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Icy Beard: Benefits, Grooming, How to Fix It & More

Icy Beard: Benefits, Grooming, How To Fix It & More

The winter is coming and so are the ice beards. Don’t worry; we are not trying to warn you about an army of undead white walkers sporting some cool facial hair fashion with ice on them. We are talking about real ice beards and especially with men that are growing a big beard

Winter conditions can get quite harsh in certain areas, and sporting a long beard will help your face feel warmer. But once the temperature hits a below zero mark, your fabulous mane can quickly turn into an icy beard.

In such a case, particularly in these very harsh winter conditions, men need to know how to maintain their chin fuzz and help it endure the cold winter months. 

If you are a person living in the northern parts of our world and have a nice long beard, then you better read this before your beard starts looking like the one the Ice King from Adventure Time has. 

What Is It

All men who can grow a beard and go skiing or mountain climbing know what an icy beard can look like. All that snow and ice can easily attach itself to a bushy beard, causing it to freeze over.

Don’t worry; your beard will not break in half, but these weather conditions don’t help to maintain the quality of your beard. 

People in the past that lived in cold areas, like the Norseman or the Mongolians, did have long beards. It was not only a fashion choice but also a way to keep warm at night.

The mane can quickly turn into an icy Santa Claus beard while riding horseback or during cold winter nights while taking a boat ride to the nearest village to plunder. 

Today, an icy beard happens to people who are doing dangerous work in snowy places. Also, people who are mountain climbing for pleasure or skiing and not wearing a scarf.

It is more of an inconvenience than a style choice as nobody would want a block of ice hanging from his face. It also makes maintaining a beard a lot harder as you will have to adapt your regular beard maintenance routine and hygiene to the weather conditions that you are in. 

Short History

The history of icy beards goes well in the past during the time of Genghis Khan and Erik the Red, and perhaps Santa Claus, but we’ll leave him out of this debate for the time being.

The two conquering individuals used to live in very harsh weather conditions and reports say that they did have some impressive facial hair at the time. 

The Vikings that followed Erik the Red went to battle and raided all areas. But a boat ride on a cold winter night is not a walk in the park. You are not going to end up with a red nose. The chilly air will make your bones crackle and your beard freeze over. 

The same can be said for Genghis Khan and his band of misfits. As opposed to Erik and his lads, the Mongolians preferred horse rides. But no horse ride is comfortable at -30 °C degrees.

The Mongolian army preferred long and sleek beards compared to the busy and unkempt ones of the Norsemen. But there was no escape from the icy beard effect for both of them. 

Unfortunately for both nations, no one had access to good beard conditioners back then, which could have been beneficial for their facial hair. However, there was a good chance that they didn’t think much about the way their facial hair looked and mainly thought about surviving the winter and finding somebody to attack. 

How Does It Work

An icy beard is an unfortunate result of long facial hair and unfavorably cold weather conditions clashing against one another. By simply going for a walk in an ice storm, a hail of snow, or rain at very cold temperatures, your beard will get icy faster than you think. 

But an icy beard can come to be simply by breathing. If you decide to go outside without a scarf, the condensation created from our hot breath will allow frost to start forming.

The same thing happens with all the saliva that may be drooling out of our mouths. If the weather is cold enough, it will not take too long for the ice to start forming. 

However, experienced beardsmen know that maintaining your beard during cold weather is what will keep the beard healthy. So one should never disregard the nourishing benefits of beard oil, especially when it comes to cold weather.

The icy cold, dry weather will sap away all the moisture, and you will need something to replenish it. As long as you keep a proper maintenance routine, you will be able to keep a long beard healthy even through winter times. 

Pros and Cons


  • Built-in protection: Why wear a scarf or add layers of clothing when a beard can do the same and protect your cheeks and neck from getting cold naturally. 
  • Having a cool look: This one depends from person to person and should not be carried around for a long time. But an icy beard does spark a very intriguing and exciting look for a couple of hours. 
  • Ice beard look: People who live in remote areas are proud of their icy beards and pridefully show them off. 


  • Dried out beard: Sub-zero temperatures and low humidity mean that your beard will be sucked out of all of its moisture. This will result in a very dry and fragile face. 
  • An icy beard: It may be a badge of courage for some, but it is not comfortable, particularly in the long run. Your face is forced to carry around some added weight. 
  • Can break off: It may sound cartoonish, but small parts of your beard can break off. Once the hairs are dry enough and dehydrated, they become stiff and prone to breaking. 

How to Prevent and Fix It

The best way of preventing an icy beard is simply not going out in icy weather. Not exposing yourself to such weather conditions will result in you not getting a frozen beard. But if the situation cannot be avoided, there are still some ways that you can prevent it. 

