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How the world is revolutionized with digital transformation

Charles Darwin famously stated: “Adaptability to change is what will ensure the survival of today’s society.” These words are just as applicable today as they did prior to.

Digital Transformation has changed the way we live and access products and services, requiring the use of digital platforms. Digital transformation companies demands and empowers individuals to quickly adapt. If people embrace these changes, they will be able to keep up with the rapidly changing world and also address particular challenges specific to the location they reside in.

Short History of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation solutions might seem like something new however, its roots have been around for many years. The first time it was used in business was in the late 1970s using computers-aided design and manufacturing and enterprise resource planning in the year 1980. Then came customer relationship management was introduced in the early 1990s.

The 17th century saw a development of new technologies through amalgamating analog methods of the past and digital format. This enabled identical copies of documents to be made remotely across media, which allowed access to and distribution.

The digital transformation services started with invention of transistors that resulted in microprocessors. Microprocessors led to personal computers that eventually led to opportunities for the other digital devices that are available in the present.

The transistor was invented in 1947. which led to the development of digital computers was developed. Thus computers were introduced in the mid 1950s in the military, government and other organizations. Thanks to their development, computers with digital capabilities helped to create The World Wide Web.

Personal computers were further created in the 1970s and let users divide their time between computers.

In the late 1980s computers began to be widely utilized across industrialized nations like U.S., Germany and France which led many to purchase computers for personal and professional use, learning to use them and creating jobs. Motorola also developed their first mobile phone at the same period (Creeber Martin and Creeber 2008).

Between 1990 to 2000, significant advancements were observed in the digital times. The first was the introduction of the internet using World Wide Web which provided companies with an effective way to advertise.

The people living in the developed world were the first to benefit from the invention of the internet, however its impact quickly spread across the globe during the 1990, allowing even people from developing countries access to the internet. In the following years, cell phones came into the picture as a means of communication which further enhanced the way people communicate.

Work has rapidly evolved into mobile, digital and social spaces due to the changing technology as well as demographics and the culture of work. This transformation has had wide-ranging implications for every aspect of work, from communication to collaboration, to learning and innovation As companies embrace digital transformation solutions, we’ll see even more changes in how work is accomplished.

Why Does Digital Transformation Matter?

In the beginning, we will provide quick figures of the World Economic Forum, the costs of digital transformation companies within society and in industries will be $100 trillion in 2025. What is the impact of this during post-pandemic times? Digital transformation services creates the environment in which positive customer-driven changes are possible – this is vital.

Digital transformation solutions is designed in a way to speed up the launch of new products and services and life cycles more quickly and efficiently, making services accessible to customers faster. Digital transformation can also enhance internal processes, making them more efficient.

Digitizing businesses allows them to be driven by data. Digital transformation can empower employees and customers at the same time and there’s no reason not to the use of cutting-edge technology in the process of digital transformation.

Digital transformation services has become an essential element of today’s rapid-paced business environment to not only be successful but also survive.

Utilize cloud-based technology to run call centers that allow employees to work efficiently regardless of where they are, while providing seamless multichannel customer assistance that is beyond customers’ expectations.

The installation of collaborative and communication systems that allow users to collaborate effectively and safely anywhere in the world will increase employee efficiency and overall engagement across the business.

Uncertainty in the economic climate forced companies to swiftly modify their processes to deal with remote work. Businesses needed to rapidly adopt remote working methods in order to manage this difficult economic time.

What is the main factors that drive the digital revolution?


The digital age has developed more quickly than any other technology ever before – affecting more than a quarter of the world’s population in less than two decades, and changing the way societies are through the improvement of connectivity and financial inclusion, and facilitating access to trade, and access to public service, tech has the potential to help to create a greater level of equality. 50 per cent in the field of health For instance, AI-powered technology is helping save lives, detect illnesses and prolong life. 

But, those who have not yet connected with digital transformation solutions are excluded from the advantages of this new time and continue to fall in the sand. A large portion of those who are left out are females, elderly handicapped, those with disabilities, people from ethnic or linguistic minorities or indigenous groups, as well as people living in remote or poor regions. The rate in connectivity has slowed down, even reversed, in some populations.


Through time, technological advances have impacted the workforce in digital transformation companies by introducing new types and types of work, rendering some obsolete, creating broader changes to society. This present wave of technological change will have major implications. As an example, it is estimated that the transition to a more environmentally friendly economy will result in the creation of 24 million jobs worldwide by 2030 due to the implementation of sustainable practices in the energy industry as well as electric vehicles, and enhancing efficiency of energy use in current and new buildings. The International Labor Organization

However, reports by organizations like McKinney indicate that there are 800 million people are living in poverty, and polls suggest that they people could be displaced by automation by 2030.


