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Best Diets to Try in 2018

Best Diets To Try In 2018

Every week brings with it a new diet craze. From low-carb to low-fat to food combining, these diets feature everywhere from fitness magazines to the best-seller lists. While some of these become world-wide sensation, others disappear just like the latest dance fad.

Are you in the state of dilemma where you’re indecisive about starting one particular diet? If yes, it’s time to learn that no one diet suits everyone. Helping you out with the right information about various types of diets, below are explained some of the very popular and effective diet styles.


Designed in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder

Also known as ketogenic diet, it is meant to reduce carbohydrate intake and increase fat intake. This diet lets the body to burn fat as fuel and not carbohydrates. Shocked? Well, that’s true!

What To Eat?
 Saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and certain types of polyunsaturated fats especially omega-3 fatty acids
 MCT oil, olive oil, cold-pressed coconut, flaxseed, palm fruit, macadamia and avocado oil
 Lard, chicken fat or duck fat
 Grass-fed beef, fatty red meat, including goat, lamb, veal, venison
 Organ meats including liver
 Poultry (turkey, quail, chicken, hen, pheasant, goose, duck)
 Cage-free eggs and egg yolks
 Fish (tuna, bass, salmon, trout, anchovies, flounder, mackerel, sardines)
 All leafy greens
 Cruciferous veggies
 Fresh herbs, spices, apple cider vinegar, unsweetened mustard

 Promotes weight Loss
 Reduces risk of developing type 2 diabetes
 Reduces risk of heart diseases
 Protect against cancer

[Related: Ketogenic Diet: A Guide For The Beginners]


‘Eat whatever your taste buds want but make sure number of calorie consumed are less than number of calories burnt’, this is what CICO diet says. By taking out all the guilt of food choices, it makes weight loss simple & fun.

 Easy to follow
 Suits everybody
 Makes allowance for possible meal choices


It encourages to combine lean proteins with high-fiber carbohydrates, which carry less calories and keeps one full for hours. F-Factor diet allows eating delicious fats, protein and carbohydrates at each meal.
Invented by celebrity dietitian Tanya Zuckerbrot

What To eat?
 Fiber one cereal
 Fiber crackers
 Fruit (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apple, pear)
 Vegetables (broccoli, salad greens, sweet potato, asparagus, cabbage)
 Whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat bread)
 Beans and legumes (black beans, garbanzos, pinto beans, lentils)
 Nuts (almond, peanut butter, pistachio, walnut)

 Easy & tempting way to lose weight
 Improves energy levels
 Reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases
 Lowers cholesterol

[Related: What Is The F-Factor Diet Plan?]


As the name says, this diet excludes the protein gluten. It is meant to manage signs and symptoms of celiac disease and other health conditions associated with gluten. When following gluten free diet, being careful about the ingredients and nutritional content is extremely important.

What To Eat?
 Fruits and vegetables
 Gluten free ready meals and soups

 Eases digestive issues
 Provides extra energy
 Decreases inflammation
 Promotes fat loss
 Relieves symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

[Read: 8 Early Pointers To Know If Your Diet Plan Is Working For You]


This diet consists of an eating plan based on how foods create impact on the blood sugar level. It is a system of assigning a number to foods containing carbohydrates, depending on how each food raises the blood sugar.

What To Eat?
 Non-starchy vegetables (lettuce and leafy greens, onion, spinach, broccoli, onion, peppers, green beans, artichokes, and others)
 Nuts and seeds (chia seeds, walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds)
 Beans and legumes
 Yogurt and other fermented dairy (plain, unsweetened yogurt, raw whole milk and traditionally made cheeses)
 100 Percent Whole/Ancient Grains (steel-cut oats, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, sprouted grain breads, wild rice, granola and muesli)
 Fresh fruits apples, cherries, berriesand citrus fruits
 Healthy fats (virgin coconut oil, MCT oil, and extra virgin olive oil)
 Quality protein (wild fish, such as salmon, grass-fed beef or lamb, free-range eggs, raw dairy products, cage-free eggs and pasture-raised poultry)
 Acidic Foods (apple cider vinegar with a smoothie or water, lemon juice on vegetables and fermented yogurt with cereal)

 Improves glucose levels
 Improves cholesterol
 Reduces insulin resistance


In this diet, one gets to eat fewer carbohydrates and higher ratio of fat, protein, real foods and healthy vegetables. Being flexible, this diet can be followed by patients suffering from different types of diabetes.

