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Barber Shop Equipment: Essential Tools (Ultimate Guide)

Barber Shop Equipment: Essential Tools (Ultimate Guide)

What Is It

As the name suggests, barber shop equipment refers to the tools and equipment mainly used by professional barbers. They consist of basic barber shop tools and essentials.

These tools and equipment are usually handhelds and simple ones used for hair styling, shaving, and haircutting. Barber shop equipment and tools also include barber chairs and barber-recommended clippers.

If you are interested in learning more about the best barber shop equipment you should invest in, this article can help you. Let’s start learning about the tools, equipment, and accessories most professional barbers use.



Regarding barber tools, here are the most common ones you can find in any barbershop.


The clipper is among the first few tools you can find in barbershops. You can find different types of clippers, including premium hair clippers for fades. In most cases, professional barbers use electric clippers that come with razor-sharp blades.

These blades work by performing a shearing action back and forth. They do so without harming your skin while still being practical when cutting your hair, depending on your preference. There are also clippers with a built-in vacuum.

This particular feature catches loose hair and then pulls it away to reach the central collection site. You can also find professional barber clippers with adjustable blades, making it possible to set up various cut lengths.


High-quality electric trimmers are also among the tools that a barber should invest in. This tool is a big help when dealing with clients who prefer to have a short and neat beard or hair.

The reason is that clippers made for longer beards and hair can’t do the job of trimmers when it comes to keeping the hair short and ensuring that there are fine and precise details. The trimmers will surely help a barber in that particular situation.


Of course, a barber needs scissors. A barbershop will never be complete without scissors, even sharp beard scissors, as barbers will not be able to cut the hair of customers based on their preference without this tool.

Also known as hairdressing shears, this particular tool intended for cutting hair often consists of one-sided metal blades joined together at the center with the aid of a fulcrum. The scissors also often feature two handles with rings where the barber can insert their fingers.

You will notice one ring being swiveled, ensuring that the thumb remains in place as the other finger moves. It is crucial to note that scissors for barbers are available in various sizes and shapes, each suiting a different type of haircut.

Some scissors with short blades can help lessen hand fatigue and improve control. You can also find long-bladed scissors perfect for larger hair surface areas. It ensures that every haircut made follows a straight line.


Barbers also need to use quality razors. Some make it a point to have double-edge safety razors in their arsenal. Regardless of the type of razor, it can deal with the finishing touches. Some professional barbers also prefer using a straight razor to provide better control.

With that, barbers can perform gentler strokes, lowering the risk of cutting customers. In addition, straight razors can provide more angles when shaping sideburns, necklines, and beards.

Ensure that you have various razors in your barber tool kit, as they are useful in giving each customer a cleaner finish.


Another tool that a barbershop should have is a shaver. The reason is that not all clients who visit the shop will ask for a haircut. Some need a clean shave. In that case, they can use the electric shaver, which makes it an essential tool in the kit of all professional barbers.


Combs used in barbershops are different from the ones you can find in households. The hair comb designed for barbers is usually around 12-inch long. One end of the comb features long, coarse teeth while the other is closed to fine and short teeth.

Professional barbers have sufficient skills and experience in utilizing the hair comb when gauging the hair’s length, making it possible for them to give their clients a more real haircut.


The best brush needed by a professional barber is the duster brush. It is a vital barbershop tool to help barbers give the best professional service.

The duster brush refers to a tiny brush that the barber can use in brushing stray hair clippings away from the neck of the client, whether it is the back or front part.

Shaving Tools

Shaving tools are also essential as, again, clients do not only visit a barbershop for a haircut. They want their facial hair or beard to be shaved, too; among the shaving tools that a barber needs would be razors and trimmers.


A barbershop also needs to gather the following products to ensure they deliver the best service to their clients.

Hair Care

Hair care products do not just include shampoo and conditioner. You can also find many other products in a barbershop that can be used in caring for your hair. Among them are hair creams and gels designed to make hair look great and healthy.

With the help of these products, a professional barber can give men a clean and neat look as they receive their haircut and styling.

Beard Care

Barbers also need beard care products designed to make facial hair look soft, nice, and healthy. With the right beard care products, there is a low chance for clients to leave the barbershop and go home with red, irritated, and itchy cheeks.

Among the best beard care products that a barbershop should have are beard creams, beard oils, gels, and aftershaves.


