Things In Life, please read the originial post: here

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Wows, nums and ahhs around the Mosque of Cordoba
