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Lies of Wigs and Posters and attacks on Emunah

by Reb Akiva @ Mystical Paths

Several people have seen fit to share with me the latest rabbinical statement about “removing avoda zara from our camp”.  Surprisingly this is not about removing YOGA, which has infiltrated almost every frum community and the slightest examination of which shows it to involve actual practice of non-Jewish Eastern religions.  No, it’s time for another round of LIES, MANIPULATIONS, and pre-Rosh Hashana shaming over…sheitels aka wigs.

We once again have a supposed letter (presented as a poster) from many prominent rabbonim (rabbis) telling the (religious Jewish) community that X existing common action is dangerous to the community, them personally, and G-d.  And once again we see the lies of photoshop and the attempted manipulation of the community by zealots posing as community organizers (askanim).

Sadly, what such posters and pushing them around the internet does today is DAMAGE EMUNAS CHACHAMIM, damage our belief in our sages.  Why?…

First let’s clear a few things up:

Rav Ovadiah Yosef, zt”l, clearly ruled that wearing wigs for Jewish religious required hair covering is forbidden.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe clearly ruled that wearing wigs for Jewish religious required hair covering is the preferred method.

Oh no, to great gedolim with opposing positions…what am I to do???

The answer is…follow my rabbi and community.  If I’m sephardi and a follower of those in the line of Rav Ovadiah, I’m not going to weir a sheitel.  If I’m Chabad or a follower of the Rebbe, I’m going to wear a sheitel.  And if I take one position or the other, I’ve clearly got on whom to rely.  But the right answer is to “asay l’cha rav”, select a rabbi for yourself and go ask him.

BUT, BUT, the poster says…

#1 EVEN if one of these rabbis on the poster IS your rabbi, GO AND ASK HIM…because 90% of the time these posters are…

FAKED.  Yes, people just grab the rabbis signatures and make up a poster saying whatever zealous thing they think is appropriate to push.

MANIPULATED.  Today we clearly see from videos that people show up to the gedolim, shove a paper with signatures on it and say “sign here, other rabbis have”.  Investigation, insight, holy Torah wisdom applied?  Or just trying to get this guy out of his face?

#2 General pronouncement or specific ruling?  Plenty of times we also see people come and ask a rabbi a question (videos on Youtube available) that’s specific for the asker’s circumstances…which is then run off and put on a poster as a general ruling.  Does this situation apply to YOU?  ASK your rabbi!  Because it likely does NOT.  (For example you are a wig wearer and your general community is not, but you’ll lose your job and your children will starve if you don’t…are you required to?  That’s a question for your rabbi, not to be interpreted from a wall poster.)

#3 As Rav Kanviesky said, “if you didn’t hear it from me, don’t believe it” (that he said it).  In the recent chicken controversy in Israel, it was reported (YWN) that exactly ONE rabbi went and investigated, going so far as to go to the chicken coops and personally examine, at length, the birds involved as well as gaining testimony.  This is where the damage to emunas chachamin (faith in our sages) comes in… since we KNOW from Rav Kanviesky’s statement that posters with his signature can NOT BE TRUSTED to be true, we know have a reason to distrust things published in the name of our sages.  And causing ANY distrust in our sages is a terrible thing.

#4 One of the leading sites/blogs pushing this poster was formerly written by a respected rav who personally told me he frequently consulted his rabbis and spiritual mentors before posting…to make sure (G-d forbid) that he would not cross the line into loshon hara or inappropriate direction to the public.  Since that rav lives in Ashkelon, and the site/staff operating it now are out of Jerusalem, why exactly are they pushing a psak (ruling) out of Bnei Brak and Modiin Elit?  WHY DO WE NOT HAVE A VIDEO STATEMENT from THEIR rabbonim, either the Melitzer Rebbe or Rav Arush, shlita, stating that they have investigated the issue and ruled this way?  Or have the current site writers fallen for a poster?

#5 The poster specifically impinges upon the holy work of Mashgichim (kosher supervisors), declaring that they “simply can’t” do their jobs.  That’s loshon hara, taking away someones livelihood, and damaging the reputation of klei kodesh (holy workers).  If mashgichim can’t be trusted, how can we buy kosher food?  How can we send our children to school and trust they will be taught holy topics?

In the not so distant past our holy rabbonim and chachamim and community leaders followed the wise demand of Gemora not to make a ruling that the community would ignore or not follow.  Because one would merely turn the community away from G-d and His Torah (somewhat of the “hey, if I’m already a sinner” syndrome).  Sadly the zealots pushing such posters don’t seem to realize (good eye) or perhaps don’t care (bad eye) about the damage they are causing.

Here’s my advice…

A. If you are concerned, ASK YOUR RABBI.

B. If it’s on a poster, it’s propaganda.  If it’s on a poster with multiple rabbinical signatures, it’s lying manipulated propaganda.

C. Don’t get your spiritual direction or rabbinical advice from a wall poster.  Because you’re merely being manipulated by the zealot of the moment.

This post first appeared on Mystical Paths, please read the originial post: here

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Lies of Wigs and Posters and attacks on Emunah


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