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PODCAST: Exploring today’s most popular cosmetic procedures with Dr. Henstrom

Jenny: Welcome to Facial Aesthetics Unmasked. We are excited about our first episode today. We’ve got Dr. Douglas Henstrom, dual board-certified facial plastic surgeon at Utah facial Plastics with the awesome Delaney…

Delaney: Hello

Jenny: From U92

Delaney: So excited to be here…

Jenny: Amazing patient and person so yeah we’re excited to talk about some of the current trends in facial plastics this year.

Dr. Henstrom: It’s great to be here. Our first episode…very exciting.

Jenny: I know!

Delaney: I know… I’m honored.

Dr. Henstrom: It’s a big day for Utah Facial Plastics.

Jenny: Yes and lots of exciting things happening in this industry and we’ve got the best person here to talk about it. So…

Dr. Henstom: Let’s do it. Thanks, Jenny!

Jenny: You bet.

Delaney: Okay, so we’re talking about facial plastic trends 2019, right?

Dr. Henstrom:  Absolutely… lots of different trends. Lots of different things to talk about.

Delaney: Do I’m seeing the biggest ones right now are Botox, fillers, and chemical peels.  I feel like…thank you Kylie Jenner for most of that. Right?

Jenny: Definitely filler…at least as of like previous years.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah… right.

Jenny: It’s changing a little bit.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah those three things are pretty consistently the top three non-invasive non-surgical procedures that people have in the world of plastic surgery, especially in facial plastic surgery. Botulinum toxin.. you know, getting your face frozen in some way is always the leader. It’s sufficient, it’s proven, it’s safe, it’s very effective when it’s done properly and that shows a year-over-year over a year increase in the country every year and didn’t disappoint us last year of 3% increase…

Jenny: That’s just for 2018, just to clarify. We don’t have 2019 stats yet.

Dr. Henstrom: RIght. But that’s seven and a half million people or procedures being performed and that’s just one survey. That’s probably not capturing everybody…

Jenny: Just the U.S.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, so just in this county… so there’s millions and millions and millions of procedures like that being performed. And then there’s fillers next, you know…that’s two and a half million procedures plus just in this country with all types of different fillers that people can get injected in their face for revolumization and then you get to something like chemical peels where your we’re doing a resurfacing procedure of the skin. Again, usually minimally-invasive, easy to recover from. People go out of the office and maybe have a day or two of some pink skin with some of the lighter types of chemical peels easy to recover from.

Jenny: Yeah, interesting. None of them are like super groundbreaking procedures but they’re the tried-and-true things that continue to work year after year.

Delaney: And as more people are doing them, do you see that patients coming in younger and younger because I’m 23…I got Botox and I love it.

Jenny: Absolutely and another good trend for 2019.

Delaney: What’s your youngest patient that you have seen?

Dr. Henstrom: You are not my youngest…But, I kind of have a limit. If a patient comes in that’s 16 or 17, I’m going to tell them ‘no, you need to wait’. You don’t need this or this isn’t for you and even when they come in at 18, 19, 20. Yeah, they’re technically adults I often will ask them to bring a parent with them. You know? Bring a parent in lets see if they’re onboard with this. They don’t have to but I don’t necessarily have to treat them either.

Delaney: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: So, whether they’re 18 or whether they’re 30 or 40. If they don’t need it then I am going to tell they don’t need it…and so that’s a lot more likely with someone that’s younger, you know? They’re a lot less likely to need it. They don’t need to start at that point in time.

Delaney: Wait… So you could if you were 16 and you had a parent with you, you could get lip fillers and Botox?

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Jenny: Absolutely.

Delaney: No way…

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, you could.

Jenny: Yeah, at other places…I don’t know if any of our injectors will do that though. I don’t know if I have seen any.

Dr. Henstrom: I had one patient come in with her Mom and we did some and then we stopped.

Jenny: Okay…

Dr. Henstrom: Just wasn’t right.

Delaney: Wow… I feel like things have changed so much because like I said when I was younger and I saw my mom doing it. In that point in time it was about looking different. To where as now it’s like… it’s almost like a confidence-booster is talked about…like a natural thing that you do.

