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21 Best Jobs For Stay At Home Moms With No Experience

Last updated on September 10th, 2022 at 03:33 am

21 Best Jobs For Stay At Home Moms With No Experience

Has anyone told you it’s really hard to get flexible jobs for stay at home moms like you? Well, they are wrong! First of all being a mom and taking care of your little one is the hardest job in the world, period! It is understandable as your baby gets a little older you want to look for a job to provide for your family and support your partner perhaps.

The world of work has significantly changed post-covid. This post-covid era is truly hybrid and becoming more and more flexible. Being a mom, itself is really exhausting so travelling to work early morning and getting back home in the evening rush hour will only further drain you.

Luckily there are plenty of flexible opportunities now available for stay-at-home moms which you can do at the convenience of your own home. Let’s take a look at some of the great opportunities you can get started on soon.

Jobs for Stay at home Moms

We will be going through a variety of different jobs in this blog, so take a pen and paper and jot down the ones you are most interested in. Then feel free to write down the positives and negatives about those jobs. Make sure to carry out more research on the job that you find interesting here, then you can figure out how flexible would that job be around your mom-responsibilities. I am sure you will find some great gems here.

1. Remote Telephone Interviewer

If you don’t mind talking over the phone and enjoy communicating with others, then you would enjoy this job. Just to be clear, this is not one of those jobs where you cold call random people and try to sell a product. In this job, you will be employed by a company who gets different contracts from various organisations and businesses including government to carry out telephone interview.

For example, I recently came across this specific job advertised on Indeed. Here, they were looking for telephone interviewers to call certain individuals on behalf of government agencies to help understand how to enhance employment opportunities in Europe etc.

These jobs are quite flexible as you can choose what shift you would like to do and how many hours you like to work. So how much you earn is really depends on how much you can take on without compromising your family responsibilities. 

2. Start A Blog

Ok, I know you would have seen this a gazillion times on the internet. But have you tried doing it? First of all, this is not a quick fix to make money especially if you are desperate to find a flexible job and earn a living while being a stay-at-home mom.

Also, not everyone who starts a blog can be successful or make a decent living from it either. The best way you can approach this is, starting a blog on the side on a niche you really enjoy writing about or are knowledgeable. This would keep you going while you are doing or looking for other flexible jobs.

If you continue working on your blogs and start earning money, then hooray! You can slowly start shifting your focus to full-time blogging. This can be very rewarding if you stay committed. I have personally come across a mom who now runs a successful blog started blogging while having a full-time job, a toddler and being pregnant.

She says it was very hard but the sheer motivation to stay at home with her kids kept her going amidst all her responsibilities. So, it is definitely possible if there is a will.

3. Online Tutoring

Yes, tutoring can be a lucrative way to make a nice side income while staying at the comfort of your own home. You can essentially tutor on any subject or area that you are knowledgeable in.

This can be the conventional subjects such as English, science, maths etc. or even music instruments, singing, drawing, painting, sewing etc. You can teach basically anything online and there is a demand for all these specific areas.

You are not required to have a PhD or Masters to teach most of these subjects. You just need to register in some of the online tutoring platforms to get going. You can make anywhere from $20 to $60 per hour depending on what platform you choose and the subject.

Make sure you only commit to a realistic number of hours as otherwise things may get difficult at home with your little one. I would definitely recommend this as one of the best jobs for stay at home moms as you can literally teach anything you are good at.

4. Flip Websites

Ok, I know this may be an odd one. This will not be everyone’s cup of tea as this requires some prior knowledge or some background understating. You need to have some knowledge or understanding in the area of SEO, digital marketing etc.

Essentially, this is like real estate except this are websites. So, what you do is, you go to sites like and find a reasonably nice blog or ecommerce site which is either a starter site (cheaper) or already making money (expensive).

