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Book Summary: The Tao of the Side Hustle – A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business


Today’s world often leaves people swamped in debt, and working a dead-end job with no chance of future financial freedom. But hope shines in the form of a side hustle you can grow into your new career. Lawyer and side hustle master Don Kiolbassa introduces a distinctive approach to starting your own business and building it into a viable company. Using the foundational concepts of the Tao and the Buddhist Warrior, Kiolbassa shows you how to start, develop and grow a business. His tips will allow you to gain control over your finances, express your authentic self and make a true difference in the world.


  • Taoism and Buddhism can help you move forward when you feel stuck in a dead-end job.
  • Find your skill and mobilize a team.
  • Manage your time, cash flow and health.
  • Cut your personal expenses.
  • Understand your market position.
  • Innovate for the future and build protections for your business.
  • Organize and grow your team.
  • Tailor your marketing and delivery to your customer needs.


Taoism and Buddhism can help you move forward when you feel stuck in a dead-end job.

Lawyer Don Kiolbassa discovered the power of side hustles during a time of personal and career desperation: He was employed, but in debt and unhappy. He needed to make a change and find a way forward. Fortunately, he had studied martial arts with Taoist masters on Wudang Mountain, China, and with Buddhist masters at the famous Shaolin Temple, also in China. Kiolbassa’s journey toward success is shaped by the same dedication and balance exhibited by monks and martial arts masters. By making side hustles his Tao, or “Way,” he not only pulled himself out of a financial rut but found both freedom and happiness in his personal and professional life. If you make your side hustle your Tao – your focus and path forward – you can do the same.

Find your skill and mobilize a team.

In today’s climate, many people have student loan debt, a job that doesn’t pay enough and too many living expenses. Simply having a savings account has become extremely difficult. However, creating a side hustle can free you from both boredom and financial strain.

Finding a good side hustle starts with discovering a match between your passions and your top skills. For example, when Kiolbassa graduated from law school in the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, the low-paying law job he managed to secure didn’t cover all his bills; so he began a side hustle doing martial arts motion-capture gigs for video game makers. It was a good secondary income stream, but not a long-term career path.

Later, hoping to make better use of his advanced degree and establish a new career trajectory, he leveraged his passion for property law into another side hustle. While continuing to work his day job, Kiolbassa learned all he could about property law, even working pro bono to gain more knowledge. He discovered a knack for fixing his customers’ realty pain points and began to see industry problems that his skills could solve. This side hustle, he determined, was something he could grow into a full-time career. In your own chosen field, ask yourself, and potentially interested customers, what kinds of problems could you fix?

Next, build a community of support for your growing business. Coaches build their teams by picking the best athletes for each skill, creating a team that balances out each member’s strengths and weaknesses. Make your approach similar, and choose the best talent you can find to balance out your weak spots.

Focus on a few key points with your first hire: Consider candidates’ attitudes, your chemistry with them and their ability to learn. Although financially compensating your first employee won’t be easy, try to find alternative ways to encourage them to stay on your team. Clue your employees in on your plans for success in order to keep their trust and loyalty.

“The Shaolin monks believe that the meaning of life is to find one’s purpose – a reason for being here. I learned my purpose by listening to my customers.”

Finally, build a customer base. Unlike in the past when businesses could advertise to a captive audience via TV, nowadays, screens are everywhere and customers hold all the power. For this reason, you must tailor your business around their needs. A happy customer will act as your “brand ambassador” and attract more business for your hustle.

Manage your time, cash flow and health.

Time is the most valuable resource you have in building your side hustle. Since time isn’t infinite, you’ll have to strategize very carefully how you manage it.

“If you lose money, you can make it back. Time can never be recouped.”

Pick your priorities and cut out anything that doesn’t contribute to achieving your goal. You can do this easily through scheduling. For example, wake up at 5 a.m. and work on your side hustle until it’s time to leave for your day job. Spend your lunch hour networking. Come home, spend time with your family and a few more hours on your business. This may feel like burning the candle at both ends, but as your business grows, your schedule will change and become less demanding. Use your business partners or employees to help share the load. Delegate the tasks that don’t need your expertise.

Hopefully, putting in the extra work will pay off, and your hustle will start earning you money. Tempting as it seems to reward yourself first, don’t. Reinvest that cash right back into the business. Invest in more employees, time to learn new skills or anything that will contribute to growth.

