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Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love

My dearest Brenda, I was hoping to see you at the cookout last weekend. I wanted to be there early and get a good seat – just in case we played that game where we sit next to each other. I think it’s called “spoons” or something. Anyway, it turns out the Allen family is unable to play that game because they ran out of spoons half way through the meal. I felt kind of bad for Mrs. Allen but it was an opportunity for me!

Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love

• I miss the way your skin felt pressed against mine. I miss your laugh and your smile, your gorgeous eyes and that piece of hair that always fell in front of them. I longed to reach out and push it back. Everything about you was perfect, except for the fact that you were with someone else.

• Hello, my darling angel. How are you? I hope this letter finds you well. My week has been good, all things considered. I’m going to be completely honest and say that without your presence I do not love my job as much…

• Dear Jamie, I love you more than anything, more than anything in the world. I have never felt this way about anyone before. If I could be with you forever and make you happy nothing could stop me. You mean the world to me and my life has completely changed because of you. I hope that you know that I would do anything for you, give up everything just to be next to you. To see your smile and look into your beautiful eyes is all I ever need to be happy

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I miss you more than ever. I lost my true love, why did this happen? We are right for each other, you are my everything. I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Did we take it too far? What happened to us? I love you so much and can’t wait to grow old with you. Im stuck in the past, living in our future. When will my broken heart mend? I feel empty inside without your love by my side. Why did

• I just wanted to tell you that im so sorry for everything i did, I made you cry and I feel like a monster because of it. I hope you can forgive me but if not, idc i really want to be friends with you, you’ll always be special to me. by the way your gorgeous

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I’ve never met anyone like you. You make me laugh, smile and feel happy just thinking about you and I’ll never be that guy that walks away from the love of his life. You are the one for me and I promise you I’ll spend my whole heart making sure you know it and never forget it.

• Hey sweetheart. I’m sorry that I haven’t been around much and haven’t been calling or texting you a lot. I miss the hell out of you though, I don’t think it will be possible for me ever to not miss you. Every time I think about you my heart aches, it feels like an actual physical pain. Being away from you is pure torture and every second that I’m not with you feels like an hour,

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I fell so hard for you. The problem was that I didn’t tell you how I felt. You broke my heart when you said we were just friends. You don’t know how much it hurts every day. I miss kissing you, hugging you and holding your hand in public. Your smile is so beautiful that it takes my breath away every time I see it. I know there will never be another like you and it is killing me inside.

• I know our love was hard. We just weren’t right for each other. I know we haven’t talked in a while but I’m not trying to keep you from seeing someone else. The truth is that I still love you, though now I also have to learn to live without you. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I thought I would never see you again after that day, but then something happened. My heart kept pulling me back to you. I found myself missing you more and more. And that more than anything made me think we belong together.

• You will always have the special place in my heart. It took me a while to truly find you, but I am so glad now that I can carry that memory forever. Even if it is just a memory, you will always be with me. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: Thank you so much for the time you shared with me. Even though we have drifted apart and things are not like they were anymore, please know that I loved every bit of our time together. I hope that one day soon you will look back and remember the good times we had more than your pain to remember the bad.

• There were so many things that I wanted to share with you, to say about you… or maybe just to talk about – but sometimes I was too scared of talking, or revealing my own feelings… There are many things that I am afraid of, but letting you go is not one of them. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I still love you. You are the love of my life and I miss you terribly. You meant everything to me and I was in so deep with you that I had no other choice but to break up with you. It was killing me to know what we had was ending and I just couldn’t take it anymore.

• It’s been two months since we broke up, and I still think about you everyday, there is always a part of me that wishes for us to be together again. I miss your smell, touch, the times we were happy. There are nights that I cry my eyes out wishing our last break up hadn’t happened. Maybe, if we had worked on it more then things would have turned out differently. I really did love you, and still do. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: Thanks for being a great friend. I am sorry if I let you down at times, but I know that your there regardless. I want to tell you how special you are and how much I love you. We had some amazing times together, but my heart still flutters when I see you smile and when we pull up next to each other. Thank you for the memories and take care of yourself. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• I will always love you. I know that you have to leave me, because you need to find yourself. Sometimes, I will wait for your come back and sometimes, I won’t wait anymore. Because what is coming back for us? Something beautiful or something sad? I hope that it will be a s beautiful story with a happy ending, but if not…

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I never regret loving you, I don’t regret anything. I have loved and lost, that’s life. What is life without its ups and downs. You filled a void in my heart that I didn’t know existed before we met. We can never go back to those times but the memories will always be there.

