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Can Cats Eat Apples?

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For humans, apples are a treasure. But when it comes down to our own feline friends, you may ask: can cats eat apples?

Because they’re packed with nutrition and pleasant sweetness, cat owners also wonder if they’re able to get anything out of them.

By covering this topic in detail, we’ll uncover the secrets of where apples fit into the cat diet. Some cats love the taste, but there’s a lot more to know to keep your apple-loving cat healthy.

An Apple A Day – For Cats?

Many animals are fond of apples, including birds and even dogs. They’re natural, tasty and packed with vitamins that are required by all kinds of creatures.

Strangely enough, cats aren’t one of these creatures. Apples aren’t bad for cats, but cats don’t really get much from them.

That said, apples can still make for decent, if only occasional, snacks.

Do Cats Like Apples?

Each cat is a little bit different when it comes to their likes and dislikes. The vast majority of cats love meat and fish.

Since these are foods they need to survive, it makes perfect sense. Yet, some cats may also enjoy the taste of other foods as well – such as apples.

If your cat likes apples, then it’s wise to know how to prepare them. You’ll also want to make sure to avoid giving them too much, too often.

On the other hand, there’s no need to force a cat who doesn’t like them. Apples aren’t a necessary part of the cat diet like animal proteins are.

How To Prepare Apples For Cats

Preparation starts when you’re picking out the apple you want to share with your cat. If you can afford it, an organic apple is best.

Otherwise, just be prepared to clean it very well. When you have it ready, give it a good wash to get rid of any pesticides that may be on it.

You’ll also need to peel the skin and get rid of any stems, seeds or leaves you find. This is highly important, as these parts can be toxic to your cat.

Finally, be careful about how you serve the apple. If the pieces are too large, your cat may choke on them.

Adding a few small pieces to their dry or homemade cat food can be a good option. Otherwise, you can slice them up very neatly or puree them.

How Can Apples Be Dangerous?

If you’re planning to give your cat apples then there’s one aspect worth being aware of. Apples themselves aren’t dangerous to cats, but their seeds, stems, and leaves can be.

These parts contain a chemical known as cyanide. If a cat consumes too much, it can result in an emergency vet trip.

Make sure to remove any traces of seeds or other cyanide-containing portions thoroughly. It’s worth the extra effort to keep your furry buddy happy and healthy.

Be careful when storing apples, as cats may chew on the stems if they are able to reach them.

How Often Should Cats Have Apples?

Apples work best as a treat only given to your cat once in a while. If you give your cat one treat per day, then perhaps one out of every 3 or 4 treats should be an apple.

That said, this can also depend on how the apple is prepared. If it’s a smaller amount of apple, combined into a treat with fish or other foods that are good for cats, you may be able to give them a little more often.

Can Cats Have Applesauce?

The answer to this really depends on where the applesauce is coming from. Applesauce you purchase in a store is likely to have other ingredients that your cat really doesn’t need.

However, if you make the applesauce yourself and stick to using apples only, then there’s nothing wrong with it.

Just remember that cats should only have a small amount. Too much means too many calories, too much sugar and more fiber than their body needs.

Apples aren’t as healthy for cats as they are for humans. Be careful about how much you give to them.

Pros Of Apples For Cats

It’s hard for a human to snack on too many apples, but it doesn’t take much for a small carnivore. That said, there are some benefits that apples can provide to your feline friend.


While cats may not seem like they are as prone to cold or flu symptoms as we are, they still need strong immune systems. In just about any kind of illness or injury, the immune system is vital to helping cats return to health.

As a result, your cat can only benefit from antioxidants, which strengthen that system.

A large number of antioxidants can be found in this tasty fruit. While cats might not get as much nutrition from them as they do from meat, they can still be helpful.

Because of this, you can take heart in knowing that apples aren’t just a great treat, they help to protect your cat as well.


Calcium is something we all need. It’s incredibly beneficial to the bones and muscles in our bodies.

This applies to cats as well. They need plenty of calcium to keep their bones from becoming brittle.

Furthermore, it’s useful in keeping their muscles working well, including their heart.

Pet lovers know that keeping their pet healthy is so important. We want our pets to live as long as possible.

Making sure they have strong bones and healthy hearts is absolutely key to that purpose. Whether you give your cat apples or not, make sure they still get enough calcium.


Like calcium, vitamins are also extremely important to a healthy body. Vitamins range all over the spectrum, and they keep just about all of our systems in check.

From hair growth to skin and organ health, vitamins allow different body parts to get what they need.

Apples are packed with various vitamins that can help to keep your cat in great health. It certainly doesn’t hurt to add them into treats you make for your cat, or just give them a small amount if they like eating the fruit alone.