“The Tao is all about a path to balance.”

Remember, getting your side hustle off the ground takes a lot of energy up front, but you also need stamina to keep it going. Under no circumstance should you risk your health during the process. In China, the concept of the Tao teaches you to harmonize your mind, body and spirit. The Tao is oriented toward balance in the universe, and only with balance can you perform well in your side hustle. Take a page from the Tao and balance your health in four ways:

  1. Avoid excess drugs, alcohol and unhealthy foods.
  2. Manage your stress by spending fewer hours on social media and avoiding temporary satisfactions like materialism.
  3. Keep healthy boundaries with people and avoid those who drain your energy.
  4. Be present and prioritize your time with those who matter most.

A balanced, calm mind will help you handle what comes next for your business. Ideally, you will achieve what Japanese Buddhists call “satori” or a form of “self-discovery” in which body, mind and spirit all connect.

Cut your personal expenses.

If you led an army into war, your first priority would revolve around maintaining provisions. After all, hungry soldiers don’t make effective warriors. The same goes for your business. If you run through your company’s resources, then you won’t have a company anymore. It’s better to live lean at first.

“You must cut your personal expenses down to the bone.”

Kiolbassa minimized his expenses by moving into his already paid-for childhood home, trading in his new car for a cheaper used one and cutting out all alcohol. He also avoided using his new income to pay off his student debts. Every penny his side hustle earned, he put right back into growing the business. Reinvesting all his cash flow saved him time and energy in the long run – particularly when it came to his staff. Happy, well-paid employees stay loyal, and won’t leave. In turn, you won’t have to deal with turnover or spend time hiring someone new.

Understand your market position.

The more time you can save, the more time you have to learn the rules of the business world. You can’t open a popsicle shop in the dead of winter or try to sell hiking boots at the beach. Understanding where your business will fit in the market and the conditions of that market can mean the difference between success and failure.

There are three types of conditions to watch for:

  1. “Emerging markets” – Markets exist in three categories: emerging, mature and dying. For example, today board games are a dying market, video games are a matured one and VR is the emerging one. Ask yourself which market your hustle fits into and where the opportunities for emerging growth exist.
  2. “Business cycles” – Look for ways you can take advantage of or protect yourself from “fat” and “lean” stages. For example, retail stores run on an annual cycle with their “fat” stage during the holidays and “lean” in the spring. Pay attention to the larger economy as well, and avoid launching your business in the middle of a recession.
  3. “Upstream versus downstream” – Where is your business in the supply chain? Do you draw customers in and then recommend vendors, or the other way around? Your answer determines the type of customer interaction that will work best.

Knowing your market’s terrain will shape how you run your business and help you survive any rough patches.

Innovate for the future and build protections for your business.

As your side hustle takes off, and you begin to gain more stability, start looking ahead for ways to innovate that will ensure the progress of your business. Your initial idea got you this far, but did you miss any customer needs that might lead to more growth opportunities?

Ask yourself about your customers’ biggest pain points. For example, when Kiolbassa started his side hustle, he noticed that the most common customer complaint was lack of time. Most people didn’t want to travel to a lawyer’s office, fight traffic or pay for parking. Kiolbassa decided to come to his customers instead, saving them time, distinguishing himself from the competition and making them feel valued.

To stay on top of your customer’s needs, develop a system of constant customer engagement. If you lose touch with them, your business will suffer. Consider Kodak: Its business model purely focused on film sales, and it ignored the rising popularity of digital cameras. Instead of adjusting to the growing demand for new technology, Kodak stuck with film for too many years and, ultimately, went bankrupt.

“It does not matter how small you are compared to your opponents. With the right weapons and the speed of a side hustler, you can outmaneuver bigger opponents.”

As you innovate, the competition will begin to copy your moves and take some customers away. Just as athletes study their opponents for weak spots, your competitors will look for yours. While you can’t fix every weakness, you can protect yourself by becoming irreplaceable. If you consistently deliver “leading edge” innovations to your customers’ changing needs, and listen and adapt to what they want, they won’t waste their time switching to the competition. Customers who trust and value your expertise will stay loyal and bring in more business.

However, as you gain more customers, you might take them away from other businesses. This can cause combative tactics such as a price war. It’s better to find customers in areas where big businesses aren’t operating. This way you can avoid the risk of major companies undercutting your prices, and you have time to grow.