Jenny: Kind of like getting your hair done…

Henstrom: Using it to compliment…

Jenny: Maintenance.

Dr. Henstrom: Your other things that you’re doing. Whether it’s the makeup that you’re wearing or the style of glasses that you’re wearing or whether or not you’re getting a teeth fixed or whatever. But this is used to try to maintain a little bit more youthful appearance, a little bit more refreshed and awake appearance and that’s what a lot of people use it for. And it is much more accepted…

Delaney: Yeah…

Dr. Henstrom: as a part of mainstream society nowadays.

Delaney: Yeah, we were just talking about…I don’t know if I can just say her name but Jessica Jenae, who is an influencer here and Utah. She’s all about you know… body positivity, she’s a plus size model. I actually ran into her in your office and I was thinking about that because she’s very open about getting lip fillers as a body positive influencer.

Jenny: Oh, yeah.

Delaney:  I just think…don’t you think that conversation has changed now to where like getting fillers, getting Botox is doing something for yourself…it’s enhancing yourself. It’s not, I’m insecure so I’m changing my entire face.

Dr. Henstrom: That’s what it should be.

Delaney: Yeah.

Jenny: Yeah, that’s what it should be.

Dr. Henstrom: That’s really what it should be and part of our responsibility and role as the treating physician is to recognize the motives behind why people are wanting to get things done. Right? There are some motives that are driving people that aren’t the right motives and they’re never going to be satisfied with what they get done. I’ll give you an example, this was over a year ago and this young, very attractive young lady came into the office and she was wanting to get surgery on the face and she was talking with me and oh, man… late twenties, early thirties. In my book… in my case, you know that’s pretty young for big surgeries. And she was talking with me about all these things and I should ask her why. What’s going on in your life? She had been in a relationship, she had gotten divorced this ex of hers had consistently compared her to his ex-wife…and even when they were married he was looking back at his ex-wife’s social media saying, “Oh, look and this is what you need to do” and driving that message into her mind. She has a very classic facial look and these aesthetics things that we talked about in the face they come and go. There are different eras. If you look back at the models in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. It’s different than what we have now in the 21st century. But those things will cycle back just like any other…

Jenny: Fashion…

Dr. Henstrom: Fashion and fads and clothing that we look at. Those kinds of aesthetics will cycle back and a long story short, after a discussion I told her she didn’t need anything that she was wanting to get these things done to appease this other part of her thinking. She didn’t want the ex back but what else is going to come about it. And that won’t happen. That won’t work. You’re not going to get the job because of this. You’re not going to get the ex back because of this or you’re not going to show them off because of this. You’ve got to really do it because you’re motivates you. You want to just the best version of you and be happy with that.  When patient’s motivations kind of skew from that then it’s up to us to say no, that’s not right. And I’ll tell you what, it was the best news she ever heard.

Jenny: Oh yeaj, she left an amazing review that she left in tears…just so happy.

Dr. Henstrom: Happy tears by the way.

Jenny: Happy tears. Not sad…

Dr, Henstrom: I told her she could easily…probably go around even just this Valley and she would be able to find somebody that would be willing to do what she wanted.

Jenny: I mean everything.

Dr. Henstrom: And he can take her money and do it. I told her I didn’t think should be any better off for it and she’s got a lot of aging to do before she needed anything done. That one sticks out in my memory because those are the ones that really…man, I didn’t do anything for that girl but help her feel better about herself in that way and it was the best thing we could have done.

Jenny: You did more by saying no than you would have had you done any type of procedure for her.

Delaney: I love that.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah and I think patients need to realize that. You can come into us and see us and we might tell you no, that’s not right for you.

Delaney: I love that you guys do that. I remember when I had my non-surgical rhino…which if you don’t know what that is it’s like injecting filler into your nose to straighten it out. I had a friend…I think she actually ended up coming to see you guys for it and she messaged me and was like, ‘Hey, how did you like your non-surgical Rhino’? You know, did it just like change everything for you?” And I told her the biggest takeaway from doing that for me is obviously feeling a little better about myself but, realizing like my nose is not going to make me somehow this different person or make me feel completely different about myself. So, I think you just have to be realistic and realize you should love yourself but just want to look like the best version of that.

