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8 Ways on How to Get Relief from Sciatica

8 Ways On How To Get Relief From Sciatica

Sciatica pain happens as a result of compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back to the toes. The pain may be mild or so extreme that a person might have trouble standing, sitting, sleeping, or walking.

Managing sciatica pain at home might seem complicated but is pretty easy, especially when you know the cause of your condition. Even when you do not know the cause, you can take some steps to relieve the pain. 

Let us take a look at how you can get relief from sciatica depending on its severity.

Exercises and Stretches

Exercising when you are in sciatica pain might feel unnatural, but resting for so long can worsen your condition. Instead, incorporate gentle exercise into your day in order to ease your pain. Just a walk around the neighborhood is enough to keep your spine strong.

You can also incorporate some gentle stretches into your daily routine to improve your spinal flexibility. However, you should consult your doctor before performing any stretches to avoid further injury.

Check out our article – > Home Stretches & Exercises To Relieve Sciatica Pain Fast

Apply Ice and/or Hot Packs

Hot and cold might be opposites, but both can help relieve your sciatica. You should use ice packs to reduce pain and swelling, mainly for an injury that just happened.

Doctors usually suggest switching to heat after approximately 72 hours. Apply a hot pack or heating pad for about 20 minutes, and be careful not to burn your skin.

If the pain still persists, switch between hot and cold packs – whichever relieves your pain effectively.

Taking Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicines

You can also take OTC non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Remember that some NSAIDs have health risks, so be sure to discuss with your doctor before using them.

Examples of OTC NSAIDs are aspirin (Ecotrin), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve).

For a much safer, natural, alternative to NSAIDs check out: The Dangers of Ibuprofen, and What To Use Instead

Physical Therapy

The main goal of physical therapy is to come up with an exercise routine that will reduce sciatica by lowering pressure on your nerve.

Your doctor can refer you to a physical therapist who will create an exercise program to correct your posture, help strengthen muscles supporting your back and hips as well as improve your flexibility. 

Get a Massage

A professional massage is not just about relaxation. It can greatly ease your sciatica pain and improve how well your lower back can move.

It also promotes the circulation of blood, which encourages your body to heal itself. Look for an expert therapist in back pain and book a session. Even better, some therapists can assist in stretching and other relaxing activities. Also, you can try yoga classes.

Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine practice and has gained popularity in the western. Research claims that the approach might work even better than traditional and some conventional treatments for back pain.

If you decide to give acupuncture a try, consider a licensed practitioner to make sure they are professional in the field.

Get an Epidural

Have you exercised, stretched, and tried physical therapy but still not feeling better? Your medical provider may suggest an epidural injection or a shot of steroid medication into your spine.

This procedure is recommended for people who have been in pain for more than 6 months. The injection offers short-term relief – typically up to 3 months.

Consult your doctor about this medication approach’s pros and cons to avoid complications.


Surgery is the last option – it is only recommended when the compressed nerve causes serious weakness, progressive pain that worsens or does not improve with other therapies, or loss of bowel or bladder control.

How soon a spinal surgery is applicable relies on the main cause of your sciatica. It is considered within one year or more of ongoing sciatica symptoms. Surgical options to relieve sciatica include microdiscectomy and laminectomy.

Most surgeries are considered safe and effective, but all surgeries have risks. Some risks of spinal surgery are bleeding, infection, blood clots, nerve damage, spinal fluid leak, and loss of bladder or bowel control. 

How Can A 30-Second Stretch Erase Back Pain & Sciatica?

My friend and back-pain expert Emily Lark has taught this 1 strange (but extremely effective) stretch to thousands of back pain and sciatica sufferers… and the results they’ve reported are nothing short of amazing.

I convinced Emily to show you exactly how to perform this miracle stretch… escape the pain & agony that plague you every single day… AND avoid dangerous drugs and surgery.

Click on the link below to see the stretch:

⇒ 30-second stretch erases back pain & sciatica

This post first appeared on NaturWarriors - For Healthier Lives Through Nature!, please read the originial post: here

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8 Ways on How to Get Relief from Sciatica