Organize and grow your team.

As your business takes off, you’ll have to decide how big you want to grow. You may have hired more employees, your profits are good and scaling up seems like a good option. Maybe your growth goal is a corporate partnership; perhaps you simply want a steady income. Either way, develop a strategy for your team that ensures they can deliver whatever value you offer at the scale you want.

For example, if you’re a lawyer whose business focuses on building trust with customers, make sure your team understands what that means and how to execute it. Having a mission statement as a general guideline helps people stay on track toward the same goal.

Beyond your statement, your team members should understand and operate within a system that keeps the workflow efficient and their mental health positive. More customers means more work, and you don’t want to overwork your employees for the sake of more profit.

“Your employees are the fuel for your machine.”

Break your business’s processes down into steps that you can then assign to a specific team member or group. For example, if you run a lemonade stand, you would break the process of selling lemonade down into three steps. One team handles the supplies and setup. A second team mixes and makes the actual drinks. And a third team sells the lemonade and collects profits. As each group handles their work, make sure they support and fix any weak spots. If team two makes cups of lemonade faster than team three can sell them, you’ll end up with a problematic bottleneck.

Hiring a proficient manager – a motivating but empathetic leader – helps keep your system running smoothly and your quality control on point. With your strong team moving in the right direction, you can continue to scale your business and expand into new customer bases.

Tailor your marketing and delivery to your customer needs.

Successfully marketing your side hustle necessitates building trust with your customers. If your clients trust you, then you never have to convince them to buy your goods. Building that type of relationship requires getting your message out in a way that makes people take notice.

Create or seek out a community for your customers. For example, if you have a physical therapy business, perhaps run some local marathons or join a gym to get to know like-minded clients right at the source. Your best advertisements are satisfied customers. They work like brand ambassadors, and keep building your company’s credibility. Thus, satisfying your customers should form the heart of your business.

Understanding customer behaviors and how your product relates to their world helps you determine the main point of your product or service. For instance, if you make the most comfortable chair in the world, you’re in the business of back support, not furniture design. Advertising to those with sore backs, rather than those who want fancy chairs, will help you reach the customers you really want. Blockbuster thought it was in the business of distributing DVDs, but its real asset was the content on the DVDs. So when Netflix eliminated the hassle of having to drive to the store, they thrived and Blockbuster withered away.

“We must take lessons from the past to build our future.”

After all your hard work, your side hustle may fail or succeed. Only you can determine what success looks like. Not all side hustles will become viable careers. Too, you might make less money than you’d hoped. Instead of feeling badly about your side hustle’s shortcomings, measure what kind of impact you’ve had on those close to you, and your community.

About the Author

Donald Hyun Kiolbassa is an attorney and certified public accountant. He is the managing partner at Donald Hyun Kiolbassa, Attorney at Law. When he is not practicing law, he is an avid martial artist.

Review 1

Sure, here is a long-form brief review of the book The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business by Don Hyun Kiolbassa:

The Tao of the Side Hustle is a book about starting and running a successful side hustle. The book is written by Don Hyun Kiolbassa, a Buddhist martial artist and entrepreneur. Kiolbassa draws on his experiences in both business and martial arts to provide readers with a unique perspective on side hustling.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • Part One: The Mindset of the Side Hustler discusses the importance of mindset in starting and running a successful side hustle. Kiolbassa argues that side hustlers need to have a strong belief in themselves and their ability to succeed.
  • Part Two: The Tools of the Side Hustler covers the practical skills that side hustlers need to develop, such as marketing, sales, and customer service. Kiolbassa also provides advice on how to find the right side hustle for you.
  • Part Three: The Journey of the Side Hustler discusses the challenges and rewards of starting and running a side hustle. Kiolbassa encourages readers to persevere through the tough times and to celebrate their successes along the way.

The Tao of the Side Hustle is a well-written and inspiring book that provides readers with a practical guide to starting and running a successful side hustle. The book is not easy to read, but it is worth the effort if you are serious about starting your own side hustle.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • Have a strong belief in yourself and your ability to succeed. Kiolbassa argues that side hustlers need to have a strong belief in themselves and their ability to succeed. This belief will help you to overcome challenges and to persevere through the tough times.
  • Find the right side hustle for you. Not every side hustle is right for everyone. It is important to find a side hustle that you are passionate about and that you are good at.
  • Be patient and persistent. Starting and running a side hustle takes time and effort. It is important to be patient and persistent and to not give up on your dreams.
  • Celebrate your successes. Along the way, you will achieve small successes. It is important to celebrate these successes and to keep yourself motivated.

