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Best Hand Lotions for Men to Make Dry Hands Silky Smooth

Best Hand Lotions For Men To Make Dry Hands Silky Smooth

You can wear rough hands as a badge of honor at the gym because they show that you have endured intensive workouts and focused on your fitness journey. However, outside the gym, rough hands are not so appealing, and they may even be unattractive. 

This is why you need a good hand lotion to help you smooth your hands after engaging in hand roughening activities.

What Is a Hand Lotion for Men

A hand lotion for men is a moisturizing agent that you apply on your hands to make them moisturized, softer, and more attractive. A hand lotion can be a cream, lotion, or balm, depending on what works best for you. A good lotion will leave your hands feeling and smelling great and boost your confidence even though your daily routines predispose you to rough hands. 

Benefits of Using a Hand Lotion for Men

Softens Your Hands

The ultimate benefit of using hand lotion for men is to get your hands smooth and more attractive. As a modern man, you need to take care of all your grooming needs by using all the products to favor you. A hand lotion will work on your hands, make them smoother and help you build your confidence.

Soft Hands Mean Confidence

Walking around with rough hands can be a confidence spoiler. Once you find a hand lotion that works great for you, you will see your confidence levels shoot. You are more confident to shake hands or express yourself with your hands. 

How Does a Hand Lotion for Men Work

A great hand lotion will make your hands feel smoother and moisturized. It will also prevent further dehydration from your hands and give you the confidence to go about your day. A good hand lotion will also not leave your hands greasy or sticky and work great with your skin type. It will also leave your hands smelling great and help to boost your confidence.

Buy yourself the world’s best body lotion for men and see a great change in your hands. 

Pros and Cons of Using Hand Lotions for Men


  • When you use quality hand lotion, you will be improving your performance in daily routines. It can be hard to get things done on rough and cracked hands. It can even become painful. However, a good hand lotion allows you to handle your business with ease. 
  • A good hand lotion will also improve your nail health and keep your cuticles hydrated. Dry and chipped cuticles can be painful and non-hydrated nails can also be a sore sight. Get a good hand lotion to help you improve your nail and cuticle health.
  • With soft and moisturized hands, you are more likely to create a great first impression than you would with rough and cracked hands. Soft hands show that you take time to groom yourself, while rough and cracked hands pass you off as a careless person.  


  • A hand lotion could leave your hands all greasy and sticky, especially if you buy a poor-quality lotion.
  • Some hand lotions have not-so-pleasant smells that would leave you struggling more with self-esteem.
  • Hand lotions only work well if they are compatible with your skin type. If you use inappropriate hand lotion, you could leave your hands drier than ever.
  • Some hand lotions have harmful ingredients that leave your hands dehydrated. 

Types of Hand Moisturizers 


The cream is more like a hand lotion, but it is thicker and has a higher viscosity. A cream will be mostly stored in a tube or jar because they are too thick to pour out from a bottle or pump. Hand cream is a great product for treating dry skin and protecting your hands from the harsh environment.

A good hand cream hydrates your nails and cuticles. A cream will feel greasier than a lotion because they have a greater degree of oil. If your hands are excessively dry, then a cream would be the ideal option for you. 

Other body creams could also help in other parts of your body. For instance, wrinkles can be eliminated with an anti-aging creamYou can also use face creams to boost collagen production to increase skin elasticity. 


Lotions are lighter than creams and have a lower viscosity because they have lesser oils as their ingredients. You will mostly find lotion in a bottle or a pump because they flow easily. If your hands are not too dry, you can comfortably use lotions to make them softer.

Lotions are usually more effective on your skin during summer and in humid climates. They do not have deep moisturizing qualities like creams and work best when there is moisture in the environment. The good thing about lotions is that they leave your hands less greasy and easier to apply. 


Balms are thicker than both creams and lotions because they have beeswax as an active ingredient. They are stored in jars and are most useful for you if you have extremely dry hands. However, be keen when buying balms and check for those with moisturizing agents. Some balms have excessive chemicals that will only leave your hands feeling drier.

You can also buy other balms for your body, such as a beard balm. You can avoid irritation by using an aftershave balm which will soothe your skin. You can combine beard balms with the best beard growth oil for better growth of your beard. 

Ingredients to Look for in a Hand Lotion for Men

The ingredients in your hand lotion determine how well it is going to work for your hands. Here are the ingredients you should look for in your hand lotion. A good hand lotion will work the way chapstick moisturizes your skin during winter

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is rated as one of the basic components of a hand lotion, yet it is one ingredient that will give you the softness and moisture you want in your hands. Your ideal lotion should have vitamin e as an ingredient.

Sun Protection Factor (SPF)

Before you buy a hand lotion, check if it has sunscreen with high SPF to shield your skin from the harsh rays of the sun. Harsh weather conditions are one of the causes of dry and cracked hands, and excessive sunshine is one of the dehydrating factors on your hands. Protect your hands with a lotion with sunscreen.  

Shea Butter

Shea butter is a vital ingredient to softening your hands. It should be an ingredient in your hand lotion or replaced by another fat such as cocoa butter. 

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter has a very low melting point, allowing it to liquefy when you rub it in your hands. It will soften your skin while healing the cracked parts of your hands for a smooth hand. 

Carrier Oils

Oils such as coconut oil, almond oil, and jojoba oil are moisturizing agents and have homeopathic abilities. They have a low-key smell if you are the kind of man who likes muted smells and will leave your hands feeling great. Moisturizers are an easy solution to fight skin conditions, which is why you should buy a hand lotion with carrier oils. 

Fatty Alcohols

Fatty alcohols such as Cetearyl and Lauryl are great stabilizers for the active ingredients in a hand lotion and act as emollients. Do not worry; fatty alcohols are different from short-chain alcohols and will leave your hands feeling great and smooth. 

