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How to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You? Now, that’s a question every man and woman ask themselves before falling in love. Trying to understand the mind of a girl can be frustrating. However, there are FOUR easy steps you need to take to understand how girls think and how to make them fall in love with you. In fact, most men NEVER discover these four tips on how to make a girl fall in love with you because they simply do not know what questions to ask or who they can talk to.

The secret to learn how to make a girl fall in love with you is the male desire. Join the discussion now and get useful information on love, dating and relationship.


• I promise to always stay with you and love you more than anyone else could. I will raise your children as my own, and live my life in the best way I can to make you happy. I want to be a man who is ready to give you all of his love, joy, and happiness.

• I feel like 100% of my heart belongs to you. Now, I want your heart to belong to me too. I promise that I will always treat you with the warmth and respect you deserve, as well as shower you with a million kisses and cuddles. I love you.

• I want you back in my arms. We are where we belong and where we will stay. I need you by my side, to hold your hand, to kiss goodnight, and for the rest of our days together. I promise to love you until the end of time and never dishonor the vows we made. Stay with me forever baby!

• You mean everything to me. There is no greater gift than your love. You are my world, my everything. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I don’t know what I would do without you by my side. Oh, how I love you!

• It’s because of you that I smile and laugh, feel joy and see the good in everything. You make me a better person just by being here with me. You brighten up my life when it seems too dull and are always my shoulder to lean on. How did I get so lucky to have you as my love?

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me feel so alive and on top of the world. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have you in my life.

• I would love to be in your arms. To go through the day and night with a smile on my face. I wish that I never had to leave your side. To wake every morning next to you. Would be my dream come true.

• There are many reasons why I love you. You are kind and always do your best to encourage me to be myself. I will never forget how much you love my cats and how much you laughed when I told you about that one time in college. I’m so thankful for loving me for who I am.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.

• I feel like the luckiest man in the world because I get to wake up every day to you. You’re so hot, intelligent and sexy that all my friends are jealous of me. I love how generous and caring you are but I also love how silly and sarcastic you are too. I’m just so happy that we found each other and that we’re together.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. I can’t believe that you are with me. You make me feel like I belong here in this world! I love you so much!

• When I am with you my heart beats faster, time slows down and I become a better person. Your love is the air I breathe, the stars I look up to at night and the one thing that makes me truly happy. Each day without you leaves me with a hole in my heart that won’t ever be filled. You are amazing and my life will never be long enough to prove how much I love you.

• Love is a strange and powerful thing, which people search their whole lives to find. I am glad to say that I have found love! It has been right in front of me the whole time. The day I met you my world changed and it was the best change that I could have asked for. I feel so alive when I am with you and I can’t help but smile from ear to ear. Thank you for loving me and supporting me through everything. You are loved forever and

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are the one. I want you by my side forever. No one can love you like I do. You are all my heart and soul, and I will never let you go. We belong together, today, tomorrow and forever.

• If I could live my life again, I would want to do it all over with you. Life is not about the destination, but about the journey to reach that destination and when I look back it will always be your face I see, For you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  Now I’ll tell you. If it could bring me joy to hold your hand; if it would bring me strength to listen to your heart; if her words would be wings for my soul…

• Please don’t break my heart or else I’ll probably never smile again. You are by far the most beautiful girl and the most amazing person I have ever met! Do you know how much I love you? How lucky I am to be able to wake up next to you every morning? Let’s make this work….we belong together.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I will be thinking about you the whole night. It’s going to be weird without you near me. But I’ll always remember that the awesome girl I want to be with is you, and how we fell in love.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman and I’m so glad that I got the opportunity to get to know you. You are so special to me and I hope that we see each other soon! I love you!!!

• I fell in love with you on the day we met. I had found an amazing man that loved me for me. I can’t believe that it’s been a year since then. We have come so far and though we have been through hard times, I know that our love can never be beaten. I will love you until the end of time.

• My heart pounds whenever I see you, and my mouth goes dry when I hear your voice. Every time we kiss I can’t stop smiling. I love to be around you and when we are together the rest of the world disappears. My life is so much better because of you.


• I love you. Do I need to spell those 3 little words for you? Oh well just in case here it is. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You… Do you understand now? The reason for my love for you is very simple: we are made for each other.