If you are serious about starting your own side hustle, I recommend reading The Tao of the Side Hustle. It is a well-written and inspiring book that will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to succeed.

Here are some additional thoughts on the book:

  • I appreciate that Kiolbassa draws on his experiences in both business and martial arts to provide readers with a unique perspective on side hustling. The martial arts concepts of discipline, focus, and perseverance are especially relevant to side hustlers.
  • I also appreciate that Kiolbassa is honest about the challenges of starting and running a side hustle. He doesn’t sugarcoat things, but he also provides readers with the tools they need to overcome challenges.
  • Overall, I thought The Tao of the Side Hustle was an excellent book. It is a must-read for anyone who is serious about starting their own side hustle.

Review 2

“The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business” by Don Hyun Kiolbassa presents a unique perspective on entrepreneurship and business building, blending principles from Buddhism and martial arts. Kiolbassa offers readers an alternative approach to starting and growing a side business, emphasizing the importance of balance, mindfulness, and self-awareness.

One of the book’s notable strengths is its integration of Buddhist philosophy and martial arts principles into the world of entrepreneurship. Kiolbassa encourages readers to adopt a holistic mindset that encompasses not only financial success but also personal growth and well-being. By drawing parallels between the discipline and focus required in martial arts and the challenges of building a business, the author provides readers with a fresh perspective that encourages them to approach their side hustles with intention and mindfulness.

The book offers practical guidance and actionable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. Kiolbassa covers various aspects of starting and managing a side business, including goal-setting, time management, decision-making, and building a support network. By incorporating Buddhist teachings and martial arts concepts, he provides readers with tools to cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a balanced approach to their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Furthermore, Kiolbassa’s writing style is clear and engaging, making the book accessible to readers of different backgrounds and levels of entrepreneurial experience. His storytelling approach, combined with personal anecdotes and examples, helps bring the concepts to life and makes them relatable. The author’s ability to translate complex ideas into practical applications ensures that readers can easily grasp the concepts and apply them to their own side hustles.

One potential limitation of the book is its narrow focus on a specific audience interested in combining Buddhist philosophy and martial arts principles with their entrepreneurial pursuits. Readers who do not resonate with or have an interest in these particular philosophies may find limited relevance in the book’s teachings.

In conclusion, “The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business” offers a fresh and thought-provoking perspective on entrepreneurship. Don Hyun Kiolbassa’s integration of Buddhist principles and martial arts concepts provides readers with a unique framework for approaching their side hustles with mindfulness, balance, and personal growth in mind. While the book’s target audience may be niche, those who resonate with its philosophical approach will find valuable insights and practical guidance for their entrepreneurial journeys.

Review 3

This book provides philosophical and spiritual guidance for starting a side hustle or small business.

The author, a martial arts instructor and entrepreneur, draws from Taoism and Zen Buddhism to present principles for building a business that is in harmony with one’s higher purpose. He argues that most side hustles fail due to ego, attachment and greed.

The book outlines four “paths” derived from Taoism for running a business with mindfulness, flow and effortless action:

  • Wu Wei – The Path of Non-Action: Letting go of ego-driven control and following the natural flow
  • Tao – The Path of the Middle Way: Finding balance and avoiding business extremes
  • Te – The Path of Virtue: Aligning the business with inner truth and universal principles
  • I – The Path of Oneness: Realizing the interconnectedness of all things in the universe

The author provides meditations, exercises and stories to illustrate how these principles can transform one’s mindset and create success that is “effortless yet effective.”

While some may dismiss the spiritual elements as New Age, most reviews praise the book’s fresh philosophical perspective and emphasis on values-based entrepreneurship beyond profits and growth.

Overall, The Tao of the Side Hustle delivers a unique outlook on small business by viewing it as an expression of one’s highest self and a path for spiritual growth – rather than just a source of income. The Taoist principles provide an inspiring alternative framework for entrepreneurs seeking more meaning and flow in their work.

