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If you are HIV positive, here’s how you can tell someone


If you are HIV positive, here’s how you can tell someone

You’ve just been diagnosed with HIV, and every thought you can imagine has been through your mind. Undoubtedly, one of those thoughts is — how do you tell someone that you have HIV?

Some health issues can be difficult to talk about: Transparency creates vulnerability, and vulnerability requires trust. For people who live with HIV, trust is usually cautiously rationed — and for good reason.

Before considering disclosing your status, there are some things you need to understand about the unfortunate realities of HIV stigma.

For most people, just hearing those letters — HIV — gives us chills. And why wouldn’t it, when the first image they conjure in our minds is death? That reflex/default reaction is based on an antiquated understanding of the virus and no longer has any bearing on truth . But

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If you are HIV positive, here’s how you can tell someone