• I love you. Whether this is over a cup of coffee or on a lonely night, seeing you and being in your arms makes everything better. I want to give you the world, but mostly I want to lavish you with the love that flows from my heart.

• I fall a little bit more in love with you each and every day. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, as corny as it may sound. I can’t think of anyone I would rather be with than you.

• I love you more than anyone, more than anything in this world; even more than chocolate. Always remember that. No one can compare to you. You are perfect in every way that I could ever imagine or ask for. I love you to the moon and back, forever and always!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  and I know you could never love me, but I love you and want you to know that life is unfair. I’m sorry if it would make any difference.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You make my heart skip a beat and I hope you always do. People fight wars to feel the way that we do. You will never know how much I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side.

• Never doubt that you are the most beautiful and sexy girl in the world. You have a heart of gold and a personality that would make anyone fall for you. You have the best laugh, smile, voice and everything else I could ask for I have right here with me…you.

• You are the reason why I will never be content with anyone else but you. You’re perfect, in every way. I can never imagine loving someone as much as I love you. You bring out the best in me. You make me feel better than ever before, and that won’t change for a single moment. I love you, like never before.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I wish that I could express in words the love I have for you. You are the most amazing person in the world. You light up my life, and your smile is all I need to face whatever comes my way. I love you!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  My love, you always make me feel so special. You encourage and uplift me with your love and kindness. I want to be a better person because of you. Thank you for showing me that there are still good people in the world.

• I remember the first time I laid my eyes on you. It was a Thursday afternoon, and we were laughing at a piece of art in the showroom. It was like magic! Almost immediately, I knew that you were the one for me. You have to feel the same way about me, too, right? I love you so much!

• The years have gone by way too fast. I love you more than ever. The 10 years we have been together have brought us joy and happiness that no one can take away from us. You are my soul mate. My best friend. My one and only. I would never trade the time we spend together for anything in the world. I love you and that will never change!

• I’ve been thinking. Love is when you look into the eyes of someone, and all you can see is love. Your heart melts and your mind goes blank. You’d do anything for that person because you love them so much. I know what love is because I love you.

• Sometimes I sit and think about how much I love you. About how perfect you are for me and how amazing you are. I know a lot of it sounds silly, but I don’t care. I love your laugh, your smile, your everything.

• My love for you was instant, but now it runs deeper than an ocean. I can’t imagine a life without loving you. You mean the world to me and there is no one else that could make me happier. I love everything about you, especially your beautiful eyes, cute smile, and hot body. You are amazing! I look forward to spending my life with you. I will do my best to make you happy in every way possible!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I do not know the secret of success, but the secret of failure is trying to please everybody. I am sorry that I am not perfect for you, please forgive me. I will do more to make you love me. I promise.

• You are the most wonderful person I have ever known. You can bring so much joy and make me happy in so many ways. I’m so glad I met you, I just can’t stop thinking about you. I love you with all of my heart and soul. Please marry me.

• I will do anything for you because I don’t feel that I could ever deserve your love. You are my sun, my moon star, the air I breathe, and the light of the world. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever encountered and I am so happy to have you as my wife. You are a princess in every sense of the word and I look forward to spending forever with you.

• You have taught me how to love and you have helped me grow into a better person. The love we have between us defies words and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I promise to be a loyal and faithful partner for the rest of my life.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I would love to take you out on a real date. You are the woman I want. You are the one. You make my heart skip a beat when you smile at me.

• You are my one and only, the love of my life. You make me so happy, your smile is all that I need. Your eyes are like oceans that you can dive right into, with no fear in sight. I just want to hold you forever, never leave your side. Thank you for your love and more importantly thank you for being there when I needed someone most.

• I’ll spend my life loving you but still can’t see why or how I fell so hard. We’ve been together for years now and my love has only grown deeper. Wake up next to you every morning and fall asleep in your arms each night. You are the one light in my eternal darkness and I am so thankful that you fill this void. I couldn’t ask for a better love.


• You are the most amazing person on this earth. You make my life complete and I am so glad that I get to walk this journey with you. You are definitely worth waiting for! Happy Valentine’s Day baby!