Also included among the barbershop equipment that a professional barber should invest in are certain appliances that can make their job of delivering haircutting, hairstyling, and shaving services faster, easier, and more convenient.

These appliances include the following:


A high-quality hair vacuum is a vital barber shop appliance because it prevents your clients from feeling uncomfortable sitting in a pile of hair from different faces and heads.

With the vacuum around, piles of hair will be collected immediately. It also offers convenience in the sense that you do not have to spend time doing thorough cleaning after a day of work in the salon since the vacuum will be able to do it quickly.

Hair Dryer

Of course, you also need a high-quality hair dryer, one that is capable of providing fast hair drying to clients. With the hair dryer around, you can speed up the hair drying process, even if the service requested by the client involves washing the hair, such as when they avail of hair coloring or treatment services.

This is possible as the hair dryer creates a stream of hot or warm air and delivers it through the nozzle, thereby hastening hair’s water evaporation. This means that clients no longer need to wait long to dry their hair before they can leave the barber shop or salon.


A sterilizer is worth investing in as it is suitable for maintaining proper sanitation. This small barbershop tool utilizes germicidal bulbs that aid in keeping all your tools and equipment in the shop sterile.

It can keep the barbershop clean and sanitized, attracting clients since a clean environment can make them feel safe and comfortable, especially when various types of viruses are spreading.


It is also advisable to have some disinfectants in a barbershop. These disinfectants are necessary for keeping all the things and equipment inside the shop clean.

These include floors and windows and the tools and equipment you specifically use for your clients, including brushes, scissors, combs, and Oster clippers for all hair types.

Disinfecting and sanitizing your barbershop is also possible with the help of these simple yet valuable tips:

  • Applying hand lotion to clean your hands before every new haircut.
  • Wearing a pair of clean and sanitized latex gloves all the time.
  • Using a blade cleaner spray – Spray it on your tools, including edgers, trimmers, and clippers.

To protect yourself and your clients, sanitize everything before coming in contact with anyone.

Other Tools and Equipment


This is one of the essential pieces of equipment in a barbershop. Ensure that you pick a barber’s chair that is not only comfortable but also functional. Choose one that is easy and quick to adjust based on your client’s requirements.

As much as possible, the barber chair needs to have hydraulics in it. This feature can guarantee smooth and quick adjustments. Ensure that the chair’s build quality is solid and sublime, too.

With that, you have an assurance that it will not break that easily. It will last longer, no matter how many users have already sat on it.


Of course, you also need a mirror. Choose a crystal-clear one, making it possible for clients to see precisely what the barber is doing to their hair. Invest in smaller mirrors, too, that you will be using to let your clients see the back part of their head once done with the haircut.


You also need a barber’s cape. This cape is one of the things that should never go missing in any barbershop. This essential comes in the form of a large sheet of cloth, which works by covering your clients.

The cape will cover them from their shoulders to their legs, thereby protecting them from being filled up by hair trimmings and clippings.

Dusting Brush

Remember that trimmings or clippings will be left on your clients’ shoulders and necks after the shave or cut. In this case, you need to use the dusting brush, a simple brush featuring fine and long bristles that you can find in its elongated base.

It also often has a short handle. This brush is a significant help in ensuring that the client leaves your shop clean and free from clippings and trimmings.


Towels are also among the barbershop essentials, as almost every styling, treatment, and procedure needs a towel. You can use it for many things, such as drying hair, laying down tools, damping a warm towel over one’s skin, and wiping off trimmings and clippings.

A professional barber needs to have a few towels ready to prevent their clients from leaving the salon doors with messy hair because of the trimmings and soggy hair.

Since you have towels, choosing the best towel warmer should also be included in the things you have to do. A good towel warmer, precisely one with a UV sterilizer lamp, can consistently produce hot and hygienic towels.

How to Choose 


Choose tools with an ergonomic design. That way, you can easily manipulate and hold the tools even after using them for a long time. The good thing about using tools with ergonomic design is that they can help prevent wrist, elbow, and shoulder fatigue.

It can also prevent possible injuries. When selecting shears or scissors, pick those that feature offset handles, too. These handles should let your thumb be in a comfortable and natural position.


Check the prices of various tools and equipment, too. Before shopping, ensure that you have already set a budget for all the tools. That way, you can start shopping and making your selection for barber tools and equipment that fit your budget.

