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Research Proposal


Research Proposal

Enjoying the fruits of technological revolution the society has forgotten what prices our Earth had to pay for people’s comfort. Water, soil and air pollution has reached its boiling point and nowadays the humanity is forced to choose between the technologies and nature. “Certain diseases have surfaced recently and become recognized as national security threats like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Mad Cow Disease. Thanks to an increasingly warming earth, diseases are spreading from Africa all the way to the coast of California bringing with it, on currents of warmer than normal air, exotic disease and death.”(Johnson, 50) The solution of this burning issue can be found in green sustainable business where the profits cannot be sky high, but the purpose of preserving nature recourses and people’s health are more significant and meaningful than the amount of profits. In this postindustrial age one can make a conclusion that a dream of well-equipped and technologically developed society has brought huge amount of problems not only to the nature, but to the people themselves. Due to the big quantity of chemicals in food, starting from the moment of their growing till the stage of production, a society has gained a lot of health risk like cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

At this point it is crucial to develop green eco friendly and sustainable products. As my study is concentrated around business and globalization I have decided to research the area of producing ecological plants, its sustainability, profitability and its relevance. I have found out that the pain problem with the green goods is its inaccessibility in some cities and small towns. The main idea of the project is to run a small eco friendly garden with the vegetables, fruits and greens that can be supplied individually for the clients or run a small green shop situated not far from the garden. As the additional proposal it is possible to deliver seedlings and plants for the individual growers and provide advisory help for the development of a sustainable green garden. The first step is to choose a good place and disposition of the garden and a shop. As one of the variants it can be a big roof if it is a big city. The second step is to find plants and it is important to admit that they have to be native to this particular environment as it eliminates the developing diseases.

This proposition has a lot of issues that one has to consider before starting a business. One of the main points in elaboration of eco-friendly garden is to use only natural fertilizers, earth friendly pesticides, compost and plants that bring to the fact that at the first stage the losses are inevitable. As the idea of green sustainable business is not only to use natural products, but also to conserve and preserve natural recourses, it is important to conserve the water amount by, for example, to use special devices that helps to water only the roots of the plants.

“Investment banks, such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, are pouring billions of dollars into clean technology companies, carbon trading, and other investment opportunities driven by the Sustainable Investment Revolution.”(Kiernan, 2) Recently, the idea of green sustainable business became rather popular and well-funded, even the biggest companies and corporations are trying to implement new eco-friendly technologies in their production. “The green economies and lifestyles of the twenty-first century may be conceptualized by environmental thinkers, but they can only be actualized by industrial corporations.”(DeSimone & Popoff, 1) Personally, this project is close to my aims as I want to connect my career with the business that can benefit not only myself, but the world and people around me. As for me, I am not chasing after the big sums, but I believe in the concept of having profits from the activity that can help the earth and people around me. I consider that the environment only benefit from this project as it will preserve natural recourses, improve people’s health and develop clearer oxygen. I think all people must have alternative of choosing better products and greener environment. As my specialty is business and global research, the proposal of green sustainable business connects to me personally and will use my knowledge of this course to develop this idea.

This concept is still requiring a great deal of researching and planning until it can become a reality. The proposal needs knowledge in gardening, plants and technical side of planning a garden, so as the cognition of chemical substances and composites. As every business it also demands a start-up capital and consulting before opening a deal. One of the main points is to research the relevance of the products in the specific area and whether or not the goods would be in demand on the particular territory.




DeSimone, L. D. & Popoff, F. (2000). Eco-Efficiency: The Business Link to Sustainable Development. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Johnson, H. D. (2008). Green Plans: Blueprint for a Sustainable Earth. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Kiernan, M. J. (2009). Investing in a Sustainable World: Why Green is the New Color of Money on Wall Street. New York: AMACOM.






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Research Proposal