• There is a reason why people say you’re my soul mate. There is a reason why I am always smiling when we’re together. There’s a reason that my heart skips a beat every single time you walk into the room… I love you

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You have to understand that you are my guide. I smile as soon as I wake up and I can’t stop smiling. I try to put a smile on your face too, so smile very often, it will be contagious!

• Hi, my name is Matt. I have been wanting to tell you that I love you for a long time now. But I was scared and unsure. I guess it’s hard to say something as big as “I love you” without being sure, but now I know for sure. I love you and only want you to be happy. You deserve nothing but the best life has to offer, and I would like to help make your dreams come true.

• My love, it’s always been you. The day we met I knew that there was something different about you. I may not have recognized my feelings at first, but as time went on it became clear. You are the one I want to share my life with. You make me smile, you make me cry, and I’d give anything to spend forever in your arms. Being loved by you is the most amazing gift a man could ever ask for. There are no

• I wish I could hold you forever, to prove my love and to make sure you’re never cold. I’m sure there’s no one else in the world who loves you as much as I do. How can a guy who was never lucky enough to be with you feel so damned blessed! I adore you more each day!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I have been in love with you from the very start. When I first saw you I knew I wanted to know everything about you. I see a future with you, a lifetime. Will you marry me?

• Let me show you the best of me, and then you choose. This is not a game; if it was I would loose every time. It is real, real feelings I have for you. The odds may say we are not meant to be but what if that is why we are? If it takes miracles to be with you then I will make them happen. If there is one thing this life has taught me, it is that love cannot be wasted!

• I love you. I’m so glad I met you, even if it can only be for now. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know the one thing that should hold no matter what, is how I feel about you. You are one of a kind and I am madly in love with you.

• It’s amazing how easy it was to fall in love with you. You are everything I ever wanted, and while I never would have imagined myself to be here, I greatly appreciate the places you have taken me in my life. Thank you so much for being the most supportive person that I’ve ever met, even though you don’t realize it.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I was scared, I didn’t think you would ever say yes! But here you stand, showing me that it worked. Because I lost my heart to you a thousand times before… I love you, sweetie.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are the one thing that I didn’t know that I needed. My love for you is pure, so complete, so beautiful, so perfect. My mind is always on you and I want to be with you every day. You are my dream come true and my heart will beat only for you.

• I don’t need a big gesture to show me that you love me, it’s the little things like holding my hand, cuddling on the couch, making me feel beautiful, and just simply letting me know that I matter to you. You are a blessing from God, and I am truly lucky to have you in my life.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I looked at your picture last night and decided I would write you a letter. I wrote it, ripped it up, and started over. I’m writing this for you to remember what we had and what we lost but also to share with you how my life has changed since that summer.

• I love you so much, in the words I put here to describe the way I feel about you. You are unattainable like the moon, too high for anyone to reach. You are everything I long for, my dream girl. Hope this brings a smile to your face and puts a spring in your step!

• You don’t have to worry about me leaving you! I need you too much. No matter what happens. You are such an important part of my life and I will never let that go. If we only have a week left together, I swear it’ll still be the best week of my life. Just being with you every day makes me happy.

• Every day I lie in bed with you and look at the amazing woman you’ve become. You are so smart, funny, and happy. All the pain in your past has brought you to this amazing point, and happiness makes your eyes shine like stars. Words can’t express how much I love watching you, being with you and feeling how much joy I get from being your boyfriend.

• If I could have one wish, it would be to be with you forever. I’d wish for us to never fight, and that we would always make each other laugh. I’d wish that we could both be honest with our feelings. If I had two wishes, the other would be for you. For you to be happy and healthy and surrounded by love because that’s all you deserve!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  Let me tell you how much I love you. It’s endless, endless is how far it goes. Whether it’s tomorrow or the rest of our lives, you are my everything.

• All I know is our love can never end. It’s like a waterfall, gushing over me from head to toe. When you are not with me I am incomplete. I think about you every second of the day, and I can’t stop smiling when we are together. I love you more than anything in this world!

• Girl, I just want you to know how I feel about you. You are a terrific person, who has touched my heart in so many ways. I can’t say it much better than the song I picked for you, so here goes: If a kiss was a raindrop, I’d send you showers. If a hug was a second, I’d send you hours. If a smile was water, I’d send you the sea. And if love

• I wonder how many times I will have the chance to tell you that I love you. I hope for a timeless eternity. There are never enough words to tell you just how much I love you and owe you my life. If a book was written about me, all would be written about is our love and how every moment together was filled with pure joy.