Once you find a website that you want to purchase, do some background research to make sure it is really worth it. Once you purchase it, you can grow the site a little bit more then mark up the price and sell it. It’s easier said than done but believe me my wife has done it couple of times and she was successful.

Although majority of the readers will not be keen on doing this which is completely fine, I decided to put it there for those who may have the skill and knowledge but don’t know where to effectively use them.

5. Become a Proof-Reader

Proof-reading is a great flexible job for stay-at-home moms. If you have a keen eye for spelling mistakes and grammar then you will enjoy doing this job. As of now from my research I found many proof-reading jobs advertised online with nice salary and other perks.

Some of the jobs involve thoroughly checking PDF drafts against client supplied contents for formatting, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. To do this job successfully you must have a good command of English and able to work to tight deadlines.

6. Do Dropshipping

You may have come across this quite a lot of times in your life time. So dropshipping has been up and down my list for some time as not everyone can make it here. This can be a very lucrative way to make a great income if you do this right.

I personally have made quite decent five figure income from dropshipping in the past 5 to 6 years. The most money from dropshipping came recently during the pandemic time. 

 I have talked more in-depth about dropshipping here.

7. Sell on eBay, Amazon or Etsy

Again, you may have come across these multiple times. Like others, I am not going to talk about selling what you no longer need or your junks that you don’t need. That used to work in the past, but not anymore. Best way to make some nice profit is, find whether you can find offers for some popular items in your nearby supermarkets or shopping mall because chances are there are huge promotions and discounts happening offline in stores.

If you can find a great deal for a specific item, do a quick search online to see how much they are selling for on eBay or Amazon etc. If you think there is a huge gap between the offline and online price, then buy the item, and then sell it online. You may have to be on the lookout all the time to find some great deals. But this can turn into a great side hustle. 

8. Customer Service Rep

This is a remote working job which involve customer service as the name suggests. Most of these jobs tend not to have any specific requirements in terms of education. All they require is a laptop, internet connection and great communication skill.

If you have these, then you are good to get started. The job may involve answering and dealing with customer enquiries. These jobs do pay well especially considering you do not have to leave the comfort of your home.

9. Freelance Content Writing

If you are good at writing and enjoy writing then get started with this. Pick a niche that you feel like you can write a nice content on, then you can market yourself to other bloggers to showcase your writing skills. You may need to start off with your own blog, this way, you can pitch with your portfolio that showcase your writing skill. Many stay-at-home moms make a nice income from doing this online.

Once you establish as a nice content writer, you will get enquiries to do guest blogging and other related jobs. You can find freelance writer jobs in places like UpWork, LinkedIn Jobs, Indeed jobs etc. You can advertise your service in Fiverr, UpWork etc. also.

10. Sell Photos

Do you love taking breath-taking photos? Do you have that special eye which sees what no one else see? Then you can make a nice income from selling your extraordinary photos. You can conduct photo sessions or sell your master pieces.

If you are really keen about this job, then I would highly suggest to invest in a nice camera. You can earn a great living as a photographer. It is so flexible that you can be with your little one when you want to. This is one of the most Flexi jobs for stay at home moms.

11. Amazon Flex

With Amazon Flex, essentially your job is to deliver amazon parcels to the customers with your own car whenever it is convenient for you. As the name suggests, it is really flexible but you need to have a car. If you can drive and have a car, then just sign up for Amazon Flex in your area.

You decide how many deliveries you want to do and for how long. The only disadvantage is in some areas there won’t be any jobs available so you will be in their waiting list. However, try signing up and see if shifts are available in your area. It’s a great way to earn a nice income while being super flexible.

12. Become a Child Minder or Nanny

As a mom, you super qualify for this job and have plenty of valuable experience. Why not use this experience to care for other children and baby sit them while making money? Since you are already looking after and caring your children, some more addition of children would not be too hard to manage especially if you can be profitable while doing so.

You can start your own website to advertise your service or you can make a business card about your service and profile. You then distribute it in your neighbourhood or around the areas you go for grocery shopping etc.

