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Amurchem-the Knowledge Tree Blog

AmurChem is an idea to promote science education by introducing interesting and amazing information about science that will make you fall in love with sciecne and education.
Module 2:2 CSS- Understanding Syntax
Understanding CSS Syntax CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages. It allows you to apply styles to HTML elements and control their appearance. Here, we'll cove… Read More
Module 2:1 CSS- CSS Introduction
CSS Introduction CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. What is CSS? CSS is a language tha… Read More
Module 1:2 HTML - HTML Introduction
Module 1: HTML - HTML Introduction Overview The "HTML Introduction" part of Module 1 in our web development course focuses on providing an in-depth look into the HyperText Markup… Read More
True Friends Are Irreplaceable
True friends are a special breed of human beings. They are the ones who understand us, accept us for who we are, and are always there for us, through thick and thin. They are the ones who… Read More
Advancements In Chemistry
Chemistry is a constantly evolving field, and recent years have seen a number of exciting advancements that have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. From new material… Read More
Urdu Editor-How To Use Urdu Editor
Urdu Editor Tutorial using InPage Software InPage Software is a powerful tool for Urdu typing and editing. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to use the Urdu Editor feature: Open… Read More
Study Of Bull Eye
Abstract: In this study, we investigate various aspects of a bull's eye, including its physical properties, behavior under different conditions, and potential applications. Introduction… Read More
Getting Started With GUI O.S.
 Getting started with GUI O.S.Identify the basic icons of GUI O.S.Manage data (Files / folders)Getting Started with GUI Operating Systems Identify the Basic Icons of GUI Operat… Read More
SpreadSheet-Practicals Part II
SpreadsheetWork with functions and formulasRepresent the data graphicallyManipulate and format data (Filter, validation, protection,conditional formatting)Spreadsheet Tasks For this practica… Read More
SpreadSheet-Practicals Part I
 SpreadSheetKnow the Basics of SpreadsheetNaming cell and sheetsFilling column and rowsAddressing cells (Relative and absolute addresses)Paste special Basics of Spreadsheet Before b… Read More

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