What To Eat?
 Low carb vegetables (zucchini, swiss chard, cauliflower, celery, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, etc.)
 Low carb fruits (avocado, apricots, red grapefruit, strawberries)
 Low carb meats and fish (canned pink salmon, catfish, chicken drumsticks, pork tenderloin, ground turkey, roast beef, top, sirloin steak, bison)
 Low carb dairy (butter, gruyere cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, plain greek yogurt, goat milk)
 Low carb plant proteins (tempeh, tofu, pumpkin seeds, canned pinto beans)
 Low carb snacks (jerky, string cheese, kale chips, walnuts)
 Low carb grains & flours (shirataki noodles, amaranth, almond flour)
 Low carb drinks (unsweetened iced tea, maple water, tomato juice, unsweetened almond milk)

 Reduces hunger
 Controls insulin and blood sugar
 Improves cognitive performance
 Reduces risks of cancer and heart disorders

[Related: Low Carb Diet Plan For Weight Loss]


Developed by cardiologist and internist, Dr. Robert C. Atkins in the early 1970s
This diet is all about controlling the insulin levels through a low-carbohydrate diet. People following Atkins diet are advised to avoid carbohydrates. Not fair? Well, they can eat as much fat and protein as they want.

What To Eat?
 Beef, chicken, bacon, pork, lamb and other meats
 Fatty fish and seafood such as trout, salmon, sardines, etc.
 Omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs
 Kale, broccoli, spinach, asparagus and other vegetables
 Cheese, butter, cream, full-fat yogurt
 Almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, etc.
 Extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil and avocados

 Reduces hunger/cravings
 Controls sugar and blood sugar spikes
 Lowers risk of cancer as well heart diseases
 Betters cognitive performance


Devised by biochemist Barry Sears
This particular diet aims for a nutritional balance of 30% fat, 40% carbohydrates and 30% protein in each meal. Zone diet focuses on controlling the insulin levels, which lead to weight loss and easy weight management.

What To Eat?
 Lean beef, turkey breast, pork, veal, lamb and skinless chicken
 Fish and shellfish
 Vegetarian protein, tofu, soy products
 Low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt
 Egg whites
 Peanut butter
 Nuts (peanuts, almonds, macadamia, pistachios, cashews)
 Oils (canola oil, peanut oil, sesame oiland olive oil)
 Fruit (apples, berries, oranges, plums and more)
 Vegetables (cucumbers, spinach, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, chickpeas, yellow squash, and more)
 Grains (oatmeal and barley)

 Helps patients with diabetes
 Good for people who gain weight on higher carbohydrate diet
 Keeps away from hunger pangs

[Read: The Guide To Use Herbalcart’s Diet Planner Effectively & Intelligently]


Paleolithic diet can be traced to a 1975 book by gastroenterologist Walter Voegtlin, which in 1985 was further developed by Stanley Boyd Eaton and Melvin Konner.
Taking back to the ancestral era, paleo diet suggests modern humans to eat the same foods as their ancestors. The diet states that present day diseases are associated with the Western diet and intake of dairy and processed foods.

What To Eat?
 Grass-fed meats
 Fresh fruits & vegetables
 Healthy oils (walnut, avocado, olive, flaxseed, macadamia and coconut)

 Helps to lose weight
 Reduces bloating
 Controls hangry (condition caused by hunger & anger)
 Rich in healthy fat


Devised by Pierre Dukan
High-protein and low-carb weight loss diet is what this specific diet is all about. It consists of 4 phases, 2 weight loss phases and 2 maintenance phases. Each phase has its own dietary pattern.
What To Eat?
 Lean meat like turkey, chicken, lean ham, lean beef and veal
 All fish and shellfish including cod, haddock, trout, mussels, mackerel, squid, salmon, clams and prawns
 Fat-free yogurt and fromage frais (without fruit), skimmed milk, quark and fat- free/low-fat cottage cheese
 Certain vegetables in the Cruise Phase, including asparagus, celery, broccoli, peppers and mushrooms

 Reduces body fat in obese and overweight people
 Reduces high blood pressure
 Controls cardiovascular disorders

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Originally Posted:

This post first appeared on 7 Days Diet Plan For Weight Loss, please read the originial post: here

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Best Diets to Try in 2018