• I’m not going to lie. I sometimes still cry at night over you. My hopes, my dreams, my everything goes out the window when I’m without you by my side. We have been through so much and we are stronger than ever. You are so much more than I ever hoped for in love and I get one more day with you!

• If I had one wish, I would ask to be the last thing you see when you go to sleep and the first thing you think of when you wake up. I’m so in love with you and I don’t want any other girl but you. I hope that we are together forever and ever my love!

• You are the girl of my dreams. You complete me and make me so very happy. I love you more than life and I hope you always know that. You are in my thoughts and heart every minute of every day and I can’t wait to spend forever with you.

• I know that you were afraid to really love someone. I understand the way you feel. I know how hard it must be because I feel the same. But take a chance with me, our love can get us through anything. As long as we are together, we will find a way to be happy and make a new life work out together.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are the love of my life. You are perfect in every way. Your eyes, your smile, and your hair. The way you look at me makes me melt every time. I can’t wait until we do this again!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I know your feelings are real and that you love me as much as I love you, but you can’t hide them. You can no longer lie to yourself that you don’t feel the same way. I see it in your eyes. I hear it in your voice. You are in love with me too, aren’t you?

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are so wonderful to me. I’m so glad we’re together. You make my world go round and round and round. I love you more than anything on this whole wide earth! We have the most beautiful life and we deserve it!

• You are my best friend, my lover and the keeper of my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to fall asleep in your arms, wake up beside you and grow old with you. I will love you forever and always; all things in my life lead me back to you – the truest joy that I know.

• Baby, I love you so much! You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I can’t imagine my life without you. You make me whole. I always knew you were different from anyone else that I have ever met. You are everything I’ve ever wanted in life. Thank you for making my dreams a reality…I love you and always will ”

• I love you with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all of me. I will never stop loving you – even when we are old and gray, I will still remember this moment, right here, right now, and I will still love you.

• You asked, how do you make a girl fall in love with you? It’s so simple. Be her best friend and tell her you love her. Be a good listener and take an interest in who she is and what she believes. Appreciate her for who she is and don’t try to change her. Treat her well and always be honest with her. Put her first in your thoughts and plans and everything else will follow!

• There’s no one else in the world who could make me feel like you do. There’s no one else that I want to be with. The way you make me feel is something I’ll never forget. Every day I love you more and more, and I just want you to know how much I value what we have.

• I’m in love with you and I don’t know how to tell you. I love that we get to be so silly and carefree together-when I am with you the world just disappears. You always make me feel loved, wanted and happy! We are good together!

• You light me up on the inside, and that is why I love you. You are an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. You are my rock, my support system. Without you I am a mess. You are my everything and I love you!

• Anna, please. Don’t do this. I love you too much to see you leave me. You promise the world to me when I look into your eyes, but then you treat me cruelly. Please, come back to me and I will shower you with affection. You are my heart, don’t shatter it.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are the most beautiful person inside and out. You have a heart of gold and I will forever treasure you. I love you with all my heart, please don’t ever forget it.

• My love, you are so beautiful. You are the most powerful being in this world and one of the kindest, too. You make me feel whole and at peace. Every time I am with you, I feel as if we are floating on a cloud. Your beauty shines so bright that every time I look at you my heart stops for a moment in pure amazement.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I wake up every morning and thank God for bringing me you. You are everything I could have ever hoped for. You are beautiful both on the outside and the inside, and all that I am is because of you. I love you with all my heart, more than life and more than the world.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I love you so much! I never thought I would ever find such a perfect person like you. The first time we kissed I knew it was meant to be. You are the best part of my life, and that won’t change. Thank you for being with me!

• I love you and will always love you. I want to give you the entire world so that you will never want anything more than me. I’ll forever be the man who wants to make you smile every day and give you everything. I want to be your hero, the person you can go to when the world feels too heavy on your shoulders. We were made for each other, baby girl, don’t ever forget it.

