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Benefits of Turmeric for Sciatica and Back Pain

Benefits Of Turmeric For Sciatica And Back Pain

For a long time, turmeric has been known to possess numerous roles and benefits. It contains several compounds, and one of its most active ingredients, curcumin, is responsible for many of its benefits.

Yes, turmeric can manage back pain and sciatica. Several studies have found that turmeric has the potential to reduce any discomfort, inflammation, and other issues linked to sciatica or back pain.

These two conditions are the leading cause of disability worldwide. Let us discover how they can be managed by turmeric.

Overview of Back Pain and Sciatica

Back pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, which can be very unbearable. There are two categories of back pain; upper back pain and lower back pain. Any of them can be caused by a myriad of factors, including

  • Muscle or ligament injury or strain
  • Bulging or ruptured disc
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Kidney issues
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Poor posture
  • Poor sleeping habits

Turmeric for Back Pain and Sciatica

A recent study claims that turmeric might help reduce both upper back pain and lower back pain by lowering body’s natural response to inflammation. Essentially, it can manage most inflammation-related conditions, including arthritis pain, joint pain, allergies, asthma, muscle pain, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalgia, and many others.

This golden spice’s powerful antioxidant properties can also improve the overall immune system response.

Impact of Turmeric on Different Types of Back Pain

Muscle Strain or Injury

Sometimes muscle strain or injury can affect the tendons, ligaments, or muscle tissue in the lower back. They can be very painful, especially when you try to move, even though they may seem like they are not that serious.

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory abilities have been depended on for a long time to heal most kinds of injuries. It can lower the swelling and ensure relief from muscle strain linked to lower back pain. 


Sciatica pain comes from the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back to the legs. The pain emanates from inflammation, compression, or infection of the nerve. You may feel either numbness or itching in the affected leg.

Turmeric is the perfect natural supplement to alleviate the pain caused by sciatica. Its bioactive ingredient, curcumin, can reduce inflammation as well as promote the regeneration of the nerves.

Arthritis Pain

Back pain can also occur as a result of arthritis condition. Theoretically, arthritis can cause stiffness of the lower back due to inflammation resulting in lower back pain.  

A recent study confirms that turmeric’s anti-inflammatory, pain-reducing, and antioxidant properties can be helpful for those with arthritic conditions, both degenerative arthritis such as osteoarthritis and inflammatory like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and others.

The study also suggests that curcumin may be more effective than prescription drugs like diclofenac sodium.

Degenerative Disk Disease

The disease affects the disks between the vertebrae and results from the loss of cushioning between the disks. The condition usually comes with the aging process or too much stress and pressure on the backbone, causing inflammation and stiffness of the back, which limits movements.

There is a fair amount of evidence supporting curcumin’s ability to lower anti-inflammatory agents and reduce pain related to degenerative disk disease.                                      

Disk Hernia

Disk herniation refers to a problem with one or both of the rubbery disks in the vertebrae bones. Herniation occurs when the spinal disk’s soft center moves outside the exterior through a crack.

It is important to note that turmeric or curcumin will not repair herniated disks, but it might lower inflammation and boost oxygen and nutrient flow, promoting the healing process.

How To Take Turmeric

Here is how you can incorporate turmeric into your diet:

  • Turmeric can be used as a food spice. It can be added to various dishes, whether soups or regular food.
  • Turmeric can be added to beverages such as lemon tea, honey tea, or some coffee drink, preferably around 1-2 teaspoons.
  • Turmeric can also be used as an extract or syrup supplement. In some cases, curcumin is extracted for the same health purposes. Be sure to practice accurate dosing when using supplements.

Not all forms of turmeric are created equal…

Most of the turmeric supplements you see in stores come in the form of encapsulated powders. The truth is with turmeric powder you may be getting very little actual benefit.

Turmeric powder has a fairly low bioavailability (meaning that a good portion of it isn’t properly absorbed by your body), it often isn’t very fresh, and it’s sometimes made with harsh processes that can destroy or degrade turmeric’s healthful components.

Because turmeric is hard to absorb, it must be formulated in a certain way allowing the body to absorb and utilize its entire spectrum of nutrients.

So if you want to see actual benefit from turmeric, you need to be sure you are taking a highly bioavailable one.

The very best form of Turmeric on the market is PuraTHRIVE Organic Curcumin GOLD. It is an outstanding full-spectrum extract that’s “liposomalized”—meaning it’s specifically blended to make the turmeric bind to phosphlipids (fats) that increase its bioavailability 10 to 20 times.

Check it out today: PuraTHRIVE Organic Curcumin GOLD

This post first appeared on NaturWarriors - For Healthier Lives Through Nature!, please read the originial post: here

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Benefits of Turmeric for Sciatica and Back Pain
