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The Ten Priorities; Priority #3: Having Fun

The Ten Priorities; Priority #3: Having Fun

What is the only measurement that matters in business?

This is the third post in the series of The Ten Priorities: Laying the Foundations for a Great Business and Life. The third Priority is about Having Fun. The introduction to this series on The Ten Priorities is here.

If you could only measure one thing to know how successful your business was at any one moment in time, what would you want to measure?

Most business owners will mention profit. And profit matters a lot of course, if you’re not making profit you’re operating a hobby, not a business, simple as that. But there is something even more important than profit in your business, and that’s Fun.

Fun is all that matters in business

Fun is all that matters in business

You see if Business is Fun, it means everything is working. (read more about Fun in Business here)

  • It means you’re making money
  • It means your customers love you
  • It means your staff are highly engaged
  • It means you’re proud of the products or services your business provides
  • It means you have created the kind of balance in work and live that is important for you
  • And it means you’re engaged in something meaningful, bigger than you.

By focusing solely on money as the indicator of success in business, you are doing yourself and everyone else who is touched by the business a disservice.

Obviously, measuring Fun in Business is not as simple as looking at your bank balance and you have to get creative about how you go about measuring it, but it’s quite doable and it will change the way you think about building a Great Business and Life… I promise you.

Next week Priority #4: Saying No

The post The Ten Priorities; Priority #3: Having Fun appeared first on New Perspectives.

This post first appeared on Small Business Blog - New Perspectives, please read the originial post: here

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The Ten Priorities; Priority #3: Having Fun
