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Does Exercise Help With High Uric Acid and Gout?

Does Exercise Help With High Uric Acid And Gout?

Can you predict when a gout attack will occur? No, you cannot! But there are several things you can do to relieve as well as prevent it. Exercising and developing other healthy lifestyle changes are among these things.

Gout affects a lot of people in developed countries and mostly occurs in less physically active individuals. It can be triggered by many things – consuming inflammatory foods, drinking too much alcohol, injury, and stress – and it can happen quite suddenly.

Does Exercise Help Control High Uric Acid and Gout?

Yes, exercising helps to manage gout by lowering levels of uric acid in order to prevent gout attacks. Researchers claim that body fat carries more uric acid than muscles. So when you burn body fat, you can significantly lower uric acid levels in your blood.

You should not exercise during a gout attack but rather in between flare-ups. Be sure to rest during a gout flare. Also, elevate your legs if the gout pain impacts one of the joints in the lower body.

The inflammatory process is typically at its worst during an acute gout episode. And increased movement or stress on painful joints tends to worsen the inflammation. Plus, weight-bearing activities like standing or walking can be quite painful during a flare-up.

What Are the Best Types of Exercises When You Have High Uric Acid and Gout?

Consult your doctor or physical therapist before starting any exercise routine. Because gout often affects the big toe, midfoot or ankle, choosing the proper footwear is also very important.

The main goal of exercising is to ease pain as well as manage high uric acid and gout. Thus, you should start any exercise routine slowly while following a pace that creates the least amount of stress and pressure on joints. As you feel comfortable with your workout, gradually increase your pace to step up your heart rate and reduce more fat.

Do not forget to drink plenty of water, mainly when exercising, since dehydration can increase the chances of gout attacks. Never mind taking more trips to the washrooms because urinating helps to get rid of excess uric acid in your body.

Here are some of the best exercises for people with gout:

Aerobic or Low Impact Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is good for the heart and lungs. These exercises efficiently metabolize uric acid in the body, manage body weight and strengthen lower body muscles where gout flares tend to occur.

Examples of cardio exercises are walking, dancing, riding a stationary bike or climbing stairs.


Another form of aerobic activity that offers a good cardio workout is swimming. The best part of swimming is that you are able to perform movements effectively without the impact of gravity. Basically, swimming or water aerobics that engage buoyancy can decrease stress on joints and muscles.

Stretching or Yoga

Yoga or stretching is also a great way to strengthen joints and maintain mobility. In fact, a study confirms that you can help improve pain levels linked to gout by just doing simple yoga.

Because yoga is very easy, you can practice it on a daily basis. Everybody knows that gout primarily affects middle-aged to older men and women. It can be difficult to shed some extra pounds at such an age. But doing light exercises like yoga regularly can help you lose weight without performing intense workouts.

Strength Training

Do you know that weak muscles can increase the risks of injury during a gout attack? You can prevent this by performing strength training workouts like weight lifting and resistance training.

Even better, strength training is believed to manage other conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. But little evidence supports the relationship between strength training and gout.

When it comes to strength training, be sure to use elastic bands as they can help you maintain a proper form. Also, they are easier on joints and help prevent injury.

You will want to start low when performing this workout to avoid injury. Then increase the intensity of your workouts as you gain more strength and endurance.

2022 Update: A Natural Effective Solution to Stop Gout in 15 Mins?

There’s a new system claiming to stop gout dead in its tracks in 15 minutes flat. It doesn’t have to do with avoiding meat, but rather, it involves inducing key changes to your gut microbiota which in turn enables them to become much more effective at breaking down purines. This means no uric acid crystal formation.

Watch the following video about this incredible new cure:

The End of Gout

This post first appeared on NaturWarriors - For Healthier Lives Through Nature!, please read the originial post: here

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Does Exercise Help With High Uric Acid and Gout?
