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Ted Cruz Sharp Beard & How to Grow, Trim & Maintain It

Ted Cruz Sharp Beard & How To Grow, Trim & Maintain It

People often look up to famous people and celebrities for style and fashion ideas. As long as a person has some influence, it is incredibly likely that the public and media will notice their look changes. 

Ted Cruz is not a Hollywood celebrity. He is an American politician once lauded for his solid right-wing ideals and practical public speaking skills. Such success and reputation as a politician led him to be dubbed as possibly the next US president. However, his recently garnered fame was not due to his skills but several controversies. Along with this fame came the public’s attention to his behavior, statements, and appearance. 

In 2018, Ted Cruz dominated the headlines with people finding out what he looked like without a beard. His new, clean look led everyone to ask when the no-shave November rules would end for him. If you want to learn more about this man’s beard style, let’s dive. 

Early Life and Rise to Fame

Ted Cruz was born to Rafael Edward Cruz and Eleonor Darragh on December 22, 1970. His father is a Cuban immigrant. Although born in Calgary, Canada, Ted Cruz grew up in Texas since he was four years old. He used to be a Canadian and American citizen until he gave up the former in 2014. Cruz graduated from Princeton in 1992 and entered Harvard Law School to earn a law degree to help him start his career in politics. 

Career Highlights

Here are the critical milestones of Ted Cruz’s career. 

  • In 1992, Cruz was awarded the National Speaker of the Year and was recognized as the Team of the Year by the American Parliamentary Debate Association.
  • He worked as a policy advisor during George W. Bush’s presidential campaign in 1999.
  • Cruz became the Solicitor General of Texas in 2003.
  • Ted Cruz first ran for a senate position in 2012 as a constitutional conservative supported by the Republican Tea Party movement. He won a seat in 2013.
  • Ted Cruz ran for the position of US President in 2016. He lost to Donald Trump.

New Beard Style

Ted Cruz has tried different types of beards. Aside from his usual clean-shaven state, Ted Cruz faced the public with facial hair on a couple of occasions. However, his newest beard fashion features a full beard with connected sideburns and a mustache. 

Quick Growth Tips

  • Give yourself time to grow your beard, starting with a clean shave. It usually takes three to six months to grow a considerably long mustache and beard. You can follow the infamous no-shave November rules to keep your schedule long enough to extend past the nascent stage. 
  • Often, it is hard to grow facial hair around the cheek and the sides of the mouth. Beard care products such as the world’s best beard shampoo can encourage facial hair growth. 
  • Grooming is also an essential part of growing a full beard. Regularly brush the beard to stimulate growth and use a professional hair trimmer to clear neck hair. Plucking stray cheek hair can keep a clean look as well. 
  • Once your beard and mustache start to grow, brush and comb them regularly. Using a beard softener can also keep your facial hair from being too stiff and rough. Continue this routine until your neckline and cheek line are well filled to constitute a full beard. 

How to Groom and Style 

Although Ted Cruz has a full beard, it still looks clean and professional. Instead of just a natural full beard growth, Ted Cruz fashions a Garibaldi that connects the mustache, beard, and sideburns. Here is a guide and some beard shaping tips on grooming and styling a full beard, just like Ted Cruz. 

Step 1 – Trim the bottom part

You can use a pair of scissors to shape the beard and change to a professional hair trimmer to polish the ends.

Step 2 – Trim and shave your neckline

Shave the stray facial hair starting from Adam’s apple and up each ear with a premium beard shaving kit to let the beard look more defined. 

Step 3 – Cheek and mustache need some attention

Use a professional beard trimmer to cut the beard, mustache, and sideburns short. A trimmer guard #3 or #2 is best to suit the hair length, just like Ted Cruz. 

Reactions to a New Look of Ted Cruz

Despite previous attempts at growing and fashioning a beard, people did not initially like how a beard looks on Ted Cruz’s face. Earlier comments about his stubble mentioned that the beard first looked patchy and unkempt. Thus making Cruz look rather unprofessional. His stubble-like growth drew him a ton of mockery from the media, the public, and fellow politicians. 

However, his newest beard style features a fuller beard with white and gray hair strings. The so-called salt-and-pepper beard is cut short to emphasize his chin and jawline. Media outlets say that this style showed the not-yet-seen rugged and manly side of Ted Cruz.


Why did Ted Cruz grow his beard?

At the 2018 Gridiron Club dinner, Cruz mentioned that former President Trump’s nickname for him changed from ‘Lying Ted’ to ‘Beautiful Ted.’ He jokingly said that the new nickname fits better, and it’s why he’s growing a beard.

Is Ted Cruz’s beard attractive?

Although people mocked Ted Cruz’s beard during its nascent stage, some mentioned that the salt-and-pepper beard significantly changed how the Texan senator looked. The media say that Cruz’s full beard looked more manly and robust. Whether it’s attractive or not is simply a matter of preference. 

Does Ted Cruz look more attractive without a beard?

Attractiveness is subjective. However, many said that Ted Cruz’s brandishing a beard shocked many people. The change in appearance from a clean shave, a messy stubble, and a fuller beard significantly changed how some people look at Ted Cruz. 


Growing a full beard is not easy for some people. Sometimes, certain factors come in getting a patchless beard from cheeks to chin. Luckily, several beard products can improve facial hair growth, such as organic beard soaps and the best beard shampoo. Taking beard vitamins can also ensure skin health for stronger and longer facial hair. 

It will be easier to try out a short beard style that suits you well with a naturally full beard. With proper grooming and care, you will be able to grow and style your beard just like Ted Cruz. 

Photos from: CJHPhotography /

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Ted Cruz Sharp Beard & How to Grow, Trim & Maintain It