• I’ve had time to see things clearly now. I’ve learned a lot about myself over the past few months, and I think that you have helped me tremendously in self discovery. I can say that loving you has been one of the best experiences in my life. You are an amazing person.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I still think about you, every day! Sometimes I find myself getting lost in memories of us. Hopefully someday I’ll be with you again. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• You are the air that I breathe, the blood in my veins, the color in my life. You are the one thing that I cannot live without, you give me hope to carry on. In you I found everything I need to be whole and truly happy. And I will love you until my dying breath.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: Baby, I’ve thought about you all day. You said you didn’t want me to stay with you last night because you thought I would regret it today. It’s true, I regret every time we are apart, but that also means that I can never regret being with you. I love you more than anything in the world and no matter how far away we are, my heart will always be right here with yours.

• Regardless of how I feel right now, or what has happened in our past, I want you to know that you will always be special in my heart. You mean so much to me. So much that it hurts. Part of me wishes things were different, but we both know they’re not. That doesn’t change my feelings toward you in the slightest, though.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I wanted you to know that I still love you, If I let go it’s only because it felt like we would be better off as friends. You have been the biggest influence in my life, and I will always cherish our time together.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I don’t know what happened to us but I wish we were back together again. It’s now been over 6 months without you and it hurts so much. I miss you so much I can barely breathe. We’re not together anymore but my love for you still burns as bright as ever.

• I love you. I would keep on saying that if I believed it would bring you back. I miss you. I still want to kiss your lips, and wrap my arms around you, but I know that can’t happen now. This is tough because even though we broke up, I am still in love with you, just not with our relationship.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: You are the love of my life. Nothing will make me happier than being in your arms and making you happy. I long for that day when we can be together again, my love will never falter as long as a part of your heart remembers mine.

• I love you. I can understand that you’re saying goodbye, but believe me it pains me more than you to see us go so far apart. Looking forward I feel a bit lost, and as I write this letter my eyes are filled with tears, because my heart is sad and broken. But I know one day we will find each other again, and until then I will love you always.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: While we were together I may have made mistakes, but I did the best that I could. I put everything into our relationship and genuinely cared about your well-being. Through all of our misunderstandings and bad decisions, my love for you has never changed. To this day it will always be the same.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I know in my heart that things may never go back to the way they used to be when we were together, but I would never be able to let you go. I could never replace you with another. The thought of loving someone else and not having your smile to come home to kills me.

• I apologize for ever hurting you, I never wanted to and I would take it all back if I could. I never meant to make you cry or feel unloved or hurt. I still remember the first day we met and the smile on your face when you talked about us both still being single.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: So much has changed since the day we’ve met. We have grown apart and yet you have remained a big part of my life. I thought I knew what love was before I met you and now it seems that my love is incomplete without you in my life.

• I’m so sorry for everything I said. I was being a total jerk. You didn’t deserve any of it. This is the longest I’ve ever been without talking to you, and it scares me – because you are still the most wonderful girl in the world to me. The only reason I acted that way is because it hurt so much and I didn’t want to feel pain anymore… But you did nothing wrong, and I love you more than anyone

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I don’t want to bother you or force you to do anything against your wishes, but my sincere hope is that you will one day feel as I do. And when that day comes, I’m hoping that you’ll reach out to me because I know that there is no other man in the world for me except you.

• I love you. I will always love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hope you know that. I still think of all the good times we had together and how wonderful it felt when I was with you. You have changed my life in so many ways and I will never forget who you are or what we had.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: Sometimes i think back to the first time we met nine years ago, when I was only 16. How could I have known then that you would become the love of my life? We always say our relationship was great because we were able to understand each other. That special connection that only two people can make. Well I guess it still holds true. Even now when I look at you I know that your that one person who can truly understand everything. Thanks for coming into my life, loving me and

• I’ve tried so hard to move on and to forget the love we had. I feel like a knife has been plunged into my stomach. I feel myself getting sick, aches and pains from the void that is you. I have ached for your touch, but I know it will never come again. I lose sleep over you! My heart cries out for you, but it doesn’t stop me from loving you more each passing day. Your face haunts my dreams,

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: Thank you for being a special part of my life. Our time together has been the most amazing and memorable moments I’ve ever shared with another human being. You gave me the best times in my life, but you also brought me to my lowest point. It breaks my heart that I can’t spend any more time with you, but I truly hope that you find what you are looking for out there. If your reading this then let me just say thank you for being in my. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• There is no one else in the world like you. I never want to let you go because then I would have to let go of the best thing that ever happened to me. You are so beautiful and kind, inside and out. It’s hard to find a good girl these days. You deserve so much happiness and I want to give it all to you. I love you so much and for the rest of my life…

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I love you. Those three words have been so hard for me to say to you. But I see that now is the time to say them, because I don’t ever want to lose you again. I wish we could spend the rest of our lives together, how long that may be, but nothing could stop me from loving you.