Essential Oils

Essential oils give your hand lotion the scent that you love so much. You can check out for masculine scents such as pine, cedarwood, or sandalwood, so you enjoy wearing your lotion.


Glycerin is one of the ingredients in any hand lotion that guarantees you smoothness and a soft touch. The ingredients seep into your skin to make it softer and boost the natural feel of your hands. 

Ingredients to Avoid in a Hand Lotion for Men

As much as you want to use the best hand lotion to treat your hands, there are some ingredients that you should not use on your skin. Avoid any hand lotion with one or more of the following ingredients.


Parabens are found in most of the mass-produced lotions and creams and are being investigated by the FDA for links to breast cancer. It is better to be safe and sorry, so for now, steer off any lotion with parabens. 

Synthetic Fatty Alcohols

These can cause a flare-up or an allergic reaction to your hands, especially if you have sensitive skin. It is best to avoid any hand lotion with his ingredient. 


This ingredient is mostly used to preserve hand lotions and other skincare products. However, it is not usually skin-friendly and may dehydrate your skin more and leave your hands drier than they were before you started using hand lotion. 


Synthetic perfumes are often made from combined ingredients that are not listed on the hand lotion. You can never be sure which of these hidden ingredients will be harmful to your hands.

Short-Chain Alcohols

Simple alcohols will do more damage than good to your hands because they will enhance your skin’s dehydration. They include SD alcohol, Isopropyl, and ethanol, among others. 

Synthetic Colors and Fragrances

These ingredients are usually made from a myriad of ingredients. You cannot be sure which one of these ingredients would harm your skin more, so it is best to avoid hand lotions with synthetic colors and fragrances in their ingredients list. 


This ingredient has been found to reduce the levels of some thyroid hormones. They are also being investigated as a factor for the decreased effectiveness of antibiotics. It would be best if you avoided any hand lotion with this as an ingredient. 

How to Choose the Best Hand Lotion for Men


The amount of lotion in your hand lotion bottle determines how fast you may need to get a refill. Small bottles will require you to buy more often, while bigger bottles have a longer usage period.


Almost all hand lotions will help to moisturize and soften your hands. However, very few will repair and soothe the skin. Go for the latter for better results and more value for your money. 


Go for the best scent in the market. You do not want to buy a hand lotion with a scent that clashes with your natural body odor or cologne. Buy a lotion that complements your body scent and helps to boost your confidence.  


The ingredients of a lotion determine how it will treat your skin. Look out for lotions with the best and recommended ingredients such as vitamin E, sunscreen, essential and carrier oils to get the best deal for your hands. 

Skin Type

Different skin types have different needs from hand lotions. Understand your skin type and purchase the right skin products based on your skin type. Buy a hand lotion that is specifically designed for your skin type. 


Buy a hand lotion that fits your budget. If you scout the market well, you will get a brand that matches your needs and budget. 

How to Apply Hand Lotion for Men 

Step 1 – Remove any jewelry and accessories

You want to make sure that your hands are rid of any accessories that may inhibit your hand lotion application process. Remove them and set them aside for best results. 

Step 2 – Wash your hands 

Clean your hands with soap and water to remove any dirt. This ensures that your hand is ready to absorb the moisture in your hand lotion.

Step 3 – Pour out the right amount

Pour a sufficient amount into your palms. Always remember the golden rule; a little can go a long way.

Step 4 – Apply the lotion in sections

Rub your palms together, then apply some to the back of your hands. Work the lotion around your fingers and palms until it has all been absorbed. 

Step 5 – Repeat

Repeat this process whenever necessary. 

Hand Lotion vs Body Lotion vs Foot Lotion

Hand lotion is the lotion you apply specifically to your hands. They may have some ingredients such as carrier oils which should not be applied to your face. Use high-quality face masks and facial products to moisturize your face. 

The body lotion is applied to all the body and can also double up as hand lotion if it has all the necessary ingredients.

Foot lotion is specifically designed to be applied to your feet. The skin on the feet and your hands are different, and foot lotion has different ingredients from hand lotion. Foot lotion cannot be applied to the body or hands. 

Does More Spending Mean More Quality

More spending does not always translate to more quality. You need to consider different factors like the bottle’s ingredients and size before buying a hand lotion to determine if the quality matches the price tag.

Do’s and Don’ts With Hand Lotions for Men


  • Do buy a hand lotion that matches your skin type.
  • Do wash your hands before applying a hand lotion.
  • Do study the ingredients before buying a hand lotion.
  • Do compare the price tag and the quality of the lotion before buying.


  • Don’t apply a hand lotion to your face.
  • Don’t buy hand lotions with hidden ingredients.

FAQ About Hand Lotions for Men

When should I start using a hand lotion?

Start using a hand lotion as early as now. Do not wait until your hands are damaged to start using one. 

Can I wash my hands after applying hand lotion?

Do not if it is not necessary. Give the lotion time to be absorbed in your hands. 

What should I do if my hands start itching or stinging?

Wash off the hand lotion with clean water and soap. If the symptoms persist, talk to a dermatologist. 

What if I do not like the feeling of residue in my hands?

You should change the hand lotion you are using because it does not work well with your skin type. 

How often should I apply hand lotion?

As frequently as possible, but at least once a day.

What is the difference between hand lotion and cream?

The former has a low viscosity and fewer oils, while the latter has a higher viscosity and more oils. 


A hand lotion could be the one product you need to give your hands a softer feel and repair any damage to them. Invest in a good lotion that will make your hands softer, boost your confidence and improve your performance today. 

Photos from: AllaSerebrina /, logoff /, asinskki /, nito103 /, deagreez1 / and IgorVetushko /

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Best Hand Lotions for Men to Make Dry Hands Silky Smooth