Not exposing your beard and wearing a scarf are excellent ways to start. That way, your beard does not directly contact the cold air. However, you will want to increase the usage of premium beard oils.

No matter if your beard is protected or not, beard oils are going to help nourish your beard and help retain some of the moisture.

If you still get a frozen beard on your way to the grocery store, we suggest using a sauna or a steam room. It will be able to thaw off but will not be dry and you will replenish some moisture that way. Blow drying is a bad idea as it will get even drier, which you don’t want. 

If you are living in unapproachable areas and you can’t get your hands on some beard oil, a DIY beard balm is also an option. If you can get your hands on some natural ingredients, they can work even better than premium store-bought products. 

How to Grow

An ice beard does look impressive on a burly tall man. But if you look at it from a beard maintenance perspective, it is not something that will benefit your beard.

We don’t recommend getting your beard wet and going outside in the cold to make it icy. The beard will get ice on itself just by you going outside to get some firewood if the temperatures are low enough. 

Our beards are magnets for everything that is around us. Especially bits and pieces that fall out from our mouth or our face. It is a nasty business, so it is necessary to keep it clean.

However, this becomes hard in the winter months when washing too often with shampoo can bring more bad than good. 

Nevertheless, if you have a long bushy beard and want to experience the feel of an icy beard, take a pleasant long stroll outside without wearing a scarf or anything that covers your beard.

As you breathe, the vapors will create condensation. Combined with the saliva, you will get some frosty tips. Furthermore, if it starts snowing, you are all set, as it will most likely end up stuck to your beard. 

But the second you get back home, be sure to dry it off and let it thaw. A beard comb is an essential accessory in keeping it strong and your beard will deserve a few strokes here and there. Dab with a towel and do not wipe. Add some beard oil to replenish the moisture and you will be all set. 

Quick Beard Care Tips for Winter

A beard during winter is undoubtedly a wise choice to make. But you also have to think about maintaining it and keeping it healthy, especially during the harsh winter months.

Here are a few tips that we care to share with you to help your beard remain intact even during the harshest conditions. 

  • Use less shampoo: Cut back on shampooing your beard. It is still important to wash it and keep it clean, but too much shampoo can do away with the much-needed moisture. Even the best beard shampoos can be detrimental to your beard during cold times. 
  • Avoid hot showers: A warm shower sounds nice during winter. But it is not suitable for your facial hair as it can make it brittle and strip away all the natural oils. Try a cold shower whenever and if possible. 
  • Dry your beard: The best way to dry your beard in cold weather is by patting it and not rubbing it. You avoid irritation, damaging your follicles, and split ends. 
  • Comb your beard: Brushing your beard does not only help keep it in good form. The combing action is essential in distributing the necessary oils evenly throughout your face and beard, which protects everything from the harsh winter dryness. 
  • Moisturize your beard: Find some suitable products and moisturize your beard regularly during the winter and generally cold weather. 
  • You can stroke but not pluck: Many men like touching their beards. While stroking it brings immense pleasure, plucking at it can have various adverse effects. Besides creating patches, you risk causing infection and ingrown hairs. 
  • Cover your beard: A beardsman with a mane covered in ice does look attractive and manly. But it does not boast well for the beard itself. Be sure to cover it with a scarf or a coat and wipe away the ice and snow as soon as it gets attached to it. 


Is the cold bad for the beard?

Yes, the cold is extremely bad for your beard. It saps all the moisture, making it brittle, dry, and prone to breaking. 

Why does ice collect on a beard?

Our facial hair usually catches saliva and vapor coming out of our mouths, making it susceptible to freezing. The hairs themselves can withstand sub-zero temperatures, but they can quickly freeze over once they get wet. 

Why do beards get wet when it’s cold outside?

Assuming it is not raining or snowing, our beard will get wet due to the vapor created by the warm breath coming from our mouths. Also, there are many salivae there that can easily be caught on our whiskers. 

Will frozen beard break?

In a way, yes. The beard is not going to break in half like in a cartoon, but the hairs get drier and more brittle, causing them to break away individually and damage your beard. 

How often should I wash my beard during the winter?

Cleaning your beard is necessary, but washing it with shampoo should be a minimum. Two times a week is the most you can do. 


Have you ever seen a picture of Sub Zero with a beard? Never! As a master cryomancer, he knows the harmful effects low temperatures can have on facial hair. But if you still want to sport a beard even while it’s cold outside, think about using the world’s best beard balms to get the beard moisturized and follow a routine that will help you maintain it as best as possible.

The post Icy Beard: Benefits, Grooming, How to Fix It & More appeared first on Beardoholic.

This post first appeared on Beardoholic, please read the originial post: here

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Icy Beard: Benefits, Grooming, How to Fix It & More
