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Done For You Social Traffic LMS Funnel Review, Bonus Demo – Complete “done for you funnel” in the Web Traffic Niche

Done For You Social Traffic LMS Funnel Review, Bonus Demo – Complete “done For You Funnel” In The Web Traffic Niche

Done For You Social Traffic LMS Funnel

Done For You Social Traffic LMS Funnel – Complete “done for you funnel” in the Web Traffic Niche

Funnel Details. Up To $213.98 per Customer (plus recurring commission products)

Front End – $19.95 rising daily to reach $29.95 @ 50% Commission

The offer is a complete funnel which flows from a lead magnet to a low priced tripwire product to affiliate products all dealing with web traffic from social media sites. The tripwire product keeps engagement high as, at the end of the course, the student unlocks a free extra product worth $17. It comprises of the following:

Professional lead magnet
Squeeze page
Monetized Thank You page
Monetized lead magnet delivery page
Tripwire product – “Social Traffic Micro Course” – pre-installed in a premium LMS members area including videos, pdf downloads and quizzes.
Free gift for students who complete the course (all built in)
Sales pages for “next logical step” affiliate products at the end of the micro-course
7 email follow up sequence
All legal pages – linked and personalized
Simple to use plug-ins that that install, brand and personalize the whole funnel in minutes
Full instructions checklist with videos
Price rises to $97 at the end of the launch promotion period

OTO 1 – $47 on a fast action timer (rising to $97) @50% Commission

Your customers can secure VIP Affiliate status increasing their commission from 50% to 100% on the Social Traffic full workshops that are the upsell for their students.

OTO 2 & Downsell 1 – $197 @ 50% Commission

This is a full installation offer for the funnel.

OTO 3 & Downsell 2 – $17 @ 50% Commission

My “Sizzling 60” product that was launched in September 2021. This has sold really well both in it’s own right and as an upsell.

OTO 4 & Downsell 3 – $7/month or $77/year leading to $9.95/month or $97/year

The Rodgers Report Monthly Private Newsletter. The OTO page has a timer (individual, evergreen) and will redirect to the higher price when it runs down.

Done For You Social Traffic LMS Funnel – Complete “done for you funnel” in the Web Traffic Niche

This post first appeared on Internet Marketing Success, please read the originial post: here

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Done For You Social Traffic LMS Funnel Review, Bonus Demo – Complete “done for you funnel” in the Web Traffic Niche