• I gave you my heart, but you refused to accept it. You told me on our first date that I was a great guy and you were glad to have me as your boyfriend, but it didn’t take long for that to change. I felt like we were growing apart and heading in two separate directions. So we talked about our issues and decided to try harder with each other. I love you so much! It kills me when we fight. Soon, I’ll make sure

• There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Truthfully, there have been times in my life when I have wondered if true love really existed. But every time I look into your eyes, I am reminded about all the things I would do to make you mine. I want you so bad it’s driving me crazy!


• I looked into your eyes and saw a thousand stars. And every time I look into you’re eyes, I see nothing but you in them. There is so much to love in your eyes and it took me away from my thoughts. I am very happy that you are the person that makes me go on with my life.

• I’m not looking for fireworks. I just want someone to hold my hand. To stand by my side through the tough times and to celebrate the good times with me. Someone I can look in the eyes and know that there is only us, nothing else matters in this world except us two. I want someone who is unafraid to say that they love me and who will tell me how much they care every day.

• I know you’re busy, but this is too important to wait for next weekend. Let’s go out tonight! I love you so much and want to spend as much time with you as I can. We could see a movie, see some live music, maybe even sneak away for a late dinner. Love ya!

• I love you because you encourage me to read, even though I have a million other things I should be doing. I love you because you let me vent my frustrations instead of getting annoyed or lecturing me. I love you because you are sweet, funny and interesting….not to mention handsome!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  This may sound too good to be true, but it’s not. By some divine intervention, the love of your life has just walked into your life. Your soul mate appears before you and what happens next will determine the course of your future.

• It is a great pity that most beautiful women are taken. It is not fair, as no woman deserves to have a man that makes her feel alone, unloved, and like she doesn’t matter. Many of the women around you are deeply unhappy in their relationships. There is hope for all of you–even if you feel that there isn’t.

• I remember when I first stepped into class 2-C and saw you sitting behind the desk. The first thing I noticed was your beautiful smile! I had never seen a girl with such an angelic face before. Your eyes looked straight through me and my heart skipped a beat at the first sight of you.

• You have no idea how happy you have made me. I am so proud to be your boyfriend. With every passing day, I find that I love you more than the day before. We make the perfect couple and I want to spend my life with you. You are an amazing woman and I cherish every moment we share together!

• My heart beats for you! You have a unique quality about you that I have never encountered. Who knew that someone so special could come into my life and make me the happiest person on Earth!? I really like you and will do anything to make sure you are happy.

• I’ve always had my heart set on you! I love everything about you, your charming smile, the way you hold me close and tell me you love me. We have so much history together and I am just looking forward to all of the moments we will share in the future. I wouldn’t trade one moment of the time we spent together for all the money in the world!

• It’s not just a feeling it’s the undeniable and blissful connection when you” re with someone. You want to want me so bad… Think of the magic we’ll create together. The way our hearts and minds sync perfectly create something shared no one else can understand. I will melt you heart. I will make you smile. I promise.

• You are my best friend, my love and my life. I can still picture you that day I first laid eyes on you, smiling at me from across the room. Pure kindness and beauty shone through your eyes and we have been together ever since. Thank you for loving me and giving me the time of day when we met.

• I am sitting here and wondering how I got so lucky in life to find someone so perfect. Everything about you is wonderful, even the things that drive me crazy. Being with you is an adventure and I can’t wait to see where our lives take us next! I love you now more than ever!!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  My love, I cannot express enough how lucky I am to have you. You are my best friend, my soul mate and the love of my life. No matter what happens in this world, you will always be mine and I will always be yours.

• I love you because, you are my best friend, my love and my life. You accept me for who I am. You encourage me to be a better person in all that I do. I will never forget the day we met…… last week. I will cherish it forever and remember with every passing moment that our love is eternal.

• Sometimes I sit and wonder how you do it. You’re an angel sent from above with a smile that brightens every day, making life just a little better. I love you with all my heart and could never imagine life without you.

