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Difference Between Specification Sheet and Tech Pack

Difference Between Specification Sheet And Tech Pack

Specification Sheet and Tech Pack – The Difference

Specification sheet and tech pack compliment each other. In garment industry, most fashion designers infer tech pack and spec sheet as same. But, both are quite different and in fact the spec sheet is a part of fashion tech pack. So, what is the difference between tech pack and spec sheet? Going forward we are going to discuss this in detail. Tech pack and spec sheet are different thing and so as their use in apparel production process. I have explained tech pack and the components of it in detail on my blog post “clothing tech pack design“. Going forward I am going to explain both tech pack and spec sheet in brief down below. In the mean time please go through tech pack template store. Here we offer most common style that a start-up apparel brand may need to kick start their brand.

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Hi Readers, Welcome to Urban Purple! I am Paromita your favorite technical designer. I welcome you to the most researched and equipped place of fashion design workshop. You have reached to the place where we listen to your queries and give our suggestion that best suits your pocket. We choose our technical designers with real talent in them and make sure our customers gets the best out of it. You are one click away. Give your queries and we make sure you get the right suggestion. Do business with us or not but you will gain something from us. This is my Promise to my blog readers and potential clients. Connect with US here and open the world of opportunity you have been seeing for long time. Ok lets Continue to the topic.

What is Garment Measurement Specification Sheet

Garment specification sheet is a part of tech pack and contains key measurements for a style. A spread sheet along with a graphical measurement guideline mentioning point of measurement. This is the most useful guide for pattern master when preparing pattern. A measurement spec sheet gives graded measurement of a style from small to large sizes. A pattern maker prepare different size pattern by referring this graded spec sheet. But this is not a complete tech pack. This does not explains other aspects of garment detailing. Printing , washing, garment construction and finishing details are not part of spec sheet. Below is an example of a garment spec sheet. As you can see the measurement spec sheet only reveals on measurement parameters. This only helps to create the garment patterns and sample development.

What is a Tech Pack?

Tech pack is a blueprint created by technical designer to streamline apparel production. This is a set of instruction a clothing manufacturer needs to set up production process. The production process includes fabric sourcing, pattern drafting, print screen and so on. Sourcing and garment processing gets streamlined with the help of a tech pack. So, factories ask for tech pack to quote production cost, and develop sample. This is an important document to achieve clarity and reduce error in production. In short, tech pack is a document used to optimize cost and maximize profitability.

So you must be wondering if we can use the measurement spec sheet to prepare the sample then why we need a tech pack? and what is a tech pack all together? A tech pack includes garment print and embroidery vectors, construction details. The measurement spec sheet is a part of a tech pack not the whole of it. Tech pack is a detailed instruction to create apparel starting from scratch. If you wan to know what goes in a tech pack please refer to my post “understanding measurement spec sheet“. You must specify fabric details, washing and wash care, prints, etc other than the spec sheet. So, you cannot relay on measurement spec sheet alone you need a complete tech pack. A tech pack designer ensure that every detailing included in the tech pack. This helps clothing manufacturer develop sample and produce garment smoothly.

As you can see on the above image tech pack, it shows all detailing that goes in a style. It also reveals the critical path method of what steps to follow what steps. if a clothing manufacturer follows this completely there is absolutely no chance that the production pics will have issues.

Our Services As Fashion Studio and Apparel Production Unit

Wondering how to make a spec sheet and tech pack for garments ? We have made your job super easy to deal with this issue. Visit tech pack template store if you are starting a brand with common styles. Use your own brand name graphics artwork to customize. Add your graphic artwork and logos. You can save hundreds of dollars. All styles are designed and tested several times in real time production process. Get spec sheet format for garments with every product from tech pack template store. If you want to learn how to make a spec sheet for garments, you can go through my posts and also take a formal training. Once done you can do it by yourself. With formal training and research you can design spec sheet and tech pack.

Tech Pack Design Service for Fashion Label

If you are thinking about starting your fashion label, feel free to avail our wide range of services. We offer end-to-end service from tech pack design, manufacturing, shipping and marketing. We help build a brand from concept to customer. Please feel free to get in touch with one of our tech pack designer to get a quote. You may expect a discounted quote and huge support if you are availing our start-up package. Looking for tech packs and specs for common styles to start ? Avail them at our tech pack template store. Visit our online store and download apparel tech pack template. You will get the complete tech pack and measurement specs for the style you buy and download. We follow standard USA measurements. So if you are looking for any other measurement feel free to get in touch with us for a custom tech pack.

Visit Tech Pack Template Store if you are starting a brand with styles everyone using with your own brand name or some graphics artwork to customize. You may buy the tech packs to send it to clothing manufacturers. With this tech pack template you may add your graphic artwork and logos. You can save hundreds of dollars with these tech packs. The fashion spec sheet template are developed professionally and are tested several times in real time production process.


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    • Garment Measurement Specification – Garment Fit Basics
    • Difference Between Specification Sheet and Tech Pack
    • Spec Sheet Components With Measurement Guideline
    • Preparing Garment Measurement Specification Sheet – Clothing Designer
    • How to Prepare Garment Measurement Spec Sheet

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The post Difference Between Specification Sheet and Tech Pack appeared first on Clothing Designer and Garment Manufacturer.

This post first appeared on Clothing Designer Tech Pack Designer Clothing Manufacturer, please read the originial post: here

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Difference Between Specification Sheet and Tech Pack