Jenny: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah… maximize it.

Jenny: Exactly. That being said though I do think one of the trends is prejuvenation with some of them starting a little bit. What are your takes on that? Even though they may not necessarily need it?

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, that’s happening.

Jenny: Which is kind of what we’ve done a little with Delaney. But that’s huge right now with millennials.

Dr. Henstrom: There’s no question that it is becoming more popular. But it’s becoming more accepted in society and so younger people aren’t feeling so self-conscious about you know…coming in and asking.

Jenny: Right.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. maybe there’s a few more of those younger patients that we say no to but there are some things you can do to consistently take care of you skin for instance. You know? We all get sun damage all the time and there’s things you can do to kind of get rid of some dead old skin and get some healthy, new skin and those are good things. Those are healthy things.

Jenny: Prevent the damage from coming later in their forties and fifties.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, right. Prevent those lines from even starting very much a little botulinum toxin.

Delaney: And that’s what cool about you guys, is that like I did have Botox. But…and I always mess up her name…Jeanna. It’s spelling Jeanna…

Jenny: Everyone gets Jeanna and Alfie confused, both of our nurse injectors have kinda…yeah, tricky names.

Delaney: Jeanna…yeah. Okay, so Jeanna…when I sat down and I was like Botox me up like I want my face frozen. She told me like girl…you don’t need that we could do like a little brow lift for you and so again back to setting realistic expectations and it’s cool that you don’t give in to these patients that are wanting to transform their entire face and get their confidence from that.

Dr. Henstrom: And we don’t want to make them…and the nice thing about practicing here in Utah, most patients that come in do not want like a huge transformation. They want to remain who they are. They don’t want a different look. They just want the best version of themselves and so that fits nicely that’s what you do try to give them the best version of themselves and what they can do to help restore some of the youthfulness and you don’t have to do massive things change. And now, obviously a lot more for the younger patients and as we age there’s more to try to do for patients because they’ve just had longer times aging, gravity’s worked on longer. So that’ll lend itself to more more work to be done.

Delaney: Well, let’s get more on to these niche procedures.

Dr. Henstrom and Jenny: Yes.

Delaney: Oh, what I wanted to ask you about…so I had a rhinoplasty consultation with you. You know, I’m still thinking about whether I want to dive into that. Dorsal bump shave I saw a video on your guys Instagram of a woman…

Jenny: Probably a little shocking…

Delaney: Awake…getting her dorsal bump shaved down. That’s a thing?

Dr. Henstrom:  Yeah, absolutely that is a thing. Yeah, these little niche procedures. This is basically how we describe kind of minor touch ups. Like little things you can do that can make a noticeable difference. The dorsal bump shave on a nose is one thing. We see a ton of patients who have a hump on their nose. Depending on the size determines what you can do for them. A lot of these patients have other issues with their nose and for that we’ve got to go to the operating and we’ve got to kind of do a more invasive Rhinoplasty, do everything. But, for some patients and I’ll see a couple every week and they just don’t like the little hump on their nose. What can we do about it? Well, it’s just a matter of shaving it down and smoothing it out. Most of time will go to the operating room. Sometimes we will do in the office with the right patients. Most of the time we will do it in the operating room. It takes about an hour or so to do but it just helps that contour the nose that so many people are really looking at that side profile of their nose. They got that little bump and this is a pretty quick minimally-invasive kind of procedure to help that contour the nose.

That goes along with other niche procedures like you know, that under eye skin starts to get a little creepy and…

Jenny: You’ve been doing a lot of those. That’s been big.

Dr. Henstrom: Skin pinch blepharoplasty, where we are just pinching the skin under the eyelash. We are not removing the fat bags because they don’t have them. If you have those we talk about something else.

Delaney: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: But it’s just that is loose skin that we are going to tighten up by removing a little bit of that. Those are the types of things. Lip lifts is another fairly popular…

Jenny: Yeah, super popular.

Dr. Henstrom: This is more for an older age group because the lip just elongates as we age and it just hangs over. Now, we can’t see the teeth when someone is speaking or interacting with them. We want to lift that lip up a little bit so we can get a little bit more tooth showing.

