As an alternative to expensive, invasive procedures and toxic skincare ingredients dear KOKOBeauties, we are bringing you these do-it-yourself natural beauty tips to help you save time, money, and your health. The best and most lovely things about them all are they are super easy to do at home with just a few ingredients.
Over time, we have always preached that you go natural with your beauty routines and measures because nothing ever beats natural. Using the healing powers of nature and supporting your body’s innate healing capacities to look naturally beautiful. If you are ready, let’s go to 10 natural beauty tips for you!
  1. Tea Bags For Puffy Eyes: Briefly steep 2 green, black, or chamomile tea bags in hot water for less than a minute. Then remove the tea bags from the water and chill in a small bowl in the refrigerator. Once chilled, place 1 bag over each closed eyelid. Leave on your lids for 5 to 15 minutes.
  2. Raspberry and Coconut Oil For Brighter Lips: In a small saucepan on low heat, warm 1 Tablespoon coconut oil until it liquefies. Remove from heat and add 4 fresh or frozen red raspberries. Mash berries and blend until smooth. Place in a small glass container and refrigerate until firm. Use clean fingers or a lipgloss brush to smooth over lips. Make this fresh every few days.
  3. Inverted Y. Positions For Quick Natural Face Lift: Doing inverted postures before pictures, interviews, and meetings can improve circulation and help give your face some extra lift and vitality. You perform the “downward dog” y. pose by getting on the floor on your hands and knees and then straightening your legs. Or, simply bend forward and reach towards your toes. Stay in one of these positions as long as you feel comfortable, for about 1 to 5 minutes.
  4. Lovely Skin With Almond Oil, Raspberry Seed Oil And Pomegranate Seed Oil: Naturally hydrate dry skin and add an extra glow to the end of your skincare routine by creating a natural antioxidant-rich oil blend. Apply after cleansing or after putting on makeup. Mix together equal parts Pomegranate seed oil, Raspberry seed oil, and Sweet Almond Oil. Place 3 to 6 drops of the oil mixture in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together to warm the oils. Then, with your fingertips gently press the warm oil into dry areas of your face or areas w. you have fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Skin Hydration With Coconut Water: Drinking a glass of fresh unsweetened coconut water to start the day with and filtered water through the day is just enough to keep your skin hydrated. At meals include skin-hydrating foods such as wild salmon, avocado, olives, and coconut.
  6. Remove Dead Skin And Revitalize Your Face With An Organic Papaya Mask: Scoop out a ¼ cup raw papaya flesh and mash or blend with 1 Tablespoon fresh pineapple until smooth. Apply to dry skin and leave on for 5 to 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test on your arm before applying to face. Papaya contains the natural enzyme papain, and pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps naturally exfoliate the skin to leave it smooth and soft.
  7. Hydrate And Nourish Lips With Shea Butter: Using nourishing natural ingredients such as shea butter (or cocoa butter) and coconut oil will just make your lip salve. Mix equal parts of these ingredients in a bowl and apply on lips daily for quicker results.
    Read also: 5 Ways To Up Your Natural Beauty Look Game
  8. Honey, Turmeric, And Yogurt For A Smoother Complexion: Combine the healing, clarifying, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects of honey with pore cleansing and sebum balancing effects of turmeric and pH enhancing and lactic acid effects of yoghurt into this pore cleanser… Mix together 1 Tablespoon plain yoghurt, 1 Tablespoon raw honey and 1 teaspoon turmeric powder into a paste. Apply to face and neck and leave for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash with cool water, pat your skin dry and apply your favourite serum and moisturizer.
  9. Natural Beauty Mask To Restore And Hydrate Tired Dull Skin: Oats have moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Avocado is hydrating and nourishing, with naturally occurring vitamins A and E. And, Yogurt contains nutrients, enzymes and active cultures that help reduce inflammation and balance the pH of your skin for a healthy skin microbiome. In a bowl, blend together 1/4 cup oat flour (ground uncooked oats), 2 Tablespoons unsweetened yogurt and ¼ of an avocado. Mix well and then apply enough to cover your clean, dry face. Leave on face for 10 to 20 minutes and then remove with warm, wet washcloth, and then rinse face with water and pat dry. Use the mask once per day as needed.
  10. Cleanse Your Skin With Almond Oil: Switch from bar to liquid soap that doesn’t lather. Instead of stripping your skin with foamy cleansers, nourish your skin while you cleanse for a healthy clean glow. You can use oils such as argan and almond oil to cleanse the skin naturally or use a natural cleanser. Photos Credit: Natural Beauty Tips/Getty
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