Make sure to put your number or email in the card so interested people can get in touch with you. This is a great way to earn a nice income on the side while doing the job you already do every day.

13. Website Designer

This is a skilled job so if you have no background in website designing then obviously this is not for you. However, you can always learn it online from places like YouTube and other resources.

This is a highly profitable niche as many business owners and individuals either do not have time to build their own or lack skills to do so. This is where you come in. Many website designers charge a hefty price for their service.

So if you have the skill or would like to acquire the skill, then you can make great income from this job. I understand this may not be in many of the jobs for stay at home moms blogs. However, I decided to put it as a lot of the skills can be acquired online.

14. Be An Instagram Mom

If you love to take photos of your mom-life and enjoying the time with your babies, then this might be a good idea! Instagram is the place where people or companies to pay you to promote their product or talk about them.

There are many moms on Instagram making a really nice income through promoting mom or baby related products through their personal Instagram page. This is called shoutouts or paid promotions. You can carry on with your daily life while doing this on the side.

Once you have a really high number of followers, you will be able to make a full-time income from this. This is not a permanent job but more like a fun-hobby job. This can turn into something better than a permanent job!

15. Be A Virtual Assistant

This is one of the great jobs for stay at home moms like you. If you have great organisational skill and can do variety of tasks, this may be a great flexible job. As a virtual assistant you could be hired by other entrepreneurs and businesses to do variety of tasks. This may include managing social media sites, administrational tasks, managing appointments, speaking with clients, content writing, video editing etc. It is actually endless. There is a virtual assistant opportunity literally for everything.

16. Sell Your Breast Milk

Oops! Sorry but did you just say that? Ok yes if you have not heard this before, there you have it. Many moms struggle to breast feed their new-borns due to not having enough milk. Breast milk is such a really important thing for baby’s development especially in the early days. Therefore, sites like onlythebreast allows moms to buy and sell milk. You can make a great income from doing so while helping other moms.

Quick list of jobs for stay at home moms that you can do while your little one is asleep

17. Teach a language, be it any language, most likely there is someone out there who would love to learn it

18. Write greeting cards. Did you know you can get paid for writing greeting cards? Yes check out this article to learn more about how to do this to earn a nice income!

19. Try Etsy. If you are skilled, sign up for Etsy and sell your crafts there.

20. Create logos for blogs and websites. This is something you don’t need a lot of skills, just watch some youtube videos first and find a place where you can create it. Then sign up to fiverr, or upwork to offer your service.

21. Online Chat jobs

Yes, there are jobs for stay at home moms like this! Have you found yourself sometime using online chat service of a company to solve an issue rather than calling them on the phone? This is exactly that, except you will be the person who will be helping the customers with their enquiries through the chat function. Companies like Apple, google, Shopify and many more all do this. You can find these sort of jobs being advertised regularly in places like Motherworks.

Do I need any specials skills/tools for any of these jobs?

Most of these jobs for stay at home moms do not require you to have any special qualification or skills. For some of them you can acquire the skills online for free before giving it a go. For example, starting a blog, making a logo, selling on online platforms can all be done with a little background research and some online learning. Some of the established jobs like online chat jobs, customer rep, remote telephone interviewer, are something you can easily get started right away and can be found regularly on job advertising platforms like indeed or totaljobs etc.

Best Stay At Home Mom Jobs – Final Thoughts

Although finding a stay at home mom job is truly a dream come true, it requires you to juggle between work and family while being with family. It’s a lot easier if your little one has started going to school otherwise you just have to balance it. It definitely can be done, all it requires is the discipline and commitment. Let me know your thoughts on this blog!

The post 21 Best Jobs For Stay At Home Moms With No Experience appeared first on Money Nutrition.

This post first appeared on Money Nutrition, please read the originial post: here

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21 Best Jobs For Stay At Home Moms With No Experience


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