Needs and Requirements

This factor requires you to consider the kind of hair you intend to cut. You also have to factor in the specific length of time you intend to use the tools and equipment. That way, you can narrow down your options based on those that fit what you need and require from them specifically.

Return Policy and Warranty

The warranty offered by the manufacturer and supplier of your chosen barbershop tools and equipment is essential since it can help reduce the amount you spend on part replacements.

In most cases, tools that have lifetime warranties are considered to be superior in terms of quality. Learn about their return policy, too, so you will know how you can return the product and whether or not you can get a refund if you return it within a certain period.

How to Maintain

Step 1 – Clean regularly

For instance, you should clean the blades regularly using a disinfectant wipe or alcohol. This can eliminate the buildup of hair that may only dull the blades eventually.

Step 2 – Oil blades

This is also an essential step as it can help lubricate the blades all the time. It can, therefore, prevent the tools from building up rust.

Step 3 – Store in the right place

Look for a safe and secure place for your tools that can prevent the devices from being damaged that easily. You can choose to use a box or pouch explicitly meant for the storage of tools.

Step 4 – Use disinfectant

This is necessary for keeping the tools in tip-top condition. You should dip, immerse or spray your barbershop tools with disinfectant to eliminate fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

After applying the disinfectant, let them stay on the tools for around ten minutes to guarantee completely removing contaminating elements. All these tips may be simple, but they can help prolong the life of tools.

Do’s and Don’ts


  • Familiarize yourself with the use of each tool. That way, you can use them correctly. For instance, the hair comb, clipper, trimmer, and shear are tools for performing haircuts. Meanwhile, a sharp straight razor, comb, clipper, and lathering brush are the tools you need for beard styling, trimming sideburns, and cutting in a neat neckline.
  • Clean and sterilize. Do this after each use. This is important in preventing the spread of germs and bacteria.
  • Create a plan for hair styling. Before using the tools, ensure that you plan how you should cut and style your customers’ hair. For instance, you should spend time analyzing the shape of their head, including the imperfections in their skull and the indents that may affect the style or the haircut. Also, untangle hair with the help of a comb and water.


  • Do not forget to dry the tools. Use a clean towel to dry every item after use. Store them in the right places, too.
  • Do not neglect the need to sharpen the razor. You need to maintain its sharpness, so you can use it in making light and short strokes. You can retain the sharpness by stropping it regularly.


What equipment is needed to open a barber shop?

You need equipment that will make your barbershop not only attractive to the eyes of clients but also make you perform your job well. Among these tools and equipment are a barber station, backwash unit or sink, barber chair, hair vacuum, hot towel warmer, cash register machine, and sanitizer.

What machines do barbers use?

The most common tools and machines barbers use daily are scissors, combs, razors, electric clippers, and shears. A pair of barber scissors is considered the lifeline of the shop as most clients prefer a good and neat haircut and style to look great.

How much does barber equipment cost?

You may need to spend a reasonable sum to collect all the barber tools and equipment required to open your shop or salon. Fortunately, this investment is worth it, especially if you choose to invest in the right tools known for their top-notch quality and incredible durability and performance.

In most cases, you will most likely spend for all the tools is at least $20,000. This cost often includes scissors, chairs, razors, brushes, combs, blow-dryers, trimmers, and other essentials needed in starting the shop.

How many clippers should a barber own?

Most barbers require at least one set of clippers to get through the entire working day. Having more than one set is crucial as each client has unique hair. Some have fine and thin hair, while others have curly and thick hair.

Some already experience baldness. Also, note that you may need a different set of clippers to make fades, blends, or balding cuts.

What is the most critical piece of equipment in a barber shop?

The essential piece of equipment that a barber shop should have is a pair of barber scissors. It is even considered a barber’s lifeline since, without it, you cannot cut hair depending on your client’s preferences and liking.


Opening a barber shop may not be easy at first as you may have to invest money gathering all the barbershop equipment and tools you need. However, if you are genuinely passionate about this venture, all your investment will be worth it. You can also decide on the best price for men’s haircuts based on the cost of your investment and your expertise.

The post Barber Shop Equipment: Essential Tools (Ultimate Guide) appeared first on Beardoholic.

This post first appeared on Beardoholic, please read the originial post: here

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Barber Shop Equipment: Essential Tools (Ultimate Guide)
