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10 Best Capsule Wardrobe Tips For Beginners You Need To Know

10 Best Capsule Wardrobe Tips For Beginners You Need To Know

Girl, buckle up! We’re about to embark on a journey into the glorious world of the capsule wardrobe. If your closet has become a black hole of fast fashion, fear not! These capsule wardrobe tips are here to save your sanity, your style, and even your wallet. Intrigued? Let’s dive in, shall we?

What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe, my style-savvy friend, is a collection of fewer clothes – think quality over quantity. These are carefully chosen, versatile pieces that you can mix and match in different ways, reducing the need to constantly buy new clothes every time the season changes. Or, let’s face it, every time we have an “I’ve got nothing to wear” meltdown.

Rather than buying new pieces of clothing just for the sake of having different pieces, you can learn how to create different outfits using a limited number of items. Bonus points if those items are timeless pieces because then your style will last a long time.

What are the benefits of a Capsule Wardrobe?

I hope you like the benefits, because oh boy, are there plenty! One of the best ways to define your personal style, a capsule wardrobe, centers around neutral colors, with splashes of accent colors to suit your mood and complement your body type. This simplicity means you can create outfits for different seasons and special occasions without breaking a sweat or the bank. The humble white shirt or a basic white t-shirt, for example, can be styled in countless ways, transitioning effortlessly from brunch to business meeting to beach party.


How do you create a Capsule Wardrobe?

Creating a capsule wardrobe might seem daunting at first step, but it’s an incredibly good idea and an easy way to streamline your daily routine. You’ll spend less time deciding what to wear and more time enjoying your morning coffee – and who wouldn’t want that?

A great place to start is to select a base color. It’s a great way, no, the easiest way, to start. From there, you can build your color palette, adding new items that are not just pretty but also good quality – no more throwaway fashion, thank you very much!

This post is about capsule wardrobe tips for beginners.

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Capsule Wardrobe Tips you need to know before you start:

Embracing a capsule wardrobe is like writing a love letter to your future self. Less stress, more style, and a little bit of that feel-good factor knowing you’re stepping away from the relentless cycle of fast fashion. Sounds like a win-win-win situation, doesn’t it? Let’s get this fashion revolution started, one white shirt at a time!

1. Don’t Rush

Let’s start with the best way to approach this. Creating a capsule wardrobe isn’t a one-night affair. Take your sweet time, babe. Decipher what you love, what flatters you, and what you actually wear, not just what looks cute on the hanger. Regardless if it takes a lot of time.

2. Stick to the Classics

Classic pieces are your capsule wardrobe’s bread and butter. You know, those timeless items that never go out of style. Your white sneakers, and the denim jacket that goes with everything – these are the pieces that will stand the test of time, unlike that neon crop top that was so last season.

3. Embrace Quality

Opt for perfect pieces over plenty. Trust me, investing in well-made items might seem pricier at first, but it saves you a lot in the long run. Plus, it feels oh-so-good to wear something that’s built to last.

4. Ignore the Trends

Newsflash – you don’t have to keep up with the latest trends. Yes, really! Building a capsule wardrobe is all about defining your own style. Remember, Susie Faux – the creator of the capsule wardrobe concept – didn’t have Instagram influencers in mind when she proposed this idea. But she was always ready for the next season.

5. Less is More

A capsule wardrobe helps reduce decision fatigue (that’s the fancy term for the “I have nothing to wear” syndrome). By having fewer, but more versatile clothing items, you’ll save so much time on choosing the best things for outfits every morning.

6. Statement Pieces are Your BFFs

Statement pieces bring the zest to your capsule collection. They can be a bright pair of shoes, a patterned scarf, or a chunky necklace. Mix them with your classic pieces and you’ve got endless options!!

7. Color Code

Don’t be afraid of color, but opt for a cohesive palette. Think of different colors that can work well together to create both formal and casual looks. This way, you can mix and match to your heart’s content without any fashion faux pas.

8. Seasonally Savvy

Be aware of the changing seasons. Seasonal pieces should be included, but remember, your capsule wardrobe essentials should work throughout the year. Switching out a few items each season keeps things fresh without overhauling your entire wardrobe.

9. Try Before You Buy

Always try before you buy. Different styles can look very different on your unique shape. Don’t just trust the dressing room mirror, take a walk, sit down, and really get a feel for the piece. Your capsule wardrobe should be as comfortable as it is stylish.

10. Be True to You

The last tip is to stay true to your individual style. Your wardrobe should reflect who you are, not the latest influencer or fashion magazine. It’s about defining your own personal style and having fun with it, because girl, fashion should always be fun!

Let’s go, girl!

In the grand finale of our capsule wardrobe crash course, we’re going to do a quick wardrobe rewind. By now, you should have the full 411 on how to pull off a great capsule wardrobe that screams you.

Are you ready to break up with that overflowing wardrobe that only seems to drain your time and money? With a capsule wardrobe, we’re focusing on quality over quantity. We’re ditching the bottomless pit of clothes we never wear for a small selection of clothes that we absolutely adore.

The classics – like the short sleeve tee, black top, black pants, straight-leg jeans, and the little black dress, are all ready to form the backbone of our capsule. Throw in a timeless black vegan leather jacket, maybe some skinny jeans, and voilà! You have a wardrobe full of easy pieces, perfect for creating a variety of different looks. And, hey, who doesn’t love the sound of less clothing to wash, iron, and sort through?

Remember, creating your own capsule wardrobe isn’t about tossing out every single piece that doesn’t fit the “capsule” label. It’s about finding the right pieces that give you the most mileage. A good reason to invest in high-quality pieces and sustainable brands, am I right? Think of it as a travel capsule wardrobe but for life.

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Before you go…

Now that you went through these capsule wardrobe tips, don’t start tearing through your closet just yet. Start with a shopping list of wardrobe staples that you need, then slowly work your way there. You don’t have to spend much money. It’s all about careful and thoughtful purchases.

And hey, if you’re feeling adventurous, why not try out some polka dots or perhaps something in your favorite color? Your capsule wardrobe doesn’t have to be an array of neutral colors. After all, variety is the spice of life. Just remember to keep it within your color wheel for easy mixing and matching.

Hopefully, I’ve given you a great start to creating your own capsule collection. So take these outfit ideas and run with them, make them your own. Because the best fashion style is the one that makes you feel like a million bucks without actually spending a lot of money.

Don’t forget, creating your first capsule wardrobe is a journey, not a race. So take your time, learn what works for you, and above all, have fun! Let your capsule wardrobe be the first step in redefining your relationship with clothes. It’s about time we made our wardrobes work for us, not the other way around. Now, get at it and tag me (@SavinaOfficial) in your stylish progress pics along the way!

This post was all about capsule wardrobe tips.

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The post 10 Best Capsule Wardrobe Tips For Beginners You Need To Know appeared first on Style by Savina.

This post first appeared on STYLE BY SAVINA, please read the originial post: here

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10 Best Capsule Wardrobe Tips For Beginners You Need To Know
