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How to make an Adorable Snowman Breakfast Charcuterie Board

How To Make An Adorable Snowman Breakfast Charcuterie Board

For full recipe, please visit the original post How to make an Adorable Snowman Breakfast Charcuterie Board on Salads for Lunch, thanks!

Indulge in the whimsy of winter with this Snowman Breakfast Charcuterie Board, featuring a delightful assortment of powdered doughnuts, muffins, and a vibrant array of fresh berries.

For full recipe, please visit the original post How to make an Adorable Snowman Breakfast Charcuterie Board on Salads for Lunch, thanks!

This post first appeared on Salads For Lunch, please read the originial post: here

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How to make an Adorable Snowman Breakfast Charcuterie Board