• I miss you, in the good and bad times. You’re the best person I know, and I truly do love you. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I longed for you before I met you. I worshipped you before I knew you. I prayed for our paths to cross before we met. And when they did, my prayers were answered. Now, every passing minute, second and hour is an accumulation of everything we’ve been through together with all the good and the bad. The best decision I ever made was choosing you.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I can’t believe it’s been two years since we parted ways. I wish I could turn back time and fix things. Will things work out if we gave it another shot?

• My heart pounds harder knowing you are in this world. Just thinking of you puts a smile on my face, and when I see you, it blinds me with joy. My love for you is unconditional, and if only you could look into my eyes and see how much I adore you. I am still madly in love with you so please with all your heart try to say it back to me. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I love you more than ever. There are no words to express it right now. Every time I see you I have the same feelings in my heart. Whenever you leave it feels like i’m losing a part of me. My heart aches for you constantly. I just want to be with you and by your side through everything.

• I love you, still. I hate that this happened and it’s my fault for not telling you sooner. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for abandoning you, I’m sorry for not responding to your texts and late night phone calls and emails. I’m sorry for breaking your heart, even though you broke mine first. But I still love you. You lost our baby but we could still have another and get married in a couple of years when your finished college. We can be happy again,

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I will always love you, I don’t forget you nor do I ever wish that I could. I have made mistakes and have said things that come across as harsh, but never once did I mean to hurt you. I just can’t let go of the memories of what we had. The good and the bad. When times are tough my heart aches for you, when life gets rough it is your face that comes to mind.

• You are my missing puzzle piece; the love of my life. You are the one for me and no one else will ever compare. There isn’t a single day that goes by that I don’t think about you, which is why I miss you so much. I just wish I could hold you in my arms so tightly again.” Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: I love you, I hate you, I don’t know how to live without you. You burn my heart, but I still want more. Your love is a poison, but I will drink it forever. It hurts to breathe without your hand in mine. But this pain is at the same time indescribable pleasure.

• I realized that I never told you how much you mean to me. I saw the book you found in the attic and read what I had written to you long ago. It brought back so many memories and feelings. I am glad to see that you have it. You had charged it on your side of the bed before we broke up, knowing that someday I would come back for it. But here you are still waiting for me, even after all these years. I can feel. Letter to my ex girlfriend that I still love:

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: To my baby- I know that I have said this before, but I want to make sure you truly understand how I feel. Sometimes words aren’t enough just a way to express ones feelings and you did that for me today. When we are together it is as if the word “perfection” doesn’t even exist in the dictionary is because nothing can be more perfect than my love for you. Man was not supposed to fall in love let alone stay in love with

• You deserve to be so much happier than you’ve been in the past. I love you more than myself and I don’t want to live without you again. This is my personal promise to do better. We can do anything once we put our minds to it. Strong people make strong choices!

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: You were my best friend and I miss you every second of this passing day. You were so beautiful, in both body and mind. We are soulmates, but we’ve lost our way. In life there are lessons to be learned and sometimes we have to travel down the wrong road before finding the right one. Love is a better teacher than any book and pain is the only way to gain its knowledge. I know now that breaking up was the biggest mistake of my life. I only

• I am sorry for everything I did to hurt you. I just didn’t think I was good enough. It was a nightmare seeing your name pop up in every Facebook friend request and then having no way of reaching out to you. I realize now it was my mistake and I wish so much that I could turn back time and fix my errors.

• Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love: This isn’t right, There must have been some mistake. I won’t let this happen. My baby you are my life. You are the best and most beautiful girl in the whole world, and if I have to relive it all again, I would do it a thousand times even knowing how everything would end. I will never forget you, I will always love you.

The post Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love appeared first on Jeocity.

This post first appeared on Jeocity, please read the originial post: here

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Message to My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love


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