Delany: Do you think more people go for these types of procedures because of the cost or maybe because of the stigma? Like, I could say oh no, I didn’t get a nose job I got my dorsal bump shaved. It was totally different, it was not a nose job.

Jenny: I think it’s just that people aren’t looking for big changes, they’re just looking for little tweaks.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. It could be either or. It depends on the person. It may be…some of them it may be driven by the finances. But, a lot of patients…I’m telling them their options like listen, you’re a pretty decent candidate for maybe just a non-invasive liquid rhinoplasty. This is what we can with that we can do. But, here’s the limitations with that, this is what we can’t do with that.  But maybe we can just do a bump shave and smooth it out. Then you wouldn’t need filler in those places to give you that camouflage look. Or maybe there’s other areas of the nose that need to be adjusted that you want to work on it. Ten we are talking about a full rhinoplasty. But, there’s always pros and cons involved.

Jenny: People like that a lot of these can do done in office. They don’t have to go under general anesthetic.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Jenny: They can just go home after an hour.

Dr. Henstrom: A lot of these niche procedures kind of help them that way.

Delaney: And it’s cool to kind of have the levels to it. Like I’m so glad I did my liquid nose job before I actually go under the knife.

Jenny: Kind of try it out first.

Delaney: Like I said, you can kind of try it out and then maybe be like, you know what actually maybe I don’t need to change my nose. And then the filler wears off in a few months and great, learned a lesson.

Jenny: Or you’re like maybe I want more so I am going to go ahead with surgery.

Delaney: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah…the very nice thing about the fillers and this is probably another reason that they’re so popular. Fillers and any kind of botulinum toxin that you use, they’re not permanent. Now, some people may see that as a down side, but that’s really an upside because you can tweak things, you can work with things, you can adjust things, you can come back in my office three months after I give you some botulinum toxin and you can say you know what this way too much here this is not enough here, what about we add this and we’ve got a map laid out of what we did before and we can make little adjustments. And as you age, make changes because as you age, things are changing. But it’s kind of nice that way…it’s not permanent. Then we can talk about other options as you continue to age.

Delaney: Isn’t there a new one coming out that might last a little longer?

Jenny: #NEWTOX

Dr. Henstrom: There’s some nice, free advertising for those guys.

Delaney: Yeah, subtle plug.

Dr. Henstrom: Boy, when this podcast goes big they’re going to be really grateful for that.

Delaney: Yeah, we’ll send them an invoice.

Dr. Henstrom: Bill’s in the mail. There is… there are companies around the world that are always trying to get another botulinum toxin on the market. It’s hardest to do it here in the U.S through the FDA approval. This is a product called Jeuveau, I think that is the right way to pronounce it. It’s been in Europe for a while, I’m not sure exactly how many years, but probably a couple years. Just barely got FDA approval in February 2019.

Delaney: Oh, wow.

Dr. Henstrom: Just literally did that. They have just kind of had their launch party in the U.S. and it’s ongoing right now.

Jenny: A rep came in today…

Dr. Henstrom: I haven’t seen the studies on it so I don’t know how much time they say it last… All of these botulinum toxins, and there’s a few. Botox is the number one on the market, that’s an Allergan product. They’ve been around the longest, they have the lions portion of the market share. I mean, that’s name recognition, right? Everyone just associates Botox with that. Then you have a couple other players that have been around for a few years, Dysport and Xeomin.. Those are all botulinum toxin type a’s. I’m assuming Jeuveau is as well… So they all do the same thing but they’re just manufactured and processed a little bit differently.

Delaney: Why would someone do…you said Dysport?

Dr. Henstrom: Dysport.

Delaney: Why would they do that or the other one over Botox?

Dr. Henstrom: Some people have personal preferences for it because they have used it before. Dysport can kick in a little bit quicker. Sometimes we’ll get the patient that will come in the office and it’s Thursday or Friday and they’ve got something big that weekend going on and they want to look good. Botox will take at least 3-5 days to kick in. Dysport a little bit quicker. I haven’t used much Xeomin so I don’t know how quickly that kicks in.

Jenny: hmm… it doesn’t seem to be that popular.