• I need you to know that I love you. I thought a long time about when to say it, but I needed you to know. You have made me the happiest girl in the world. I can’t wait for our life together and all of the adventures we are going to encounter along the way. I am so excited to get married and spend forever with you. You make my life worth living.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I know sometimes you can be afraid to let your feelings show. I promise that it’s safe to tell me how much you care. You are picky and I’m detailed oriented, but when it comes to our relationship, we click the most. Here’s a list of why I love you:

• Dear Margaret, All I want for you is to be happy. If all he wants is your happiness, then keep him in your life. If not, give him back his freedom and let him go and find a girl who truly loves him. Yours faithfully,

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  You are my one and only love. I am glad I met you because of all the fun and loving times we have shared. Thanks for always being there for me. You have made me a happier person and I truly love you!

• You have always made my face beam with happiness. The greatest joy in my life is loving you and I hope I never lose it. You deserve so much happiness in your life, that I am willing to give up everything just for you. I love you so much, Alexis.


• I may not be in the best position to give relationship advice, but I do have a lot of experience in relationships. I’ve been on both sides, the side that fell in love first and then broke up, and the side that realized he was in love with his girlfriend after she dumped him.

• You know how much I love you. You are the best partner, best friend and everything I could ever ask for. When you smile my heart sings and with each passing day I fall more in love with you. Today I would like to show you how much I love and appreciate you!

• As I walk up to the front door of your house, my heart fills with excitement and happiness. I turn around to give the taxi a last look, take it all in one last time. This is the place where I see you every day. You’re waiting for me at the door and give me a big hug when I walk up. I really can’t wait to spend every second with you today.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I just want to let you know that I LOVE YOU. We’ve been through so much, but our love is stronger than ever. I could never thank God enough for such a wonderful blessing, you!

• You make me feel happier than anything in the world. You are the only person I want to spend every minute of my life with. Our love is so beautiful, so pure and tender and it makes me melt every time you kiss me. My heart cannot be filled by anyone but you, and with you I am whole. I love you with all my heart!

• I know you have a lot of other things going on, but I want to make sure you know that this relationship is important to me. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. You bring me more joy than any person I have ever met, and I just wanted to let you know that I am here for you. I love you!

• I have something that I have to get off my chest. You are the most special person in the world to me. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you, and several times I just want to call you and say hi. When we started going out I never thought it would be so amazing, but since then it’s been better each day. It’s like you got into my soul and wrote letters on my heart. You’re

• I love how much you care about me. My heart catches in my throat when I think about you because the sensation overwhelms me. I am so happy to be your everything and my life was broken before it was found. What do I do? Oh, that is easy! I love you even more!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  If I had one wish, it would be to spend the rest of my life with you. I know that is not possible but I can dream. Every time I close my eyes I see our image together in a perfect world. You are more than just a woman to me, you are my best friend and companion.

• You’re my favorite person. You’re all I ever think about. There are no words to describe how beautiful my life is with you in it. I want to spend all day looking into your eyes and smile because you always make me smile.

• I want to grow old with you. I want us to share a life, a home, and children of our own. I want us to laugh every day and never stop holding hands. Why? Because when I’m not with you, life isn’t as beautiful. And I don’t have anything without you, so please don’t break my heart.

• Today is the most beautiful day I’ve ever seen. It’s so clear and sunny outside. The sky is a perfect shade of blue and the clouds are wispy and white. Just for today, I want us to forget about all the problems we have. Let’s pretend that our future will be everything we want it to be and that we will spend our lives together in a loving and caring way.

• I have never thought that I would find the kind of love that you are the reason for. You are unlike any other person I have ever met. Your smile, your touch, and even the sound of your voice cause my heart to skip a beat. I love you so much.

• I’m not sure where to begin… There are so many ways I love you, but I don’t have the right words to say what I feel. You are such an amazing person. I really want this relationship to work for both of us because honestly, you are everything to me.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I Knew the first day I kissed you that we would be together forever. You are the only girl I want, the only one I need. You are the love of my life!

• You make my heart flutter ever time I see your beautiful face. The way you say my name gives me chills and the way you look at me makes my knees weak. We were meant to be you’re my soul mate! I love you.

• I would look at her through our window and decide on a strategy. You see, I knew that if she was able to fall asleep from the sounds of my piano, then I could approach her with my heart, and if she opens up… I would know that she feels the same way as I do.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I will always love you, even when we are old and wrinkly. We have been through a lot in my 23 years of life, and our love has grown stronger. I am planning on loving you for the rest of my life.

