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7 Simple SEO Strategy Tips To Help You Rank Higher

SEO strategy. I am sure you are scratching your head trying to think of a good strategy for SEO. But where can you start? What are some tips on that?

The most important thing you need to know about SEO is that it doesn’t have to be complicated.

You can do everything right and still see your website drop in ranking on Google searches due the latest algorithm updates from their search engine, but there are some basic concepts every marketer should understand if they want their business online presence seen by potential customers who may not already know them personally or found out through traditional methods like AdWords campaigns

The good news? All these tough procedures we’ve got going down now don’t require too much education. 

In this article we’re going to discuss 7 simple SEO strategy tips to help you rank higher. Are you ready? Let’s dive right in then!

1. Know Your Keywords

Marketo has a great explanation about this. Let’s take a look:

First things first. You can’t do much without knowing what keywords your target market is using to find solutions to their problems that your company solves. This requires a little research. Step inside the shoes of the potential customer of your product or service. How would you find solutions to your problem? What would you search for in your search engine? For example, if you sell organic dog food, your potential customer is probably concerned about her dog’s health. Maybe her dog has food allergies and she’s concerned about the chemicals and byproducts in most dog foods. Start searching. What sites pop up? Look at the words used in those snippets.

In my “dog has food allergies” query above, words like “sensitivities,” ”natural,” and “balanced” show up. Don’t forget to think about related words, like synonyms ( can be your best friend) and groups of words. Back to our dog with food allergies search. You could consider keyword phrases such as “food sensitivities,” “all natural diet,” “complete balanced nourishment,” and “only natural ingredients.”

2. Make a list of topics.

Keywords are still an important part of SEO, but they’re no longer the first step. Instead you should consider making a list of topics your content wants to address and research those words using Google’s Keyword Tool or another service such as Ahrefs . Once compiled take some time uncovering what search volume these particular key terms have so that when writing for keywords it will be easier on both yourself and potential customers who might find value in reading about whatever subject matter concerns them most at any given moment

By considering the keywords you want to rank for, but not dedicating an entire blog post or article on that single topic alone can be very beneficial.

You’ll associate these topics with popular short-tail keywords without having all of your focus devoted to just one specific type of strategic keyword!

3. Create a List of Keywords

As Backlinko explains, Keyword research is usually the first step of any legit SEO strategy.

And one of the best ways to find keywords that your target customers search for?

Google Suggest.

Start typing a keyword into Google’s search field, and it will populate a list of suggestions

These usually make great keywords for SEO because they come straight from Google.

(Which means you know that people are actually searching for them.)

Plus, longer keywords (known as “long tail keywords”) tend to be less competitive than “short tail” terms.

So even though long tails have relatively low search volume levels, they’re much easier to rank for.

I recommend typing a few different keywords into Google until you have a list of about 10 keywords.

If you want to check out the search volume and competition levels for those terms, you can use a keyword tool like Semrush or Ubersuggest.

4. Keyword targeting

The fourth tip of SEO Strategy Tips To Help You Rank Higher is keyword targeting.

Keywords are an integral part of determining your website’s rankings. The right amount will ensure that you reach the top spots on Google and other search engines, so use them strategically!

In the past it was all about stuffing as many keywords into one page just to see what sticks – but such practices were eventually penalized because they became spammy or unnatural-looking (depending upon how this person wants their content ranked). Nowadays we do our keyword research early enough then put those phrases at various points throughout any given piece of writing; remember: less is often more when designing online storefront

5. Backlinks

Another crucial factor in SEO performance is acquiring backlinks, as wordstream correctly mentions.. This is when another website links to yours in an article or blog post. Not only does this help you gain what is known as domain authority, but it also directly improves the chances of people clicking through to your website if it appears on other reliable domains.

You can earn organic links by simply writing engaging content: the better your work and the more closely you match with a person’s search intent, the more likely others in your industry are to reference your site. This overarching process is known as link-building and while you can simply reach out to other sites to trade links, there a plenty of other activities that can help speed up this process:

  • Guest blogging.
  • Testimonials.
  • Answering questions on sites like Quora.
  • Creating shareable content such as videos and infographics.
  • Using industry contacts and sharing on social (e.g. LinkedIn).

6. Write High-Quality Content

Your content should answer the questions your customers have and provide them with insights they can use.
It’s also important that you educate people so everyone has a better understanding of what it takes to be successful in their field!
When writing great articles, remember – keyword usage isn’t about stuffing pages full-of keywords but rather using appropriate ones naturally throughout each piece without overpowering or overwhelming its readership. This helps get sites ranked higher on search engines like Google because there won’t appear any overuse terms which could make someone lose interest due listener frequency repetition .0

7. Track Your Progress With SEO Analytics

You can’t make effective decisions about your online marketing campaigns without monitoring the performance of these investments. Without access to real-time data, you are left guessing which strategies are working and those that aren’t based on hunches or old school intuition alone–which could be costing you valuable time, money, and effort!

A powerful tool in today’s search engine optimization (SEO) arsenal is Google Analytics because it offers robust insights into how different elements might affect organic rankings over prolonged periods – something no other service does quite like them.

This means we’re able to get a better idea whether our content publishing efforts have truly paid off with increased traffic from high ranking pages via relevant keywords.

By monitoring your analytics, you can see how people are interacting with the content on a page-by doing things like converting them from visitors or turning off their ad blockers

You’ll also be able to track what pages they’re visiting most often and which ones seem weak spots in order for future campaigns focused around those areas of interest without wasting money advertising on other sites where there is little return because this individual has already shown an intentionality towards our offer through previous visits – making it easier than ever before!

The data gives marketers insight into campaign effectiveness so adjustments may need made based upon these findings

  • Conclusion

SEO can be a complex and ever-changing beast, but following these seven simple tips will help you on your way to higher rankings. Let me know in the comments below or feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how to apply these principles to your own website. And don’t forget, as always, that content is key – make sure you are regularly publishing high-quality, relevant content that will both engage and inform your audience.

The post 7 Simple SEO Strategy Tips To Help You Rank Higher appeared first on Travelpreneur Tribe.

This post first appeared on Travelpreneur Tribe, please read the originial post: here

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7 Simple SEO Strategy Tips To Help You Rank Higher


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