In summary, the book applies ancient Eastern wisdom to modern entrepreneurship, teaching readers how to build and grow a side hustle or small business in alignment with higher consciousness and virtue through cultivating a Taoist mindset of non-attachment, non-action, balance and interconnectedness – offering spiritual guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking more purpose-driven success.

Review 4

“The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business” by Don Hyun Kiolbassa is a unique and thought-provoking book that combines principles from Buddhism, martial arts, and entrepreneurship to provide guidance and insights for individuals starting a side hustle. With a focus on personal growth and balance, the book offers a fresh perspective on building a successful business while maintaining a sense of harmony and mindfulness.

One of the book’s strengths is its exploration of the intersection between entrepreneurship and spiritual principles. Kiolbassa effectively weaves together concepts from Buddhism and martial arts to provide a holistic framework for approaching a side hustle. The author emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, discipline, and resilience in the entrepreneurial journey, offering readers practical advice on aligning their business goals with their personal values.

The book encourages readers to cultivate a mindful and intentional approach to their side hustle. Kiolbassa emphasizes the significance of finding balance, managing stress, and maintaining a sense of purpose throughout the entrepreneurial process. By incorporating meditation and mindfulness practices, the author provides tools to help readers navigate challenges and foster personal growth.

The writing style is engaging and accessible, making the book suitable for individuals with varying levels of entrepreneurial experience. Kiolbassa combines personal anecdotes, philosophical insights, and practical advice to illustrate his points effectively. The author’s compassionate and empathetic tone creates a supportive atmosphere, encouraging readers to reflect on their own journey and embrace a more mindful approach to their side hustle.

However, readers expecting a purely business-oriented guide may find the spiritual and philosophical aspects of the book to be more prominent than expected. While the incorporation of these elements adds depth and uniqueness to the book, it may not align with the expectations of readers seeking a strictly practical business approach.

In conclusion, “The Tao of the Side Hustle” offers a fresh and contemplative perspective on starting a side business. Don Hyun Kiolbassa’s integration of Buddhist and martial arts principles provides readers with a unique framework for personal and entrepreneurial growth. Whether you are just starting your side hustle or seeking to infuse mindfulness into your existing business, this book offers valuable insights and practical strategies to help you approach your entrepreneurial journey with intention, balance, and purpose.

Review 5

“The Tao of the Side Hustle” is an engaging and informative book that offers a unique perspective on starting a new business. Author Don Hyun Kiolbassa draws on his experience as a Buddhist martial arts practitioner and business coach to provide a holistic approach to entrepreneurship.

The book’s strengths include its emphasis on mindfulness, self-awareness, and spiritual growth. Kiolbassa encourages readers to explore their personal values and beliefs, and to align their business ventures with their inner purpose. He also provides practical advice on how to cultivate a positive mindset, build a strong network, and create a sustainable business model.

One of the book’s most valuable aspects is its focus on the intersection of business and spirituality. Kiolbassa argues that the two are not mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other. He encourages readers to embrace a spiritual approach to business, which he defines as “the practice of being present, aware, and compassionate in all aspects of your business.” This approach can lead to greater fulfillment, creativity, and success in business.

The book also includes practical exercises and meditations to help readers integrate the concepts into their daily lives. These exercises are designed to help readers cultivate a mindset of abundance, gratitude, and service.

The book’s weaknesses are minor. Some readers may find the book’s focus on spirituality and mindfulness to be less practical than they would like. Additionally, the book’s emphasis on the author’s personal story and experiences may not be as relevant to all readers.

In conclusion, “The Tao of the Side Hustle” is an excellent resource for anyone looking to start a new business with a holistic approach. Kiolbassa’s writing style is engaging, and his concepts are well-supported by examples from his personal experiences. The book provides a refreshing perspective on entrepreneurship, and encourages readers to embrace a spiritual approach to business.

Review 6

“The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business” by Don Hyun Kiolbassa is a unique and insightful guide that combines principles from Buddhism and martial arts to help individuals navigate the world of side hustles and entrepreneurship. Kiolbassa provides a fresh perspective on starting and managing a business, incorporating mindfulness and self-awareness into the entrepreneurial journey.

One of the strengths of the book is its emphasis on aligning one’s side hustle with personal values and passions. Kiolbassa encourages readers to explore their own motivations and desires, ensuring that their business ventures are driven by authenticity and purpose. By incorporating Buddhist principles of mindfulness and compassion, the author offers a holistic approach to entrepreneurship that goes beyond mere financial gain.