As long as there are no seeds and the apple is cleaned and chopped well, there’s no reason for them not to have some once in a while.


Most creatures need some amount of fiber in their diet. It’s a great tool for keeping the digestive system working smoothly.

Because cats are carnivores, they need a lot less fiber than other creatures. In the wild, the fiber they would consume would only come from their prey.

This is another reason to limit the amount of apple you give to your cat. An occasional apple treat shouldn’t cause too much of an issue.

On the other hand, too much might upset their digestive systems. As long as you give it in moderation, that additional fiber should be helpful rather than harmful.

Cons Of Apples For Cats

When you’re giving apples to your cat, it’s worth considering the aspects that might not be as positive. The apple itself might be okay, but other chemicals in or on the apple might not be.

These downfalls are worth keeping in mind if you have a cat who just loves to snack on apples.

Choking Hazards

Be careful with how you give apples to your cat. Pieces that are too large can become choking hazards.

Often, it is best to either soften the apples by turning them into a puree or by baking them. If your cat prefers regular pieces of uncooked apple, cut them small enough that he won’t have trouble getting them down.

You should also skin your apples as well before. Since this may also be a choking hazard, it doesn’t hurt to be too safe when keeping your feline friend safe!


Unless you routinely make a habit of purchasing organic apples, then there’s a good chance the apples in your home have some kind of pesticide on them. In either case, it’s a good idea to wash your apples well before giving some to your cat or having some yourself.

The extra effort is worthwhile for peace of mind.

You can also choose to buy regular apples for yourself and an organic apple for your cat if you don’t want to spend too much. It may seem like an unneeded sacrifice, but cat people everywhere know that our pets deserve it.

Nutritional Value

If you’ve done any research on cats or what they should eat, the words “obligate carnivore” may pop up more than once. What this term means is that cats get pretty much everything their body needs from various forms of meat.

They aren’t omnivores like humans or even dogs, who can get a decent amount of nutrition from fruits and vegetables.

Generally speaking, cats don’t get a lot from fruit like apples. That said, they can sometimes get a few benefits from some of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber they contain.

As long as cats are getting plenty of meat-based nutrition, some extras here and there won’t hurt.

Balanced nutrition is extremely important for any living being. When we aren’t getting what we need, we can feel ill.

Get your cat to a vet if you have any worries about their diet. The professionals at a vet’s office will be able to check your cat out and provide tips for giving them healthy meals.

Your vet may even offer a high-quality food option that you can purchase directly from them. Some cats lead much healthier lives with prescription foods.

Apple Treat Recipes For Cats

Apples can make for a great addition to cat treats. They taste good, provide some vitamins and other benefits, and they pair well with other foods your cat might like.

These recipes are great options to try out if you want to really explore your cat’s love for apples, or just give them an in-season treat.

Apple Bacon Cat Treats

These treats are sure to drive your cat wild. You might even find that you enjoy them as well!

They also make for a great way to use up any leftover bacon grease you may have around.

Apple Bacon Cat Treat Ingredients:
1 Apple, Grated
Bacon Grease, ½ Cup
Flour, 2 Cups

These treats bring together some really delicious ingredients. It’s also a great way to make use of leftover bacon grease that you may have after cooking up some bacon for yourself.

When combined with apple and flour, you’ll end up with treats that your cat is sure to be a fan of.

For the rest of the recipe, make sure to check out the Nutrience website. There, you’ll find all the ins and outs of making these treats as delicious as possible.

If you want to make the treats extra special, you can also get some different cookie cutters. Then your cat will have their own special cookies!

Apple Pumpkin Treats

These are a great treat to share with your cat around the fall and winter holidays. After all, they might be jealous that you get to chow down on all that pumpkin and apple pie without them!

Apple Pumpkin Treat Ingredients:
Carrots, 1 Cup – Grated
Oatmeal, Plain, ½ Cup
Applesauce, Unsweetened, ½ Cup
Canned Pumpkin, 1 Cup
Rice Flour, 2 Cups

This recipe from Petnet is favorite among kitties who love apples and pumpkin. You can make adjustments as needed.

For example, not all cats are fond of carrots so you can feel free to withhold those or exchange them for another cat favorite.

Petnet also makes it easy to follow along by providing a handy video for this recipe. Go take a look to learn how to make them yourself!

Can Cats Eat Apples? Final Thoughts

Not every cat is going to be fond of apples, but some might find them delightful. If that’s the case for your cat, then feel free to share some once in a while.

Just make sure the apple is prepared carefully to keep your cat safe and healthy.

The post Can Cats Eat Apples? appeared first on Quality Veterinarians Near You.

This post first appeared on 14 Essential Oils Safe For Cats, please read the originial post: here

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Can Cats Eat Apples?


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