• I fell in love with him the moment I saw him, from his cute smile to his amazing eyes. I’ve been so lucky to have him by my side. He’s given me hope, courage and a second chance at life. I forgive him for the past and look forward to our future together.

• You make me happy. That’s all I know. You complete my life and I can’t imagine what I’d do without you. Who would I talk to at three in the morning or at two in the afternoon? Who would I be able to say silly, pointless things to and have them understood? Who would be there as a shoulder to lean on, a friend to turn to, a lover to hold me on nights like these? You make me feel loved. And that means the

• I’m sitting here watching the rain and I can’t help, but think about all the experiences we have shared together. The first time we met, the first day we started dating and all of our adventures. We truly are like two spoons in a set. I love you more than anything.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  When I first met you, I never thought you would become such an important part of my life. You were there for me at every turn and picked me up whenever I fell down. We shared everything and made each other laugh.

• You have come far in life and accomplished so many things, but greater than that, you are an amazing friend. You always see the best in people, nurture them and make them better people. Your kindness and compassion motivate me to be the same way. I believe there is a lot of good in the world and I try to shine it for everyone to see. It’s because of you my friend. I love you.


• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  Cometh it may, spring is here and I am in love. I love it so deeply and perfectly that it has inspired me to compose this song of woo. A verse for every petal on the first flower of spring – a thousand pretty petals in all.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you: Be her rock. Hold her when she cries, touch her when she’s cold, take care of her when she’s sick, hold her hand in front of your friends, tell her how much you would do anything for her. And if you succeed in doing so..she will fall in love with you and give you a chance to make all your dreams come true.

• These are the reasons why I love you, and continue to love you. You mean more to me than anything in this world, and my heart would stop beating if we were to part. I need you in my life and no matter what happens I will never leave your side. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so thankful for finding you.

• you are by far the best girlfriend a guy could ask for. I know sometimes I can be so busy with school and work, but you always make time for me. You are thoughtful and understanding, and let me be myself without trying to change me. When it’s 11 o’clock at night and I’m still working on my assignment, you put on your pajamas and lay next to me while we watch movies together. Even though my frustration and stress, you keep

• For ten years we laughed, cried, argued and fought, but through it all, I have to say, honey, there’s no one that makes me feel as good as you do. You’re the most loving, trustworthy person I have ever met in my life. There are no words for how much I love and care about you. You are such an amazing lady. Every time I see you smile is the best thing that could ever happen in my life.

• I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Every time we spend together (which is rare) I fall even more in love with you. You are absolutely amazing and always there for me. I’m so grateful to have you in my life and look forward to spending our lives together.

• I want you. I want to be with you. I love the way you make me feel and I can’t get enough of it. One look into your eyes and I know that no one else in the world has ever made me feel this way. You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, both inside and out. I need to be with you…and only you.

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I’ve been looking all my life for a girl who can stand the sight of me in my underwear, and still want to go out with me. And now I’ve found her. That’s how I know you’re the one.

• To all you ladies and gentlemen out there. Did you know there’s an amazing happening on the 14th of February? Oh yes, you should because it’s the day where the men are supposed to give their women lovely flowers and take them out to lavish dinners. Well, don’t get me wrong I do love these things BUT there’s one special thing that means more to me than all of those combined. You see I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I met him…

• I remember the moment I first saw you. I felt like I had known you forever. It felt so right to just be there with you, talking and laughing away time. You are one of the most loving people I have ever met, and your smile lights up the world. You are my best friend and my partner in crime. I love you baby!

• How to make a girl fall in love with you:  I have found the one! she has everything I ever wanted. she is everything I need, a player no longer.

• Just because I rarely ever tell you that I love you doesn’t mean I don’t. In fact, it shows just how much I cherish every moment we share. You know my love is steadfast and true. I am taking these first few moments of Valentine’s Day alone to let you know how important you are to me.

• I think of you every time I look at the stars, and every time I dream. You’re in my heart and my mind, and you’ll be there always. You are my anchor – my first thought when I wake up, my last thought when I fall asleep. You are always on my mind at all times. My life is so much better with you in it.

The post HOW TO MAKE A GIRL FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU appeared first on Jeocity.

This post first appeared on Jeocity, please read the originial post: here

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