Dr Henstrom: Yeah, no…

Delaney: I’ve never heard of it.

Jenny: Yeah, Dysport patients are weekend warriors. They’ve got to be ready.

Dr. Henstrom: They’ve got to be ready. They want something to kick in a little bit quicker so there’s an instance where we might use Dysport instead of Botox to get them ready for whatever that occasion is.

Delaney: Okay.

Dr. Henstrom: Some people just like it a little bit better, just personal preference and I don’t have a specific preference either way. We’ve got the ability to use either one of those in our office. I don’t know if we’ll adapt Jeuveau or not. We are pretty comfortable with what we have. So what’s nice for us as treating physicians to get consistency…to know how to predict exactly what is going to happen with how much we are giving people in different areas. So that’s very nice for us to be able to do that.

Jenny: Jeuveau is saying that studies show that it lasts a little bit longer or that product lasts a little bit longer. So, we will test it out and let you know.

Delaney: Does this happen pretty often where new products come out?

Jenny: All the time…every week.

Delaney: Is it always?

Dr. Henstrom: It seems like it’s nonstop. Yeah…there’s too many products out there for any one there for anyone physician to know everything about all of them. We really get very comfortable with different fillers for different areas of the face for instance and then you know, we get consistent results, we know what to expect when we usually stick with that. But, yeah there’s…like I said this is a huge multibillion-dollar market in either one of those fillers or botulinum toxin those are big markets that there’s a lot of people that want to get into that so there’s always new products.

Jenny: Cosmetic industry in general, new lasers, new everything. It you were to jump on board with every single thing it would be out of control.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Jenny: We kind of like to see how things do on the market before…

Dr. Henstrom: Prove themselves.

Jenny: Make sure it’s tried and true.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, let them prove themselves, get feedback from patients that use it, see how patients are satisfied or not with it before we jump. We are not just going to jump two feet in and adopt every new technology or every new product out there. You can’t do that it. It does your patients a disservice.

Delaney: But, they are all trying to vie for your guys attention. There was a controversy with Jeuveau recently where they paid a bunch of injectors, right? To go to Cancun?

Jenny: Big on social media…

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, this is part of their launch.

Jenny: With the hashtag #NEWTOX.  Yeah…

Dr. Henstrom: There was a New York times article that kind of shed light on the fact that there was a number of these influencers and potential doctors that are on there board that they are getting them to help them push this out there. They hosted them at a big party in Cancun and it wasn’t disclosed that those people were being paid or at least all those perks were being provided by them at no cost.

Delaney: Right.

Dr. Henstrom: and so you’ve gotta wonder about some easthetics. So that was the story in the New York times. I don’t know all the details those are what I got out of the story. And you know…it’s not just them.

Delaney Well, It’s not to knock them at all. It’s the business. I think you just need to be aware of what you’re consuming. I just hope it goes well for them because it reminds me of Fire Festival.

Jenny: Yes!

Delaney: When I think Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid. They like got sued because they got paid to promote Fyre Festival and then it was a disaster.

Jenny: That’s funny because at the end of this article one of the doctors said that this was everything Fyre Festival was not or was supposed to be because it was fireworks, etc. So it lived up to all that..

Delaney: Yeah. Let’s hope the product does too.

Jenny: That it lives up to the hype.

Dr. Henstrom: Okay, i have no idea what you guys are talking about.

Jenny: I’ll send you the documentary!

Delaney: Fyre Festival. There was a big grand festival in some remote island. All of these huge influencers were promoting it and people got out there and it was like tent city. They were like eating ham sandwiches and none of the performers were there and it was horrible.

Jenny: The guy in charge…yeah. It was interesting.

Dr. Henstrom: It was a scam. It was a scam it sounds like.

Jenny: Scam and dropping the ball and yeah…

Delaney: Yeah so anyway, it’s just a reminder to not believe the hype always and…

Jenny: Exactly.

Delaney: Like you guys are doing, waiting to see how it pans out.

Jenny: I’m seeing a lot of practitioners on social media that are marking on a line in the middle of their forehead and injecting one side with a B, for Botox and the other side with a J, for Jeuveau. So, I don’t know if the reps are like recommending they do that but I keep seeing one after another.

