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Small Business Blog - New Perspectives Blog

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Follow New Perspectives Business and Life Coaching's small business blog for business tips, advice and success stories on small business growth, development and management, Strategy, Planning, Vision and Mission
Resolutions And More Nonsense
Goals, Reflections, Writing and Action How to do New Year’s resolutions when you hate doing New Year’s resolutions. It’s now a little while into the new year. Mayb… Read More
Marketing Strategy Made Easy
The contradictions of growing your business I’m confused about marketing strategies… How about you? I’ve read and thought a lot about marketing strategies, planning… Read More
Business Planning The Simple Way
The Basics of business: 10 Questions to ask yourself. Business planning: Keep it Simple Stupid There are 10 questions to ask yourself to help you create an effective business plan and build… Read More
The Foundations Of A Fun Business
The Ten Truths for Making Business Fun And building a business that sustains you for years to come: This is the first article in a monthly series on Making Business Fun. The articles are ba… Read More
Shop Now, Shop Local
15 Reasons to shop local Guest post by The Art of Windows and Doors, link at the end of this article Choosing to shop with your local businesses instead of the large chain stores has many b… Read More
How To Get Paid In Your Business
This is a guest post by Liz Parsons more details at the end of this post Don’t let unpaid invoices cripple your business Having provided goods or a service to a customer, you’d… Read More
No Business Without Sales
Forget all the sexy stuff… Focus on the three S-es first I love walking into an office supply store and getting the sexiest looking pens or clips or gadgets for my business desk. I g… Read More
Making Money From Death And Hamburgers
How to build a great businesses that create not only money McDonalds is the most effective business model to make lots of money from selling food in a restaurant setting. I think we’d… Read More
Learning To Say No In Business
Just because we can say Yes to a customer doesn’t always mean we should We’re told the customer is always right and we should give the customer what she asks for and remember th… Read More
Growing Your Business Is The Easy Part
Worry less about growth and more about how you keep your customers happy all the time I have a client who owns a car mechanics business in Sydney, let’s call him Garry the Grease Monk… Read More
My Ego And The Death Of My Mother
One year on, and all I care about now is Being here, it seems I’ve written in the past about the death of my mother, most recently here:… Read More
The Holy Grail Of Business
There are no simple secrets in business, but this one comes close I’m sometimes asked what the secret of building a great small business is. And that question always reminds me of the… Read More
The Coolest Poppie On The Planet
Who knew being a grandparent could be such fun Lady D called me the coolest poppie on the planet last Tuesday. We’d spent the afternoon with our grandkids, better known as The Twins… Read More
You can never have enough money… Can you? Most small business owners tell me that one of their biggest challenges is to get the money they believe they need to grow their business. M… Read More
Frogmind, The Buddha And My Worries
What I learned from the annual lust fest of the frogs in our estate I’m attached to my anxieties, I hope you are too Lady D and my good self have recently become Lord and Mistress of… Read More
Staff Can Make Or Break Your Business
Sometimes even good people have to be sacked How to be respectful, kind, caring, considerate, and tough as nails The March 2017 theme of the business thoughts newsletter is about staff, how… Read More
Competition, Growth And The Red Queen
We should all become fundamentalist believers at the Church of Gross Profit Whatever else you buy in your business, don’t ever buy growth Tracey launched her business about 4 years ag… Read More
Build Your Business With Snapchat
Guest post by Senior Advisers Network Get with the times… Snapchat can do wonders for your business The how and the why of the instant on and off social media upstart The latest … Read More
How To Find A Great Business Coach
The three questions to ask yourself if you’re looking for a business coach It always comes down to the coaching relationship A famous university in Switzerland did a research project… Read More
Looking Life In The Eye
What I learned from my mother in the last weeks of her life Death interferes with our bucket lists My mother died in July last year. I spent the last few weeks of her life with her every da… Read More
The Skinny On Online Marketing In 2017
Old fashioned marketing principles in the digital world How to build your business with social media I wrote an article titled “Talking to your neighbours in the days of Facebook&rdqu… Read More
Are You Holding Yourself Back?
Guest post by Geoff Anderson from Sonic Sight. Why not ask yourself: What am I really capable of? You are holding yourself back. Admit it. You already know it but try to ignore it. It&rsquo… Read More

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Small Business Blog - New Perspectives