The book explores various aspects of starting and running a side hustle, including goal setting, time management, marketing, and building a strong network. Kiolbassa integrates teachings from martial arts, such as discipline, focus, and resilience, to provide practical strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving success. The combination of spiritual wisdom and practical business advice makes this book a unique and valuable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Kiolbassa’s writing style is engaging and accessible. He blends personal anecdotes, philosophical insights, and actionable steps to create a compelling narrative that keeps readers engaged throughout. The book is well-organized, with each chapter focusing on a specific aspect of the side hustle journey, making it easy to follow and reference.

One noteworthy aspect of “The Tao of the Side Hustle” is the inclusion of reflection exercises and practical techniques that readers can apply in their own entrepreneurial endeavors. These exercises help readers cultivate self-awareness, develop a growth mindset, and make informed decisions about their businesses. The integration of Buddhist principles adds depth and meaning to the book, offering readers a unique perspective on the entrepreneurial journey.

While the book provides valuable insights and guidance, some readers may find that the Buddhist and martial arts references are not fully explored or integrated into the business strategies presented. Additionally, individuals who are not familiar with Buddhism or martial arts may find it challenging to fully grasp and apply these concepts in their own side hustles.

In conclusion, “The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business” offers a refreshing and thought-provoking perspective on entrepreneurship. Don Hyun Kiolbassa’s integration of Buddhist principles and martial arts teachings provides a unique framework for individuals seeking to start and grow their side hustles. By incorporating mindfulness, authenticity, and purpose into their entrepreneurial journey, readers can find fulfillment and success in their business ventures.

Review 7

The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business is a book by Don Hyun Kiolbassa that offers practical and spiritual guidance for entrepreneurs who want to start or grow a side business. The book draws on the author’s experience as a lawyer, martial artist, and Buddhist practitioner to show how the principles of Taoism and martial arts can help one achieve balance, harmony, and success in their side hustle. The book is divided into four parts: The Tao of the Side Hustle, The Martial Arts of the Side Hustle, The Business of the Side Hustle, and The Zen of the Side Hustle. Each part contains chapters that explore different aspects of the side hustle journey, such as finding your passion, overcoming fear, managing time, creating value, marketing, networking, and scaling. The book also includes exercises, stories, and tips to help readers apply the lessons to their own situations. The book is well-written, engaging, and inspiring. It combines practical advice with philosophical insights that can benefit anyone who wants to pursue their dreams and passions. The book is not only a guide for side hustlers, but also a reflection on how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Review 8

“The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business” by Don Hyun Kiolbassa is a unique and insightful guide that offers readers a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship and the art of building a side hustle. The book combines principles from Buddhist philosophy and martial arts with practical business advice to create a holistic approach to starting and growing a new venture.

One of the strengths of the book is its innovative blending of seemingly unrelated concepts—Buddhist philosophy, martial arts, and entrepreneurship. Kiolbassa skillfully weaves together these elements to provide readers with a comprehensive framework for approaching their side hustles with intention, focus, and mindfulness.

The book’s emphasis on self-awareness and personal growth sets it apart. Kiolbassa encourages readers to reflect on their values, strengths, and motivations before embarking on their side hustle journey. By fostering a deep understanding of oneself, individuals can align their business endeavors with their authentic selves, resulting in more meaningful and fulfilling pursuits.

Kiolbassa’s writing is clear and engaging, making the philosophical concepts of Buddhism and martial arts accessible to a wide audience. He uses relatable anecdotes and real-life examples to illustrate his points, ensuring that readers can grasp the practical application of these principles in their entrepreneurial pursuits.

One of the standout aspects of the book is its focus on balance and resilience. Kiolbassa introduces readers to the concept of “business kung fu,” which involves cultivating mental and emotional strength to navigate challenges and setbacks. This approach resonates with the principles of martial arts, where discipline, adaptability, and inner strength are vital components of success.

Furthermore, the book addresses the ethical considerations of entrepreneurship. Kiolbassa underscores the importance of conducting business with integrity and mindfulness, aligning with the values of Buddhist philosophy. This ethical dimension adds depth and purpose to the entrepreneurial journey, encouraging readers to create businesses that benefit both themselves and society.