Dr. Henstrom: Is that right?

Jenny: They do the brow movements and then we are going to see other time if one lasts longer.

Dr. Henstrom: Oh, that’s very interesting.

Jenny: So, I don’t know… maybe we need to do our own.

Dr. Henstrom: They’re challenging them almost.

Jenny: Yeah, there’s a challenge. #NEWTOX challenge.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, they’re throwing down the gauntlet on the Botox.

Jenny: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. It will be interesting to see.

Delaney: Wow.

Dr. Henstrom: We’ll find out.

Jenny: We shall see.

Delaney: Ok, so there are so many different products out there we talked about a bunch of different procedures. It’s kind of a lot to navigate for somebody new to this. Where would you say they needed to start?

Dr. Henstrom: Well, that’s a perfect point and that’s why we want to do this podcast.

Delaney: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: This will allow us to get a lot of information out there, it’s free information that people can go to and they can narrow down their question. There’s going to be questions and if people want treatment and if people want treatments they come and see us. Have a consultation with us at Utah Facial Plastics. Either myself of Dr. Thompson or one of our qualified injectors and aestheticians depending on what they need and what they want. But the big reason for us doing this and continuing to want to do this and I for see us down the line with this podcast getting questions.

Delaney: Yes.

Dr. Henstrom: From patients and people out there and then bring those questions here and answering them. And being able to see what people really want to know and then addressing that in this format so that we can answer their questions and either save them a trip, if it answers their questions, they don’t need anything else. Or if they get the information they want, then they come and see us.

So, really excited about what this podcast opportunity kind of is there for. Not just us and our practice but for all the people out there that are going to listen to it. My family, there’s 5 people that I know will listen to this podcast. I’m not sure if anyone else is going to listen to it.

Delaney: At least 5 people. This is perfect.

Dr. Henstrom: I guess if I count the rest of my extended family maybe an even dozen.

Jenny: Ok. Ok. There we go.

Dr. Henstrom: No, we’ll get more than that. But, this information gets to the right people then they can get the answers to their questions, come in and see us and nothing is going to replace a one on one consultation and evaluation and us actually seeing the patients and seeing what the issue or questions is because everyone is a little bit different. And that’s why we do need to see people but this is going to provide an opportunity for a lot of people to have questions answered  and then I like to foresee the ideas of answering peoples question here they we get specifically from patients.

Jenny: Right.

Delaney: I definitely want to see a Q and A section at the end because I’m always so open about my fillers, Botox, whatever I’ve done. And I get questions all the time and now I can be like list to podcast episode 7.

Dr. Henstrom: There you go.

Delaney: Everything’s there. But, if the podcast doesn’t answer your question you guys seriously have to go in and see them at Utah Facial Plastics. I can tell you from personal experience, I have never had an injector from Alfie to Jeanna to Dr. Henstrom ever push anything on me like it’s so low pressure in your guys office. So, just like what do you have to lose? Just go in and get your questions answered and like you were saying Dr. Henstrom, everybody’s different so… you can listen to this podcast all you want.

Jenny: We have a ton of info at or for hair restoration information. But this allows us to give more than 4 paragraphs on a page so yeah, keep listening, follow us at utahfacialplastics on Instagram where we’ll be taking comments on other topics people want to hear.

Dr. Henstrom: By the way, I’m amazed at how big our Instagram account is.

Jenny: Yeah.

Delaney: You’re killing it, Jenny.

Dr. Henstrom: People tell me that’s how they find us. And so many say it’s either Google or Instagram.

Delaney: That’s how I found you guys…Instagram.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Delaney: and like my favorite Instagram models go to you guys.

Jenny: We just have fun. It’s a fun thing we do. It’s not like we’re hustling and paying lots of money.

Dr. Henstrom: Keeps us busy.

Jenny: Yeah, definitely. Well for most information from Utah’s leader in facial rejuvenation and hair restoration give us a call (801) 776-2220 or visit us at or

Thank you guys! I’m so excited.

Listen to full podcast HERE.

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PODCAST: Exploring today’s most popular cosmetic procedures with Dr. Henstrom


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