Social media is a way to connect . It allows people to have their voices heard, and communicate with people around the globe in real-time. However, it could also increase prejudice and create discord through giving hate speech and false information an outlet, or creating echo chambers. nearly half of the world’s population

In this manner algorithms for social media can create a rift in societies across the globe. However, they have also the capacity to create a reverse effect.

What are the main challenges to implementing the digital transformation plan effectively?

There hasn’t ever been a revolution in the history of mankind that wasn’t marked by violence. This is the essence of telling us that any change however it takes, may be challenging and uncomfortable initially. Change requires us to leave our comfort area of comfort. So, the process the process of transformation that is a part of change, has its own set of challenges.

As per Forbes the report, it identifies handful of critical issues that digital transformation companies is facing and they include:

1. Addressing Inertia

At work, there resistance to the change. If this resistance isn’t overcome this will lead to an opposition against the new technology. The resistance may be the result of a the culture of the workplace or of employees who are opposed to the changes.

2. There is no Support from the Leadership 

Anything that is costly and complex as a transformations requires the support of the support of sponsors. It is generally high-ranking executives, or C-suite of the business who help facilitate the transformation. If the executives aren’t convinced of the need to transform the business, then the process could be hindered due to obstacles.

3: Unrealistic Ambitions

Achieving Digital transformation services isn’t an easy process. Therefore, when you consume too much, your plan won’t work as you had hoped. Companies must define achievable and attainable targets for themselves as they change.

4: Lack of Customer Centrality

It is essential to be aware that your client will be the main beneficiary of this transition. The process of transformation by itself does not bring any benefit to the company. It is only effective in making the lives of customers easier.

5: Compliance and Roadblocks

The utilization of digitally trans formative technology comes with certain regulations and obligations. For blockchain technology, for example. Your goal is to utilize Blockchain technology. You need adhere to international and regional guidelines. This can be an enormous challenge for companies trying to understand the procedure.

6. An absence of a unified Change Management Strategy

Management of organizational change is a planned method of managing the changes within an organization and, in this case, coordinating changes in the field of digital. It’s not straightforward, but it’s crucial. Insufficient management of organizational change in digital transformation companies could negatively affect any digital change within an enterprise which could become one of the main causes of the high level for failure.

7. Inadequacy the information 

If an organization intends to change its digital strategy and is inexperienced, the workforce may slow development. With the increasing complexity of digital transformation solutions and strategies are possible, relevant skills and expertise are vital to the success of the necessary adjustments.

Tips can solve digital transformation challenges

Digital transformation solutions can be difficult due to external factors beyond your control.

Align your digital transformation with business goals.

To achieve a successful digital transformation, focus on investing in digital technology that aligns with specific business objectives. Use results-based criteria to determine where to allocate your budget and which programs to prioritize. Create a business vision that aligns with your priorities.

Changes in the way organizations are managed become a key aspect of digital transformation

The process of changing the way you work can be challenging but it is essential to transform growth. It involves a change in culture that involves a shift across the company in the way of thinking.

Begin by identifying the obstacles that hinder digital innovation. Next, you must implement an effective change management plan with the help of a comprehensive and unifying strategy. Be aware that change must begin from the highest level. This is vital to minimize the resistance of your employees.

Keep communication clear and transparent at every level. 

A recent Gartner survey found the fact that 65 per cent of the decisions taken today are more complicated than they were in previous years. They require many more parties and options when making decisions.

To make good decisions, internal communication in a digital transformation company    and they are open to feedback from everyone involved. This breaks down data silos and helps make better business decisions.

Develop a well-constructed implementation plan 

To make your digital technology vision a reality, you need a clear plan and road map for consistent implementation. To ensure long-term sustainability, create a plan that includes adaptable systems for enterprise architecture, security, cloud solutions, and analytics.

Develop strategies for technology procurement plans 

To avoid delays, make a plan for getting technology during your transition. Conduct a technology assessment to understand your current technology and find necessary solutions for digital transition. When possible, find alternative options; and include any technology resource shortages into your risk management plan to minimize any potential threats.

Fill the gap in skills 

Build digital proficiency by investing in education and training to ensure the improvement employees. This will ensure that they possess the required skills and capabilities to be able to adjust to the changing digital world and seamlessly incorporate technological tools in their workflow. In addition to closing the gap in digital skills and empowering your employees and encourages employees to perform better.

Removing Digital Transformation Barriers

Digital transformation companies success isn’t only about the implementation of digital technologies. Implementing the most cutting-edge technology does not ensure successful results. There will be a variety of internal and external issues that could hinder your transformation.

The companies aren’t able spend money on digital transformation strategies due to the loss that was incurred by the flu pandemic. This is a major obstacle to the digital transformation. Digital transformation solutions are costly and requires substantial investment.

The post How the world is revolutionized with digital transformation appeared first on Orange Headline.

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How the world is revolutionized with digital transformation


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