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what will turn you away!

Since the beginning of time it has been so easy for people to turn away from God. 


For many reasons some being the following...
1: when things get too tough to cope
2: when temptations become more enticing
3: maybe when we ask for something in prayer and we don't get the answer we want or it feels like we don't get an answer at all

We lose focus because the storm raging around us becomes more louder and sometimes scarier, the distraction of these storms helps us to sink, crumble, take upon ourselves the weight of the situation instead of giving it to God. Who is big enough and strong enough to fight the battle for us. 

When we look through the bible, we read different examples of how the Israelites saw the wonders of God yet within moments of time after they had retracted and went back to worshiping the god's of the land they were in. An example that comes to mind would be, when through the help of Moses God guided the Israelites through the floor bed off the red sea while walls of waters stood tall next to them. Once, on the other side and the people settled there for a while, moses went up the mountian called Sinai to spend time with God. We read that... after his time with God, moses brought the ten commandments down the mountain only to find that the nation of Israel, that recently saw the wonders of God were worshiping a calf moulded out of gold. (People can't always seem to grasp the idea of God working but they can't see him, people work well with physical things)

Sound familiar?

I'm not saying you or I are worshiping a golden calf. But we too can relate to times when we have forgotten how much God works in our lives... all because of the chaos, overwhelming and frustrating attacks that can feel like are coming from all directions. 

Do these phrases sound firmiliar?
- why would a loving God allow this evil to happen? 
- why would God take (loved ones name) away from me

We are all facing battles, obstructions, pure chaos type situations that can feel like you are in a constant tornado that just won't quit. Motivation dwindles, defeated attitude becomes more attractive. We start to wonder whatever did we do wrong to deserve this or why is this happening to me. I would say it's a complete natural response. But how about we spin that perspective on its head and look at it from another angle. Instead of why me? Poor me! Mentality. How about we ask God what am I to learn in this? How can you God be glorified in this? 

You see I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. I believe every good and bad situation is set out to challenge and grow us. To grow us from strength to strength, from one degree of wisdom to another. I believe God shows who we are in his eye through each situation. Yes at the time it can totally suck, but if you look back in your life. Can you honestly say you aren't stronger, wiser and more careful than you once were. I know if I look back at my life, I've certainly changed, and not in a sense that God didn't get it perfect the first time. After all the Bible says we are God's masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) I mean our character traits. God teaches us in unique ways to have compassion for others, to get an understanding for the people he has purposed for us to reach, bless and support. It's not all about us, and as we build our relationship with God. It becomes clearer that we were never meant to do life on our own. Fellowship is a vital key in life. Fellowship with both God and people. So when you next struggle, when times get so tough, firstly it's important to share our heart with God and also ask him for wisdom on who to talk to and pray with over matters affecting your life. 

When we do mess up, when we do walk away from God, he's never leaves. He is always there, waiting for us to turn back and walk with him. Once sin entered the world because Adam and Eve ate the fruit God instructed them not too, God knew we couldn't do it on our own. So in his unconditional love, Jesus came down, became a baby and grew up to die the ultimate sinners death. (I challenge you to research his death, absolutely breath taking) He didn't deserve that death. Our sins did. Yet because of his love for me and you, he took it on himself to pay the ultimate price one and for all, building the bridge that covers the gap called sin that separated us from God. 

Such beauty. 

Such love. 

We don't need to punish ourselves because we mess up. We don't need to hide because we don't feel good enough or perfect enough to come before God. God knows us both inside and out, he knows us better than we know ourselves. Just open up and talk. He will do the rest. 

God bless

Let pray..
Father God there is nothing on earth that surprises you, there is nothing we could do that would cause you to say, well I've never seen that before. Yet despite our actions both good and bad, Jesus came and paid the price for us. Thank you for such love. I pray for whoever is reading this.... That they know whatever they do, how ever far they go, you are always there, your love for them is far beyond our actions or our most hurtful words. You would move heaven and earth to bring us back to yourself.. thank you mighty God. I pray that this reader would encounter your love on a whole new level. That they'll see themselves through your eyes. That they'll learn who you are to them on a whole different experience. In Jesus name amen

This post first appeared on Life Of Hope, please read the originial post: here

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what will turn you away!


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