In conclusion, “The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business” is a refreshing and thought-provoking guide for aspiring entrepreneurs. Don Hyun Kiolbassa’s unique blend of philosophical insights, practical advice, and ethical considerations offers readers a holistic approach to starting and growing a side hustle. This book is a must-read for individuals seeking to infuse mindfulness, purpose, and balance into their entrepreneurial endeavors, creating businesses that are not only financially successful but also personally fulfilling.

Review 9

The Tao of the Side Hustle is a book that combines the wisdom and principles of Buddhism and martial arts with the practical and entrepreneurial aspects of starting and running a side hustle. A side hustle is a part-time or occasional business that one pursues in addition to one’s main occupation, usually for extra income, passion, or purpose. The book argues that a side hustle can be a rewarding and fulfilling way of expressing one’s creativity, skills, and values, as well as a source of financial and personal freedom.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the concept and benefits of a side hustle, as well as the challenges and risks that one may face. The second part presents the four stages of a side hustle, which are:

  • Initiation: The stage where one identifies one’s passion, purpose, and niche, and validates one’s idea and market
  • Cultivation: The stage where one develops one’s product or service, builds one’s brand and platform, and grows one’s audience and network
  • Transformation: The stage where one launches one’s side hustle, delivers value to one’s customers, and generates revenue and profit
  • Liberation: The stage where one scales one’s side hustle, automates and delegates tasks, and achieves balance and harmony

The third part offers some tips and tools for enhancing one’s mindset, habits, and performance as a side hustler, as well as for integrating one’s side hustle with one’s main occupation, family, and lifestyle.

The book is written in a clear and engaging style, with plenty of examples, stories, exercises, and questions to illustrate and apply the concepts and methods. The book also uses graphs, tables, and images to summarize and visualize the key points. The book is suitable for anyone who wants to start or grow a side hustle that aligns with their passion, purpose, and values.

The Tao of the Side Hustle is a book that will teach you how to use the power of Buddhism and martial arts to create a successful and sustainable side hustle. It is a book that will show you how to use your side hustle as a way of self-expression, self-improvement, and self-empowerment. It is a book that will make you a better entrepreneur, leader, and thinker with your side hustle.

Review 10

This book is a unique and inspiring guide for anyone who wants to start or grow a side hustle or a small business. The author, Don Hyun Kiolbassa, is a successful lawyer, CPA, martial artist, speaker, and performer who has created multiple side hustles in his life. He shares his personal stories and experiences, as well as the wisdom and principles he learned from practicing Wushu Kung Fu, the Chinese War Art that was popularized by Sun Tzu in The Art of War.

The book is divided into four parts: The Foundation, The Principles, The Strategy, and The Plan. In each part, the author explains how to apply the concepts and rules of Wushu Kung Fu to business and entrepreneurship. He covers topics such as how to find your passion and purpose, how to overcome fear and doubt, how to identify and seize opportunities, how to manage risk and uncertainty, how to deal with competition and conflict, how to market and sell your product or service, how to handle legal and tax issues, and more.

The book is written in a clear and engaging style, with plenty of examples, anecdotes, and illustrations to help the reader understand the practical aspects of running a side hustle. The author also provides exercises and questions at the end of each chapter to help the reader apply the lessons learned. He also includes a bonus section on how to use meditation and mindfulness to enhance your performance and well-being.

The Tao of the Side Hustle is not a typical business book that offers a formula or a blueprint for success. It is a holistic and philosophical approach that requires creativity, flexibility, and perseverance. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who want to learn from a master of side hustles. It is one of the most original and insightful books on entrepreneurship that I have ever read.

Review 11

The book [The Tao of the Side Hustle: A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business] by [Don Hyun Kiolbassa] is a book that teaches how to apply martial arts wisdom and principles to start and grow a side hustle or a small business. The author is a lawyer, CPA, martial artist, speaker, and performer who has been involved in various side hustles, including being the motion capture model for Scorpion in Mortal Kombat and Batman in Injustice. He shares his personal stories, insights, and tips on how to balance multiple passions, overcome challenges, and achieve success. The book is suitable for anyone who wants to pursue their dreams, create multiple streams of income, and learn from a unique perspective that combines business, tax, legal, and spiritual aspects.

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Book Summary: The Tao of the Side Hustle – A Buddhist Martial Arts Approach to Your New Business


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